The Plan

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After explaining their situation, Sabine's mother agreed to come and help them. She said she was bringing a few of her soldiers and more to help in this fight.

The crew was waiting for Sabine's mother to arrive. "Wow I can't believe we're gonna see some mandalorian spartans in action." Mira said excited. "You sure are pumped." Ezra said. "Why wouldn't I be. I've heard so much about them but never got a chance to meet one....besides you Sabine." She answered. "Hey I'm just glad I get to see them. It's been a while since I spoke to them." Sabine said. "What happened the last time you saw them?" Ezra asked her. "Well they didn't quite approve of me going out on my own when I signed up. But in the end their still my family and family is always there for each other no matter what." She said.

Then multiple ships came out of slip space. Some were cruisers and the rest was fighters. A pelican landed in the hangar bay and the ramp lowered. A squad of Spartans came out on each side and stood in a saluted position. Then four Spartans came out. Three in gold and black armor and one in blue and white armor. They took off their helmets and walked up to the crew.

"Guys this is my family. Ursa Wren, Alrich Wren and Tristan Wren." Sabine introduced. "Hello. It's nice to meet you all." Hera said. "A pleasure to meet all of you." Alrich greeted. "This is our leader Bo-katan. She said she will be joining us." Ursa said. "I'm surprised to see you here, my lady." Sabine said. "When Ursa told me what you told her I wanted to come along as backup." Bo-katan said. "That's good to here." Sabine told her. "Hey Sabine who's the kid?" Tristan asjed. "Kid? I'm not that young, I'm the same age as her!" Ezra protested. "Tristan this is our new teammate. Lieutenant Commander Ezra Bridger. Don't let his looks fool you, he's a hardwired warrior to the core." Sabine told her brother. "Huh well if Sabine says that than you must be the real deal then." Tristan said. Ezra just crossed his arms gave out a small scoff and rolled his eyes. "Lets just go over the plan." He said and walked away. "Yes lets." Ursa said and the others followed behind. "Don't worry Ez. I don't think you look that young." Mira told him. "don't patronize me." Ezra said and Mira gave out a small laugh.

Everyone was now was going over the plan. Mothma, Ackbar and Leia was on holo transmissions while everyone else was in the bridge of the Skywalker. "Okay so here's how it's gonna go down. We are gonna need Maul to split his forces, some this will be a three way assault." Mira explained. "First: we would need General Mothma to lead the space battle keeping his air forces busy for the time being. Second: we need Bo-katan to lead the attack on his base to keep his ground forces occupied. Now the third attack is gonna be tricky: Ursa will escort Ezra, me, Delta and the crew threw the tunnels to the rings main control room. Once in we will prime the bombs in the ring and give enough time to escape and get to a safe distance." "What if a section of the campaign gets into too much trouble?" Ursa asked. "Then the escort will have to fall back and give assistant to any part of the campaign if possible." Ezra stated. "Why not just attack the base with all are forces and deal with the ring after?" Tristan asked. "Because the Night Brothers are too powerful the do a frontal assault of that magnitude. Plus with the Flood added to the fight that will be a loss without question." Ezra stated. "If things get bad for the worse, some would need to stay out side the tunnel to guard the entrance while the mission continues." Ahsoka said. "I've planned for that and hopefully it won't have to come to that." Mira said. "One more thing the third team will have to travel to the tunnel by warthogs. We can't risk flying there if the first assault fails." Mira said.

"And what if Maul plans this and attacks with all force. We'll most likely be wiped out." Alrich stated. "If that's so then we still go with the plan to destroy the ring and if we fail, then we take down Maul with us if need be." Ezra stated. "Do you believe you can make it to the rings control room and detonate the bombs?" Ackbar asked Ezra. "Sir, yes sir." Ezra said. "Alright that's our plan then." Mothma said. "Prepare for battle and Godspeed to everyone!"

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