The first loss is always the hardest

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Assassin POV

I ran through the jungles just as Mist told me to. I didn't plan on stopping either. I get to the fortress and find Halo. As I am about to give the drive to her an immense pain is felt in my heart." Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!" I screamed. I fell to the floor and past out.

Halos POV
He fell to the floor as did everyone else soon after. All of us falling in pain. I felt it to." Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!" The pain was unbearable. I clutched my chest and screamed out for it to stop. I felt my heart stop my hearing became acute so I heard even the buzzing of the light. My eyesight started to blur then it darkened I was past out.

My hearing came back I can hear monitors and other things. Why is everything so loud? I try to move but my body stays motionless. I try to open my eyes but there so heavy. I feel so heavy like I weigh a ton. I feel so useless and venerable. I start to hear voices mother and Warden." How did this happen?!" Mom asked him.

"I am sorry my lady but the children are linked to one another they feel the same pain." He replied.
"Who was not at the fortress when this happened?" She demanded.
"Off all the young ones, one was unaccounted for." He said." Clone of Spartan 087 was found deceased five minutes before the cadets all shut down. She was found near the human base of operations." He stated. Wait clone of Spartan 087 that's... That's MIST!!! No, no he got it wrong. She's too fast for them she... She's to fast. I headed my heart monitor speed up as I processed the new information.
"What's wrong with her?!" Mom was alarmed. I felt her hand on my chest and I relaxed. I wanted to cry but I felt nothing come from my eyes. I wanted to scream but my mouth would not move. I wanted revenge and that is something I can get I will avenge you Mist every last human will pay! My rage increased my heartbeat again and then it stopped." Oh no she can't die!" Mom called. Then I jumped from the bed I was laying in.
"Huh!" I breathed in after a few moments of not breathing. My eye blood red and red hot tears coming out of my eyes. I turned to Warden." Who is responsible for my part..." No not partner." For my sisters death." I demanded. Warden put up a holographic image of the one and only Spartan Locke." He will pay for his insolence." I say with a deadly edge to my voice.

"My comrades. We have lost one of are best. Sara.... Mist was a dear friend to us all. She was a big sister to me personally. Let her death not be in vain but let it stand for the fact that we are not indestructible but that we are all connected we all feel each others pain. So we need to embrace each other's strengths and cover each other's weaknesses. My friends Mist was willing to follow me into the dark and not know if she would come back. So now I ask you do you trust me... Will you follow me into the dark. I am willing to step down and not lead this charge so who will?" Silence I meant it I would step down. That's when I heard Cadmen.
"Halo. Halo. Halo! Halo!" He shouted. Then Unit and Whisp." Halo! Halo! Halo! Halo!" Then name spread throughout the crowd." Halo! Halo! Halo! Halo!" I stepped up and the crowed roared. Then I heard Cadmen." We will follow you into the dark! We will all come out alive! We will forever remember Mist as are sister! We will win this war and show the universe that we are the new masters of the mantle of responsibility! And we will not let anyone get in are way!!!!!" He screamed out of the crowed." We are at your disposal Halo all of us will only listen to your commands. You are our MASTER CHIEF!!" He added and the whole crowd roared. The roars turned into chants of, " for Mist! We will never die and never forget Mist!" The funeral was cut short we only had an hour and war would begin. Cadmen put on his adaptation suit which became something like an angel. Later on about 10 minutes until the battle Warden met me on the balcony as I watched the sunrise.
"The death of your comrade is actually a good thing." He said. Is he serious." In all battles the first loss is always the hardest to take. It's the one that a leader never forgets."
"How... How does a leader cope with that loss?" I asked.
"You let it drive you to your goals." He looked at me." Come now it is time to lead your men to battle." We both left the balcony and prepared are selves for the battle of the century.

WHAT! That's it?! Well don't worry the battle will not kill any important characters, I think. Poor Halo she's so naïve so easily swayed to the dark side. That's because she don't have a dad! In the next few chapters we'll see her improve her relationship with Chief. Like, comment, follow, share with friends. Thanks you guys are great!😀

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