Chapter 3

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He was personally investigating the damaged building himself and taking charge. One would think he assumed full control over Invictus Titanicus as he should've. But the Templar only really served with the Titans a few times, mainly reading and listening to a few ViDocs about the Titans until he came across Joker directly giving him information.

Standing in the room alone, he looked around before sliding the chip Joker gave him from a terminal within the room. Getting the information all at once, he saw the word 'Templar' and it stunned him, reading it as it slid across his visor. He continued to read and/or listen to the available audio. Due to damage a lot of the information was broken, deleted, and/or firewalled beyond an extensive Smart AI comprehension. Navarro took a moment and sat down, listening to the recording himself.

'To any member of UEG, UNSC, even ONI. You are to disregard the work of Project Titanicus. Due to complications of several failed attempts Spartans- * Break In Audio* Now circling back to the topic at hand. Invictus Titanicus has a few standing orders. Continue expanding services to better humanity, protect, and eventually become the final step. However, in my years of work, that all seems futile with how this was coming closer and closer. Protocol Ride The Lightning(RTL), is an immediate combat deployment of all extreme veterans of Titans for activati- *Break In Audio* Only those cleared by TT-1 can be released from comatose and any acting supervisor and or headmistress is to be undermined until the situation is resolved or dealt with. I fear nothing will really curb his dog's hunger if the protocol is activated. This is the Science Division of Human Advantech, Templar Norra, ending encoded messages for any future Templar to hear.'

Her voice sounded younger. Less experienced than she seemed in today's standard.

Navaro looked the room over from where he sat, thinking that this was all a regular group that wanted more than what Cahterine Hasley could bring to the table with more experimental processes.

 Finally greeting the one sole entity that could rival Tiberius's command, Joker appeared before Navaro, the abnormal AI stood at a good height that most would never expect from an AI. Joker's appearance was an olive drab fatigue wearing of an old style fighter pilot.

Standing at rest, the AI stared at the Templar blankly.

"You Joker?"Navarro asked.

 "Aye, that's true." Joker replied.

"Under Red Crown authority, I need a simple backlog of the last Thirty days of one Invicta Norra. If you can, please also update me with all the current members, systems, operations and logistics." Navarro ordered.

"Negative, all members of the high three must be present in order to ful-" Joker began.

"Challenger Code Fighting Lion, Zero Zero Four Nine Seven point Three Three. I am now the acting Commander and Head supervisor to Project Invictus Titanicus. If there is even an inclination to circumnavigate this code, it may hurt us but we know how to fly blind." Navarro interrupted.

Joker moved his arms up and took off the aviators he was wearing and let them digitize away. He moved to find a spot and sat across from the Templar.

 "Bulldog, it comes to my attention you used my false callsign more than any other, at least one war ended in submission. A full background cannot be sent to you until I make sure everything is secure. Besides, I was there when the Prince was tasking you for us. Any pivotal questions?" Joker informed, the words and Cadences were slightly exaggerated or even cut off.

Navaro started to turn the majority of his equipment off after hearing the deafening tones and feedback he was receiving.

 "Who were the last Three big players she communicated with? Names, positions, operations." He uttered as he removed his helmet from his head and removed the top of his balaclava so release excess heat.

Joker silently sat there moving through the still pictures of people. One was Archimedes, which he kinda already knew. The second one had multiple panels to himself that were darkened out. The Third was one Director Eirik.

 "The last three members she spoke or communicated with. Archimedes before the Director and then this man.." Joker paused as if taking a breath.

 But Navaro was quick.

 "Statue Seven, if a person or entity refuses any base needed to comply with the inspecting Templar they are to be punished by the Inspector. Spit it out and let me investigate this." Navarro ordered.

"The man you are looking at is one Templar for the Red Crown Group COILVIPER. Kingsnake, Assigned Leader and Task Manager for the black ink anti-insurgency group under Red Crown." Joker explained.

Navaro sat there holding his helmet between his legs looking at it as he calmly nodded lightly. The two sat in silence as they waited for one to break the deliberation.

 "Thank you Joker. If CV Attacked the Titans in full, there'd be bodies at the presentation." Navarro said.

Joker caught off guard by the calmness of the Templar, he looked to the face of the Templar.

"No immediate response to exact vengeance?" The AI asked.

"No, at times like this we need to be calm. If you can, quit jamming the destroyed room please. I love my ears, Joker. Now what was said here doesn't leave us. I'll get word out to CVKS and ask if he, or one of his children, went rogue. Which, in hindsight, is scary if his kids are angry at each other. Thank you J-man. That's all for now." Navarro said.

Joker stopped and gave a proud salute.

"Shall I Stop the angry titan from coming to the room?" He asked.

 "RCP-3341-77 direct command only." Navarro ordered.

Finishing the salute, the exotic Artificial Intelligence activated a field that even shuttered his appearance. Dropping out of form, the AI's figure would break apart. Navarro waited looking at the room cautiously before making a closed line to a Red Crown member.

"Report." The voice was broken, distorted, and thrown around hiding the voice.

Navarro stood straighter hearing the voice.

"Sir.. I was expecting the Prince? Nonetheless.. Templar Operative Cloaked Veil is having a internal problem by the looks and recordings. I have already took up all things regarding his group. Joker was attacked by his own subvert system." Navarro reported.

"Casualties?" The voice asked.

"73 Dead, more than 500 wounded. Both Natalie and Archimedes are downed, health states unknown and I'd wager they won't be up in time." Navarro replied.

 "Titan Commander?" The voice asked.

"Tiberius."Navarro responded.

 The silence that grew between the two was scary, as if the realization of what all can happen.

"Sending the 9ID. We'll contact Cloaked Veil. Do not fail us." The voice said before logging off.

Somewhere in space was a ship without a name, navigational logs, nor any semblance to the UEG Network. But to the UNSC Naval records, the warship was a heavy frigate. Aboard this vessel was a simple skeleton crew. It was a personal detail of none other Red Crown himself. His ship was sending a highly encrypted and changing sequence of information to an AI. Joker worked overtime to single handily craft the introduction.

"This is God father to first child. I have a rather important request to communicate with your appointed Templar. His superior requires it." Jokers tone was calm and ecstatic to skim over certain trace signals, pinging all of his known CV-T-AI signs. Hoping to break through the walls without resistance first, knocking on the door before kicking it down.



In a dark office in a ship floating aimlessly through space, Kingsnake sits at his desk, scanning over the recent reports brought in. Needless to say, he was not happy, though his face remained in its famously neutral state.

Suddenly, a small hologram of a young woman appeared on his desk next to him.

"Sir, you have an incoming hail from Dracul." She said.

"How urgent?" He asked.

"Sir... this is Dracul we're talking about." She replied.

Kingsnake sighed as he leaned back in his chair, the bridge of his trademark sunglasses being the only thing keeping him from pinching his nose in exasperation. He sat there contemplating what to do for only five seconds, though in his mind, it felt like five minutes.

"Patch him through." He ordered.

"Yes sir." She replied immediately.

Without an ounce of hesitation, she brought up a holographic screen in front of the desk. Kingsnake got up from his chair and stood in front of his desk. He then proceeded to stand there for a few seconds longer than he had expected.

"Neo?" He asked.

"Unknown interference. Highly likely it's something on the other end, but I'm doing a full sweep just in case it's us." The AI, Neo, replied.

"No need Neo.." A voice calm, collected and seemingly cold to a degree being a slow pace.

"Mister King Snake. I will keep this sweet and simple. Your situation son?" His words speaking and then transitioning to a question. His image never showed as it stayed static but he allowed Joker's AI base stand in his place.

"Compromised, but contained." Was Kingsnake's only reply, which was a lie.

"'Contained'? I wouldn't exactly call this 'contained' Templar." Red crown's tone was filled with anger despite all his straight slow talking demeanor. But his tone didn't break out of that set level.

Thankfully, he brought himself back down to being calm.

"Son, I know you are trying to handle this, but your window is closing fast. Your time of ending?" Red Crown asked.

"Our estimates say 36 weeks at most. But with how fast we're turning up information during this investigation, we believe it may be shorter." Kingsnake replied.

"You have a third of that time. Titanicus wants blood. My personal team is going to them. Buy the time you need. Set a grave somewhere and have it dug for yourself..." His words are a grim reminder that even he seems pained by this situation. "A recommendation to you so that I don't lose two units and countless civilians. You do what you must to point Titanicus to your.. 'Fallen'. Understood Templar?" Red Crown ordered.

"Transparently, sir. We're well aware of what might happen if this is left to fester." Kingsnake replied.

Red Crown's end grew a soft crackling static of a different person speaks privately to him. His discretion now forward.

"Good. If not, I will be your last worry. Dismissed and carry on. I took enough of your precious time as needed."

The holographic screen disappeared, leaving Kingsnake alone in his office with Neo. All Kingsnake could do in this moment was give a long frustrated sigh. He was going to have more work cut out for him than he'd thought, especially now that Red Crown was sniffing around a lot sooner than expected.

"Sir, our operatives shadowing Olympus are waiting for further orders." Neo reported.

"Have they found any trace of the Apophis?" Kingsnake asked.

"Negative. Data analyzed by their Handlers suggests that the FALCON strike was purely remote and untraceable." Neo replied.

"Status on Manasa and her Disciple?" Kingsnake asked.

"Unknown. They haven't been seen since you were there. Same goes for the Apostle's status." Neo replied.

Kingsnake was silent for a few seconds, thinking about what to do.

"Sir, we also have another complication." Neo added.

She then threw up another holographic screen, which displayed an image of Navarro.

"Red Crown Templar showed up on Olympus. Only names that popped up in their databases were Navarro and Bulldog." Neo explained.

"You actually managed to get in?" Kingsnake asked, the faintest hint of surprise creeping in his normally neutral voice.

"Smallest window I've ever had to work with, and I didn't really manage to get much aside from that." Neo explained.

"You got enough for now. Have the Handlers relay these orders to their Olympus Shadows: they are to keep shadowing Olympus, but they will exfil soon. Have them shift focus on this 'Navarro'. If he so much as breathes, I want to know about it." Kingsnake ordered.

"Yes, sir." Neo complied.

"And send out new orders to the whole Den. Anyone painted with Olympus' designation is to be treated as hostile." Kingsnake ordered.

"You're issuing Protocol 17, sir?" Neo asked with a look of mild concern adorning her holographic face.

"Negative. Any Operative or Handler who comes across an Olympus ID is to avoid at all costs, do not engage." Kingsnake clarified.

"Understood, sir. Relaying orders to the Den. In the meantime, I'll keep sweeping through our suspected networks for any-... oh shit." Neo suddenly said with a disappointed and mildly saddened tone.

"What is it?" Kingsnake asked.

Neo said nothing as she hesitated for a moment. She eventually threw up another screen, pushing the one with Navarro to the background. On this new screen were images of 20 COILVIPER personnel, 10 Operatives and 10 Handlers. Red Xs suddenly appeared over their IDs.

"20 more confirmed burned were discovered only 10 minutes ago..." Neo said solemnly.

Once again, Kingsnake sighed.

"Neo... at this rate, how many are we possibly looking at?" Kingsnake asked, a solemn tone starting to creep into his own voice.

"Estimates say that a potential 25% of our organization could be compromised... with more being found every passing day." Neo replied.

Kingsnake said nothing as he stared at the screen of his burnt agents.

"I don't understand, sir." Neo blurted out.

He then looked to the small hologram girl, seeing her head hanging in a mix of anger, confusion, and sadness. Her blue hue turning red as her mood shifted.

"We gave these people a home and a family after they lost theirs. We gave them a chance to honor those they had lost and save who they had left... was that not enough?" Neo asked as her digital fist clenched.

Kingsnake said nothing as looked back to the screen showing the burnt agents. Neo had picked her head up in time to see him take off his trademark sunglasses. In the years that she had known him, she could count the number of times he had done that on her holographic hands. She then noticed his eyes as they stared at the screen. Though his facial muscles remained in their neutral state, she saw the raw, unbridled fury festering in those eyes. But she also saw a faint hint of sadness in them as well. Because though they never fell, she saw a few tears welling up in his eyes.

Titan Base,  Duriiana 7

The teal armored titan had been pacing back and forth outside of a room. The room is being guarded by a HellHound. She tried multiple times to get in or convince them, but she had no luck. Nothing happened, not even evidence of a small break. Her boots scraped on the ground every time she turned and paced the other way. The overwhelming feeling of needing to see Archimedes and the separation anxiety was growing by the minute. To her, this felt worse than the moment after Ursa-IV and when she was separated from him on the Pelican. Even after Hep had to step in and try to help, she could care less.

However, now was not the time to remember the past. She had to focus on the now. On the events that took place not that long ago. The one she cared about most was being blocked from her. She was being stopped from seeing him. It hurt a bit in a way, being separated for so long. Artemis looked towards the one guarding the door, then the door, before looking away. She had to get in soon or else she was going to start to peel away from reality even farther. She knew what she did on Ursa, the last time something this bad happened to him. She couldn't let herself get to that point again, not here.

She stood for a moment before quickly leaving the area that Archie was in, despite the worsening anxiety it caused. Artemis was heading to the last place that she saw Tiberius, the Titan that she had never seen before until only a couple days ago. And with his HellHounds she only learned about recently as well. Tiberius was the one that she had to talk to, to see if he would let her in to see Archimedes finally. She moved quickly. No, the titan wasn't running, but she was very much fast walking. Which, to some, would definitely be jogging or even running. Normally, with someone that wore heavy armor like she did, the sound of her armor would be thudding through the halls. Artemis was pretty much silent. She was making a b-line for the room that they were dismissed from.

In the matter of minutes, she got to the room. She stopped for a moment in front of the door. She took a breath and then walked in. Even if she tried to seem calm it would not work at all.

Sitting at a chair looking at a galaxy map, the Marine that was beside Tiberius quickly turned it off. The two stared at the Titan as they entered.

"Thank you, Tacs, for giving me this information personally." Tiberius said.

 "No problem sir, your tech is good but we will need a full number of all sleepers later. You can contact me anytime through Jamison." The Marine and Titan exchanged before the two shook hands and then the one named Tacs began to leave. Stopping and standing at attention, it dropped before the ceremony was fulfilled. Tiberius adjusted himself looking to the teal Titan.

 "Norra or Archimedes?" He asked calmly, opening the folder with all the names who perished.

Artemis took a small step forward. Her arms staying at her sides as her fists balled before trying to relax again. She stayed silent for a moment and just started at him through her visor. Taking a soft breath before adjusting her stance a bit, her feet shifting to about shoulder width.

"We'll talk about Mom later. Right now, I need to talk to you about Archimedes." Her tone clearing filled with anger, frustration, and need. It was also just a bit cold too, which was unusual for her, well the new her. 

"I need to get into that room. I need to see him before the pain and desperation gets any worse than it already is. You probably know what happened on Ursa by now. So you know that I will do whatever it will take to get to him." Artemis spoke with purpose and meaning behind every word. She stepped forwards with the last three words before stopping near the table. Her tone not shifting a single time as she spoke to him. At that moment, the female titan could care less for semantics and 'professionalism'.

Hearing her words ushered and filling details he already heard. All he did was toggle a screen. It held both lists of Unaccounted and accounted. Then he prompted another screen of those dead, and the two Highlighted were Norra and Archimedes. 

"The reason they are under War Dog supervision is making sure whoever or whatever doesn't desecrate their bodies. Besides, only two people have clearance, not even I do. So with that said, are there any more questions?" The Titan asked openly as he turned his head to her, waiting for the action and turn it to reaction.

Artemis started at him. Her stance shifting as she reached up and took off her helmet. She set it down on the table a bit rough. It was clear that she was in a mood. But in all honesty, it made sense for her to be the way she was. The one person she cared about most was dead and not accessible. She couldn't even feel him. The person that she viewed as a mother, ever since she was first augmented, was also missing and last she heard, dead. She looked away from Tiberius, and to her helmet she had placed on the table. She leaned forward a bit and put her hands on either side of her helm. Her eyes closed as she took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. Her eyes opened as she moved her head back to look at him.

"Tiberius, right? Okay, anyway. I just need something, okay? Anything you can give me. Then I will worry about Norra more after said things have been given to me. Now, I have no intention to get physical with anyone. I know better not to mess with the other titans or whatever the hell they were called. So please, and I am asking nicely Tibs, to please give me something to put not only myself off a bit but also to the aegis that lives in my armor." She spoke with a certain canter. 

She looked at him the whole time, her voice flat other than the emotions trying to boil over. Artemis wasn't the type to demand something, even when she was a spartan she wasn't like this. Especially when she was a spartan. Things changed. Especially in the last couple years, for better and worse.

Tiberius heard her response and with a gentle and quick posture change. It looked as if he could be standing halfway through the floor. 

"Don't you dare think about raising a tone to me, young one!" His tone was bellowing and rightfully outwardly. 

"You think... that since I just got out of cryo I am not fit for this? I have to worry about you, those here and fellow brother and sister Titans out there returning to us now." He sat in the chair looking towards her before bringing up a direct order from the Red Crown. 

That they couldn't do anything but protect the bodies and keep to that task until told otherwise. "The first thing you learn about command, soldiers die. The second thing is no right or wrong answer, just results."

He stopped himself from going any further. And then it was as if he quickly and subtly changed to a more colder and demented person. 

"Master of war does not simply forget what he knows. Categorically filed and amassed." Tiberius quickly changed his tone a second time before breaking into many...

"They do not know the meaning of Titanicus... nor purpose... Lacking needed agents.. a nice meal... they're just weak, kill them now!" Tiberius's right fist quickly balled up and his helmet visor quickly singled her out. His first tone returned before he spoke freely.

 "Negative, you will not be alert to see either of them within the near future."

The internal cloud festering in him, his head twisting around as he staves away hunger. "What do you know about the 'other' Titans like me?"

The teal armored titan looked away and then stood up straighter. She grabbed her helmet with her right hand and help it at her side. She looked at the ground and then glanced over to her shoulder where one of her knives sat. Her jaw muscles clenched before relaxing, her grey eyes looking back towards Tiberius. 

"Got it. We are just switching topics." Artemis turned away from him and then took in a deep breath and tried to calm herself down a bit. 

She felt as her armor tighten around her form and then releasing as she let the breath through out. The titan stood up a bit straighter and her left hand moved to her belt and rested there as calmly as it could. 

"Gen 1s? Well you are all tall as fuck but all different personality wise. I mean clearly. But I have only met what, three of you I think. And if it is about the ones that were guarding where Archie is, i know nothing about them. Other then they look like spec ops." She said.

Tiberus shook his head there at the end. 

"We are Spec OPs. We aren't even Hyper lethal vectors by UNSC means. Gen 2's can openly be commended of that.. but those who are dead don't really have any real standing on the mortal plain." His voice flat almost without a second thought of emotion but releasing the one thing he held, a void filled dread in telling this part. 

"Titanicus, although under Invicta Norra, has been the second most withheld Secret from UNSC and other Red Crown members. Norra, was a head figure for RC and with her out of the picture. Planet on lockdown. The first in command for the Titans down, me waking up. Publicly announcing us was good, but now the flood won't know what even think." He let the words set in place as he detailed it nicely for the young Titan. 

After ending on the word Flood,Tiberus looked up and to her knife already knowing it as a possible weapon against him but the thing was easy enough to live with. 

"Archimedes's is going to live though he'll be a Gen 1 under Gallagher. And not visible until he is under control of his new choice." He explained.

Artemis' shoulder's very visibly relaxed a bit hearing that he was going to live. She let out a small breath and looked then her grip relaxed on her helmet a bit. What she could kinda hear from the back of her head was Norra literally ordering her to relax after missions. Or, when Apollo got badly hurt and when she was standing in the same room while he was being worked on. She was a different titan then, and she is also different even now. Kinda in a 'Artemis 3.0' state now. She felt as her armor released a bit of pressure that had been slowly squeezing. The rest of the info processed that he sad said and she met his gaze again. 

"Under Gallagher? What the hell is that? I have never heard of that before." She sounded confused yes but also a but more calm then before, a bit.

Entering from a different path than the front door. Navarro had less combative equipment on. Just down to his fatigues and thigh holster. Although he boasted a thin chest plate. The armor had a set of regular magnum magazines, yet held two red painted ones on the left top breast.

 "Lock the room down for me Tacs, tighter than your regular wet work usuals." Another soldier walked quickly in and closed the door behind their entrance. 

He subsequently pulled a tablet and began working it. Letting an interchangeable passcode shift with a series of locks. The soldier calmly gave a thumbs up as the room shifted a different hue as a Blue A.i. avatar came to life at the center of the table. 

"He's on defense sir, nothings getting in or out." Tacs spoke freely as he kept monitoring the tablet and playing with Joker in a seamless game of Tetris. 

Navarro moved himself around and stood between the two.

"Special Operations Unit Personnel. Yes I know.. SOUP is the callsign under my rendition of the giving and it's stuck. 'SOUP-G' is a generational curse where they're still human but.." Navarro looked at Tiberius and pointed to him slightly.

"From the effects of Norra's first subject. He seemed a bit accelerated, in every field imaginable. From battlefield tactics, to even just keeping track of movement of simulated bot teams." He was quick to talk but kept alluding to something more greater. 

"Specialist Gabriel is also one subject to receive this offer. Specialist Gallagher, the third to receive the Element.. had a breakout." Tiberius twitched at the word before his right hand balled into another fist. 

A slight shift in his head, twisting around as if trying to break an eerie sound pounding his eardrums. Navarro went quiet as he moved his hand to his right side. The movement stopped Tiberius as he slowly turned to stare at Navarro. 

"Turning, twisting, hunger.." The growling tone stopped Navarro and he raised his hands up.

"Devouring, evolving, thri-" Tiberius regained control of himself exhaling harshly. 

Meanwhile the game between Tacs and Joker grew more in hyperfocus, movements getting faster and faster. The two were fighting each other but the game itself wasn't the thing. The two fought each other on a different matter, one that was mixing two brains into one super code of ill-fated logic.

Fighting each other in a simple game of chess, Joker and Tacs kept to their own conversation. Navarro twisted his head between the two, noticing a faint smile on their faces. Tacs stopped for a moment and issued a systematic lockdown. Isolating the routines. Joker began sending silent messages to Tac's screen. All the while adding small fractions of human code and then plaguing them secretly. Leaving one untouched and falsely unsecured. The soldier smirked as he then hud a real folder underneath the false one identity of the conversation happening. 

Shifting to Navarro and the two Titans, "Titan Artemis ever heard of the flood?"

Artemis stood there for a moment before she slid her helmet on once more. She shifted her stance but stayed stepped back to give the head guys some room. 

"Heard of it, kinda. Seen it though, yes." Her tone obviously shifted to one of less emotion. 

Her muscles are not as strained as they were before. The titan standing and listening. Watching as Navarro walked in and spoke to Tibsy. She was not the type to get involved in this type of thing. Well she wasn't the type to do meetings of any kind. She was the type to sit or stand in the background. Gathering info instead of partaking in the conversation.

"Well, Gen 1 Titans are worse and worse ,they don't react or think. Doing is all they do. Not one G1T has died because, well Specialist Gabriel can explain better. Sequence 33PR9 please." Navarro spoke calmly as an image of spartan three Smudge/Archimedes was presented before the three. 

Norra's voice could be heard faintly in and out as they worked on Smudge. 

"Receiving 33IC is only applicable to birth members? - - - So when you say that, it makes it seem like I am a lab rat doc." Smudge said. 

"-ry bud, it's unfortunate that I have to research this way. We know the war is gonna be awful and we need monsters that scare the enemy. Something more than what Spartans are and will become. Unbreakable figures that ultimately will be legends and myths." Norra replied.

 There was a pause before a slight grunt could be heard from Smudge. The image sputtered still before responding. The speartan was on the floor clawing at the armor and suit for mere minutes, slight twitching followed with full appendage extensions. A weird problem one wouldn't know about all but then every sound or noise ceased and the body stopped. Then a male voice projected itself in the recording. 

"Subject's life signs are gone, Norra. No turning back now..." The voice said.

Silence filled the recording until a sharp intake was heard. The person recording was the male figure who had spoken last. 

"Sleeping beauty, care to wake up now, or-" The male voice started.

The figure of Smudge moved quickly and the recording stopped until it showed a different armor style, having an arm extended out holding Smudge's head to the floor forcefully. 

"Pretty good hit sir, anything else? Shi-" Smudge started.

The video cut again again as the figure blurred then it was the spartan standing over the person. Smudge stood looking down gleaming over the target yet turned and looked at Norra. 

"Good job Gabe, I am Norra and who you just bested is Apollo. How does it feel being dead?" Her words are not hidden or misspoke at all. 

"Death, too much knowledge, must die but hunger is necessary." Smudge spoke clear enough through the changing breathing pace. 

Realizing that his body was shifted and then taking to a knee. His body was now feeling the change, the agonizing pain.

Standing up and laying the spartan down. Apollo quietly gave the Spartan peace by securing them into a cryopod that restricted Gabriel from breaking out of isolation at the time. 

"Ma'am, needless to say it-" Apollo began.

 "Yea yea yea, I know. Cryogenic sleep and all. Just with it being like this. Why would the first request this though? I mean.. how did he know Specialist Gabriel would be a willing subject to all this?" Norra asked as Apollo stood over the heavily reinforced cryopod. 

He kept looking over the Spartan before looking back to his leader. 

"He gave me orders as well, ones I don't understand, yet I know I must complete them or we face problems down the road. Either way, with Archimedes to take the brunt of the logisti-" The sequence paused with the two standing apart. 

Still leaving a good chunk of the story out of it. Navarro removed the panel and calmly stood before the two Titans. 

"I33IC, it takes a few weeks, but without the proper augmentation and process. The flood would eat the mind and it becomes a ST2, Stage Tier 2, flood unit. A localized brain center for all other flood." Navarro explained.

Tiberus sat back down thinking to himself as he let the new person talk about the project freely. At least he wasn't being pushed to a death worse than.. a hungry death.

"Back to what I was saying. Tiberus is a G1, the longest living actually, to not succumb to the flood altercation. A few times he gives us the run for his money, but seeing how Titanicus isn't in the best of conditions, I'll take a planet killer any day." Navarro revealed.

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