Not alone

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West POV 

I don't know what I'd expect to find on this planet, but a sound made me turn around, my weapon poised, but I saw a pig, A PIG ?! The hell, then a mooing sound made me run past a couple of trees to see a cow, "OK, so there are Pigs and Cows, I know for a fact that this planet is not Earth, maybe I should really keep an eye out, a ship could have landed, maybe a settlement is around here, the radio could have been broken so I couldn't get a reply, but then why didn't the Covenant land on this planet ?" I asked myself as I observed the distance, looking for anything man made, but couldn't stop anything, then l poked to the base of the mountain, my hud pointed out an object in the distance, is was a chimney, then a small part of a wall, "there we go, a building, now to move on and see the owners if I could contact the UNSC or even ION, the special intelligence agency of the UNSC if possible".

I then noticed the distance, it was about 25 miles away through wood lands and up hill with a chance of hidden nooks and small rock faces, I may not make it there till night fall, "well, better get moving" I said and walked at a decent pace the the building.

It took me about 2 hours but it also started to turn dark, now, either the days are shorter, but I could doubts that as back on the ship, the distance from this planet and the sun is the same as Earth, and the speed of the the orbit around the sun, it is the same as Earth, that's what the readings said when we dropped out of the wormhole, I think I must have over slept.

Then an ear splitting scream pierced the air, that brought me back to reality, I was about 1 mile from the edge of the building, I think for a moment then use my jet pack to put me on the top on a nearby tree, the trees look very steady and seemingly able to take my weight, I then power down the jet pack and turned on the active camo and started to move to the building, then I started to see multiple building, so it's a small town or village.

At first, I thought that the covenant were here, but then remembered that they left and the wormhole closed, they can't be here, then wondered what the problem was, I got the edge of the building, jumped from the tree to the roof of the building, I found out what caused the scream a second later, there was about 20 people in robes, all in different colours, in various ages but the youngest is about 17 to 18 and the oldest being around late 20s to early 30s, but what got me the most were that they were all female.

They were all in a circle, both standing or on the floor, as if they were thrown to the ground, then I noticed that they were surrounded by 8 people, all wearing pieces of armour, leather helmets and iron chest pieces, they have 4 have swords, 3 have axes and one of them had a weapon that resembled an old bolt action rifle from the old 20th century on Earth, then some movement made me look a head of the group, I saw two more approach thee group, one had a gun, the same as the other and the other had a sword, but wore a near complete set of iron armour, I listened in, "you are going to perish, you didn't pay us to leave you so we will kill you all and destroy this village, no one will defy us" the one with the full set of armour on, then pulled one of the girls to ta side and throw her to the floor, their going to start executing the women, I must come up with a plan.

I grabbed my silencer from my utility belt and placed it on my Magnum, I put my Assault rifle on my back and jumped down, I placed my Magnum back into it's original place and draw my knife, a guard walked up to the group, about to hit a woman, so I grabbed its head back and slit his throat, I got a better look at the targets, they have green skin, all of them are males in their 20s, they could past as humans but they have small wounds or holes that what seems to be like they have rotting wounds.

The others just stared at the poor sod that I have in my grip, they were terrified, I let go of the body and pull out my pistol, aimed and fired at the 2 holding guns and one with an axe, "what's happening here ?" The boss shouted, I turned off my active camo, then stood in front of the women, the rest of the targets are standing in front of me.

"Please, may you ladies head inside, I will eliminate the rest of the hostiles" I say, then one women said "o-ok" and led the whole group to a nearby house, they all watched through the windows and gaps in the door, I turned my attention back to the targets.

"This can go down one or two ways, one you all lay your weapons down and leave this place, after apologising, but it doubt that you would you would do that, so you're going to fight me, come on, see if you can hand a hit on me with one of your swords or axes" I said, placing my pistol back and grabbing my sword, SHING, the sound of the sword coming out of it's shiaf.

They ran at me, but I'm quicker then any of them, I'm 10 second, I killed 5 of them, one more ran at me and I swans my sword high, it cut his head off and his sword in two, the body flew to the floor, the boss was left, "you'll pay for what you have done to me and my bandits" he said, clearly full of fear and rage, but more so of the first, I just say, "you are the one who will pay, attacking a defenceless village full of women, you will die tonight" and charge him, he reflects my attack and I block his, he then took his sword back and thruster it forwards, I parry it and knock the sword from his hands, I then put my sword through his left foot, he screams out in pain and grips the handle, but I grab my pistol, and point it at his head, "you will perish, from your sins, they cast long shadows over your soul, what are you ?" he shouted, I look at him, "I am a light in the dark, a protector of humanity, I AM A SPARTAN !" I shouted back and fired the rest of my magazine into his head.

I pull my sword out of his foot and wiped it clean, I then place it back into it's shiaf and walked to the house with the women inside, they all came a way from the windows and door, I knock at the door, "please may I come in, I have no desire hurt any of you" I said, this was a very ackward moment.

The women opened the door and let me in, I sat by a wooden chair, and said "there, I have helped you, please, don't be afraid of me, I'm not going to hurt you" I said again, then the girl who lead everyone in to this building stood in front of me and said, "I am Maria, welcome to our humble village, sorry about this question but I must ask, what are you ?" Maria asked, I look at the group, "I'm a Spartan" I say, "they look really hardcore" said a woman in the group, "you look very intimidating" said Maria, I laugh, then said "this is just armour", and removed my helmet, revealing my young face and my short, dark hair, "well, to be honest, I am human inside" I say, placing my helmet on a table next to the chair.

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