ONI Alpha Site

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On the bridge leading to the ONI Alpha Site, Y/n and Dutch watch as a Wraith moves into position at the end of the bridge, while Mickey arms a detonator.

Dutch: Hurry up!

Mickey: Look, you guys wanna do this? Be my guest. But this, ain't... (presses button) a job you wanna rush.

Y/n: It's blowing shit up, Mickey. Not writing a goddamn symphony.

The three had planted demolition charges on the bridge leading to Alpha Site.

Mickey finishes arming the detonator. Dutch looks behind him at an NMPD Officer who was on the tower at the end of the bridge.

Dutch: That do it?

NMPD Officer: (COM) Signal's good!

A Wraith mortar hits the side of the tower.

NMPD Officer: (COM) Arm the other detonators and pull back to me!

Mickey: Come on, tough guys, we gotta blow this bridge.

The three run down the bridge, while another Wraith moves in and starts to fire.

Dutch and Y/n take cover behind a destroyed Warthog, while Mickey hides behind a barricade. Plasma shots from the Wraiths secondary gunners streak past them. A plasma mortar lands several metres in front of troopers, staggering them.

Mickey: Lieu, Dutch, arm the other charges!

Dutch looks back at the Wraiths starting to move up to the bridge.

Dutch: What about those Wraiths?

Mickey: Forget about 'em, we got explosives to set!

Y/n: You heard the man, Dutch! Let's give the Covenant front row seats to this explosive concert!

Mickey: Follow me, arm the charges!

A squad of Marines on the bridge buckle under the Covenant assault, and are forced to pull back.

Marine: We'll never stop that armor! Fall back!

Dutch sets the first charge as Y/n gets the second. Mickey sets the last charge.

Mickey: That's the last one, guys! Everyone, behind those barriers, bridge is set to blow!

Dutch and Mickey get behind the barriers as Y/n motions the last of the Marines off the bridge.

NMPD Officer: Come on, Super, unlock the keypad!


NMPD Officer: If you don't let us trigger those charges, in about five minutes, your data center's going to be crawling with Covenant!

Mickey: Somebody get on the tower and pull the trigger!

Y/n: I'm on it!

Y/n climbs to the top as the Superintendent gives off a chime.

NMPD Officer: About damn time! Do it, trooper!

Y/n punches the button.


The bridge is destroyed, killing all Covenant troops still on the bridge.

Mickey: Woo-hoo! Yeah! That's the way.

Y/n: Hahaha! How's the water, assholes?! Too cold for ya?!

The troopers, Marines, and NMPD make their way under the wall.

Mickey: Aw man, Covenant landing on the other side of the wall!

Y/n: Reload, people!

The group make their way up the stairs, to the courtyard.

Y/n: Come on, guys! We gotta keep the Covenant away from that building.

Mickey: If the Covenant want this building so bad, I say we let them take it!

Dutch: Are you always this optimistic?

Mickey: Don't look at me, Dutch! I voted to get out the hell of here!

Dutch: Mickey, Relax! We'll be fine!

Y/n: Can you two quit bitching like a couple of kids fighting over a juice box and start shooting?!

The troopers make their way up the hill, where a group of Covenant infantry, including a pair of Hunters assault more NMPD Officers and Marines.

Y/n: Dutch, kill those Hunters with your laser! I'll get their attention!

Y/n shoots his his battle rifle at the worm creatures, jumping and dodging their plasma blasts. Dutch shoots them both in the back.

Marine: All teams, hold the ridge, don't let them near the ONI building!

Brute Captain: We do the Prophet's bidding, show no fear!

Soon, more and more waves of Covenant are dropped off. Multiple Wraith tanks are dropped in by Phantoms.

Marine: Fall back! I repeat, fall back to the top of the ridge!

Brute Captain: Forward, warriors! Take this hill or die upon it!

The human forces fall back to the entrance to the ONI building. They fend off increasing numbers of Covenant.

Mickey: More Phantoms, look sharp!

Marine: We can't hold 'em, everyone fall back inside the building!

Y/n: Shit, there's too many of 'em! Let's move it, fellas!

Brute Chieftain: Forward! Grind their bones beneath your feet!

A mass of Covenant soldiers, charge the human defences. The ODSTs retreat into the building's interior. NMPD Officers go outside in a last effort to hold back the Covenant. The troopers go to a group of officers in the center of the complex.

NMPD Sergeant: Hurry up, men, check those charges!

Mickey: Wait, what? More explosives?

Dutch: Yeah, what gives? I thought we were supposed to protect this building?

NMPD Sergeant: I have orders to deny enemy access to all classified data housed in this facility. You don't like it, jump your butts back into orbit!

Y/n: Watch it, Sergeant.

Mickey: The only thing I don't like, is that our butts are currently inside this facility.

Cutting noises are heard and sparks appear on the sealed doorways.

NMPD Officer: They're cuttin' through the door!

NMPD Sergeant: Settle down people, find some cover. Someone man that turret.

The doors explode and Brutes can be heard giving out battle cries.

NMPD Sergeant: Alright, here they come. Watch your crossfire people.

Waves of Grunts charge the humans, carrying ignited plasma grenades.

Y/n: Suicide squads! Kill 'em quick!

After many waves of suicide Grunts, Jackals and Brutes join the battle. Eventually, the humans staunch the forces coming in from the doors, however the Covenant start dropping in troops behind Y/n, Dutch, and Mickey.

NMPD Sergeant: Phantom dropping reinforcements, cover your rear, troopers!

Dutch rips the turret off its' stationary legs and starts mowing down Grunts and Jackals as Y/n and Mickey deal with the Brutes. After heavy fighting and dealing with a Chieftain as well, the troops all fall dead.

Mickey: That's the last of 'em, guys. Come back to my position!

Y/n and Dutch hustle to the red ODST as an elevator with an NMPD Officer arrives.

NMPD Officer: Everyone on the elevator, I put enough charges in this shaft to blow this building twice!

The three troopers, along with the survivors from the previous battle get in the elevator.

Mickey: Alright, that's it. Transfer the detonation codes to my COM. If anyone's takin' this place out, it's gonna be me.

Dutch activates the elevator, and they slowly make their way up.

NMPD Officer: Evac bird's gonna meet us on the roof.

On the way up they are ambushed by a swarm of Drones.

Y/n: Where the hell did all these Drones come from?

NMPD Officer: Underground tunnels are filled with the damn things!

Mickey: Finally, a good reason to blow this building up!

They soon defeat take out all the Drones and make it to the roof, where a Phantom is dropping off a pack of Brute Jumpers, along with Grunts and Jackals.

After the Phantom leaves, the evac Pelican arrives, and helps the ODSTs with the enemy reinforcements, which are soon defeated.

Y/n: There's our ride, fellas! Move your asses!

The three troopers board the Pelican before removing their helmets and taking a seat. The NMPD officer on board looks at them.

NMPD Officer: Hey, you fellas know a Gunnery Sergeant Buck?

Mickey: Sure do!

NMPD Officer: Patching him through.

The Pelican lifts off and departs the ONI building.

Buck: (COM) Glad you boys are safe and sound.

Dutch: Likewise, Gunny, you need a pickup?

Buck: (COM) Long as you're offerin'. We're in the Police HQ.

Y/n: "We?"

Buck: (COM) Got Romeo with me.

Y/n: Yeah? I'd say that's good to hear, but it's up in the air for debate. How about Dare, or the Rookie?

Buck: (COM) Still nothing on the Rookie, but Veronica... (sighs)

Y/n: ...Sorry, Buck.

Dutch then speaks up.

Dutch: (to the NMPD Officer) Can you take us to Police HQ?

NMPD Officer: Affirmative!

Buck: (COM) Alright, meet you up top!

Mickey nudges Dutch.

Dutch: What?

Mickey points to the ONI Building, and starts to count down from three on his fingers. When he reaches zero, he detonates the charges, destroying the building.

Mickey: (laughs) This day ain't turnin' out so bad after all!

Dutch: Heh.

Y/n: (grins) Told you you'd get blow some more shit up!


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