Units crush

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Unit before the battle
I see her with some friends talking about battle strategy. I think of ways to say hi but none of them sound right. I watch as her blonde hair sways in the wind. Her stance is firm. Her name is Chloe and she's literally an angel.😍. I am taken out of my love trance by Cadmen who tapped my shoulder." Unit you ok?" He asked, oh geez.
"I'm.... Ye.... Yeah I I'm fine... You?" I stutter. He didn't by it and looked over at Chloe then a smile formed along his face.
"Unit." He doesn't stop looking at her.
"Yeah Cad." I am literally shaking in my suit right now.
"You like her don't you!" He said that in the dirpiest way possible. I stood there silent and he new the answer." Aaawwwwww. You two together that would be so cute." He imagined us together.
"You say another word about this and I'll use your intestines for shoelaces." I told him with a deadly edge to my voice. He was shocked for a moment the became regular.
"Ok one ewwww😣. And two, You really like her!" His smile was back again. Unbelievable, and this is my teammate. I started walking away when I hear Chloe laughing. I turn around to see......... CADMEN!!!! He had his arm on her shoulder and he told her a joke! I looked away for two seconds!! TWO SECONDS!!!!! I stormed over and punched Cadmen in the jaw. He fell and held his mouth." Dude what was that for?!" He yelled.
"Don't ever come near her again!! Do you hear me Cadmen!!" I screamed out of anger.
"Why, do you like her?" He said low so only I could hear him. That's when I realized what he was doing. He was trying to make me say it I front of Chloe." She likes a guy who fights for what he wants. Who won't let anything get in his way." I got the message. That's why he wasn't fighting back. He wants us to fight and me to get the girl. He... He was being my wingman. Then he tripped me making me fall as he got up." Sorry Chloe I have to teach this kid a lesson." He said out loud. I got up the round house kicked him. He caught it then flipped me over." I said I'd let you win didn't say I'd make it easy for you. After some deadly fighting I won and Chloe said to meet her after the fight. Personally I'm so excited!! And I ow it all to Cadmen, my wingman. Later on I saw Cadmen and I just had to ask." Why did you do that for me?" He looked at me a gash across his face, thanks to yours truly.
"Your my brother Unit, and brothers lookout for each other. Brothers ar your best wingman." He smiled up at me and pulled me into a hug.
"I always wanted a brother." My voice was muffled in his arms but I knew he heard me.
"Well now you got one and I'm not going anywhere little bro." With that he  and I readied for war and after that me and Chloe are going to meet life is good.

Hi I know this is short but I Found out my little brother liked a girl and he is going to the dance with her🤗😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤗 Also Hitterrollins story is no longer tied to mine. I won't say he's copyrighting my stuff but he has taken it to far. And hasn't given credit to me or respected my characters. So yeah we are no longer partner with that and I would like him to stop using my characters now.

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