Crash Landing

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Kanan POV 5 minutes earlier

"What in gods name?" I said when me and Zeb saw a giant green blob. "What is that?" Zeb asked. "I-I don't know." I told him. Then I noticed something inside the blob and took a closer look and gasped. I saw human bodies and remains inside the blob. I took a step back. "Kanan what is this?" Zeb asked me. "It's bodies in that thing." I said. "Well lets get them out!" He said and went to pull them out. "Zeb wait-" I said but I was cut off when the blob exploded. What came out was reanimated bodies when green blobs on their back. "Open fire!" I said and we began to shoot at them but there was too many. "We need to get outta!" Zeb said. "Run!"

Mira POV 5 minutes earlier

I was still in the main control room scrolling through records to find anything important. "Ugh this is getting nowhere. I need to go deeper." I said to myself. I began to look through all the files to see anything then I found something in a camera recording in the laboratory. "Alright lets see what I found." I press play on the recording.
"This is doctor Josiah hills of the UNSC Recklem Station. Me and my companions went to the surface of the Halo ring and we found this. An organic cocoon laid to waste on a crater. We built an outpost down if there was anything else we can find. So far just this thing but I still think there is more down there. But for now lets began to digest this thing." The recording continued. "Okay it looks like there is something inside the cocoon. We are now about to open it up........okay it's open. What the? It's a elite soldier from the Covenant army." *alrms go off* "What's going on?!" In the recording the elite woke up and killed all the scientist inside the lab. I watched them be ripped to shreds and heard their screams and the recording ended. "Oh my- I gotta warn them. Hello does anyone copy!? *static* hello is anyone there?!" I called but all I got was static. "They can not here you! No one can!" A voice said. I got scared and looked around to see who was it. "Wh-who are you?" I asked. Then a elite with black and red armor and skin came out of the shadows surrounded by green tentacles. "My name is Maul!" The elite said. "It was you. You attacked the station and-no it can't be-" I stuttered. "You are lost, child! Allow me show you the history." He said and reach out his hand. A tentacle shot out from behind him and touched the console I was plugged into. Then I felt a massive pain in my head. "AAAHHHHHHH!" I saw images of an unknown army on the ring. I saw little green life forms. Other images I could barely make out. Then the pain stopped. "Now you see!" Maul said and disappeared in the shadows. "I fell to my knees feeling terrified at what I saw. "Ezra"

Narrator POV

Ezra and Sabine were still caught in the tentacles grasped while the person known as Maul came closer to them. "You seem familiar!" He said face to face with Ezra. Ezra was gritting his teeth at him and was struggling to break free. "Lets see if you can help me jog my memory!" Maul said and reached out his hand. A tentacle touched to the temple of Ezras helmet. Ezra felt pain go through him and he saw Maul's memories and his own memories of his parents dying. When the pain stopped, Ezra was breathing heavy. "Ezra *grunts* Ezra!" Sabine called out trying to break free. "Ezra! Ah yes! Now I remember that day! It's ashame that you could not see their faces when they died!" Maul said laughing. "Piece of shit! I'll fucking kill you, you hear me you sonovabitch I'll kill you!" Ezra yelled. "Yes hahahahaha yes! But only if you survive the fall!" Maul said and the tentacles released Ezra and Sabine. Then the ship started to rumble and shake. "Hunt them down and bring me back anything useful!" Maul said and several elite soldier came out of the shadows. Sabine went Ezra to help him up. "Come on get up Ezra we're moving!" She said and they started to run and the elites followed.

"We need to find to find Kanan and Zeb!" Sabine said shooting back at the elite. While they were running they ran into Kanan and Zeb. "Hey what are you running from?" Kanan asked. "Elites what are you running from?" Ezra said. "Those things!" Zeb said and pointed behind them. Reanimated bodies were running after them. "We need to get outta now!" Kanan said. "No I'm not leaving without Mira!" Ezra protested. "Fine lets double back to the control room." Kanan said and they started to run.

After running past elites and reanimated bodies they made it back to the control room. "Mira? Mira?!" Ezra called out. "Ezra" Mira called in a scared voice. "Mira are you okay what happened?!" Ezra asked concerned while unplugging Mira from the console and into his head. "Ezra the elite from three years ago. The....the Flood! The Flood never died!" Mira yelled. "Yeah we figured that out but right now we need to het out here now." Ezra said. "Spector one to Ghost. We need a pick up now." Kanan said. "Negative, spector one I can not get to you. That explosion took out the gravity field the station is plumbing to the ring." Hera answered. "Great now what?" Sabine asked. "While I was in the mainframe I saw that the station had drop pods in the hangar." Mira said. "Alright lets move!" Ezra said.

They ran into the hangar bay and found the pods but there was a problem, there were only three pods. "Now what?" Zeb asked. "You guys go I'll cover you and launched the pods." Ezra said. "Ezra that's too dangerous." Sabine protested concerned. "Don't started getting sentimental on me. Makes me think I'm gonna die, just go." Ezra said. They nodded and climbed in the pods. "Be careful." Sabine said. Ezra nodded and launched the pods. "Well they're off. What now?" Mira said. Then multiple elite came rushing at them. "Mira give estimate time of crash." Ezra said. "About 10 minutes." Mira said. Ezra began shooting down all the soldiers and Flood soldiers. "5 minutes" Mira reminded. Ezra was still shooting at all enemies as the station plummeted to the surface. "30 seconds" Mira said. The station was below the atmosphere and started to burn up. "5......4......3......2......1" the ship crashed and Ezra blackout.

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