The Pillar of Autumn

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Hello there fellow readers I've been meaning to do this story for quite awhile ever since the Master Chief collection came out and I've been pondering "Why not make the reader a marine and a helper to chief?" So after a lot of brain storming I've decided now was the time let's do it.


Jenkins: Hey (L/n)!

(Y/n): Oh hey Jenkins what's up?

I was currently in the armory suiting up after the Pillar of Autumn was on red alert issued by Captain Keyes and Cortana.

Jenkins: We need to hurry and get in formation so that Sergeant Johnson can give us a speech before we start fighting.

(Y/n): Wonder what legendary speech he's gonna make today.

Mickey: Jenkins, (L/n)! Move your asses we got to hurry.

Jenkins: Alright Mickey.

I quickly grabbed my M6G and my Assault Rifle grabbing my clips and loading the guns heading out with the rest of my squad.

Cortana: Attention all combat personnel please report to your action stations. 5th Platoon, secure airlocks on deck 11. 14th Platoon, rendezvous with 22nd Tactical at Bulkhead Charlie 14.

Johnson: You heard the lady move like you got a purpose.

We quickly formed a line both sides with mickey on my left and Jenkins on my right and not a moment too soon as we saw Sergeant Johnson walking in the middle.

Johnson: Men, we led those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep 'em from gettin' their filthy claws on Earth. But, stumbled onto somethin' they're so hot for, that they're scramblin' over each other to get it. Well, I don't care if it's God's own anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hula hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we will lt 'em have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! Am I right, Marines?

Marines: SIR YES SIR!

Johnson: Uh-huh Damn right I am now move out! Double time!

We all quickly moved out to our stations as fast as possible knowing the covenant will board us any second now.

Johnson: All you greenhorns who wanted to see the Covenant up close...this is your lucky day.

(Y/n): Alright Mickey, Jenkins see you guys on the other side.

Jenkins: You too (L/n).

We parted ways to group up in our stations with the rest of our squad just then the covenant showed up and were pushing us back towards the mess hall.

I quickly tossed a grenade killing a few grunts before the elites started firing we had a tough time dealing with them as they where gunning us hard.

Marine  1: There's too many of them.

Johnson: Keep firing and don't let up!

(Y/n): Yes sir!

I fired off my assault rifle towards the elite unloading a clip, but he wasn't going down easy just then I saw bullets firing behind me killing the elite that gave me trouble when I looked behind me it was a MK V spartan Master Chief.

(Y/n): Sergeant we got back up!

Johnson: Chief just in time to join the party!

With Chief by our side we quickly killed off the remaining elites and grunts that gave us trouble.

(Y/n): Was that the last of them?

A plasma grenade landed in front me causing me to quickly dive out of the way just as it exploded and when I turned to see where the grenade came from 2 more elites and 6 grunts showed up by the exit and we all opened fire on them, one of the elites quickly shot down two of our marines making me toss a grenade killing one since their shields were down, but just then I felt sudden pain on my right side and when I looked it was a grunt who just released a fully charged plasma energy pistol on me, when Chief saw this he quickly pulled out his MG6 killing the grunts and the elite quickly charged at Chief knocking him over ready to strike him, the marines who weren't severally injured like I as quickly opened fire on the elite which gave Chief the opening to fire his MG6 killing the elite once that was over Johnson and Chief both came up to me.

Johnson: You alright son?

(Y/n): Never better just didn't notice the grunt that's all.

Chief: Can you stand?

(Y/n): Yeah, yeah I can stand.

I got up to my feet, but due to the hot burst from that charged blast it felt pretty painful.

Medic Marine: Hold on I can fix that.

Johnson: You better we got orders to abandon the Pillar of Autumn.

(Y/n): Wait if we abandon it where are we landing at?

Johnson: The ring that the covenant seem so fond of.

Medic Marine: There your all fixed.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Chief: Let's keep moving stay behind me.

We followed Chief as we headed towards the corridor as we do we spot 3 marines fighting an Elite so we quickly dispatched him after that we felt an explosion from somewhere.

Marine 1: What the hell?! Didi something just hit us?!

Marine 2: Move it! Back to the airlock!

We head towards the Airlock seeing 2 marines by the wall, but just then an explosion happens killing the 2 marines and we saw 2 elites and 5 grunts exiting out of what seemed to be a boarding craft, as they saw us we quickly unloaded on them killing them off only suffering minor injuries.

Marine 1: Area secured you should get going we got this area on lock down.

Marine 2: Don't worry about us we know where the life pods are.

Johnson: I'll stay here with these two (L/n) your with Chief.

(Y/n): Yes sir Sergeant.

With only me and Chief going through the ship as everyone else stayed behind to make sure there were no stragglers we came across a trio of marines hiding behind some barriers having a tough time with the Covenant.

Marine 3: We could use your help sir!

Chief, the marines and I quickly start firing upon the covenant killing off a few grunts and one of the elites retreating while the other one stayed behind firing upon us only to get killed by Chief, The marines stayed behind to cover the area as Chief and I got continued, as we were going I noticed some life pods escaping only to have some of them get hit by some plasma beams we continued on our way needing to hurry before all of them were either escaped/destroyed  by the Covenant, we passed by the Airlock doors only for them to close.

(Y/n): Wait what no! no no no no no dammit we're trapped.

Chief: Don't worry Cortana found us a way out.

(Y/n): And where's that?

Chief: The Maintenance access tunnel.

(Y/n): Alright lead the way.

I followed Chief as Cortana opened up the doors to the maintenance access tunnel due to how dark it was both of us turned on our flashlights and continued going through.

Chief: This way.

I followed Chief and we both got out.

(Y/n): If you ask me that door is seems busted doesn't look like it'll open.

Chief then walked up to the control panel  punching it making the door open.

(Y/n): That works too.

Chief: Come on we're almost out.

We both walked through the door thankfully no covenant and we both went to the control room where we saw 3 elites in the cry bay.

(Y/n): Thank god you woke up when you did.

We both went out of the control room to yet another access tunnel as we went in and turned on our flashlights, Chief pulled out his MG6 killing off a grunt that was there after that we both continued and yet again another grunt same fate as we exited out of the access tunnel making it to the life boats, thing was there was a lot of covenant so we had to dispatch them and fast if we were going to escape, I pulled out a grenade and looked at Chief who nodded his head giving me the signal to toss it, as I did 3 grunts were immediately  killed and I was able to damage 2 unlucky elites who were also there after that Chief and I quickly dispatched the last of the survivors with our Assault rifles.

Frightened Marine: Oh no, oh no.

Chief picks up the frightened Marine and throws him on the Life boat with me following behind grabbing  seat.

Chief: Punch it.

Bumblebee Pilot: Aye aye, sir!

The pilot launches the life boat out of the airlock.

Bumblebee Pilot: We're disengaged. Goin' for a minimum safe distance.

Frightened Marine: We're gonna make it, aren't we sir? I don't wanna die out here!

Chief gives him a pat on the shoulder before looking out in front to see the ring ahead of us.

Marine: What is that thing Lieutenant?

Bumblebee Pilot: Hell if I know, but we're landin' on it.

Panicking Marine: The Autumn! She's been hit!

Chief quickly dashes to the back of the lifeboat seeing the Autumn accelerating.

(Y/n): There's no way the Autumn can keep this up!

Just then the Autumn flies over our lifeboat going towards the ring that we were also going towards to.

Bumblebee Pilot: Heads up everyone, this is it! We're entering the ring's atmosphere in five!

I felt the lifeboat started dropping so I grab onto the handles on my harness to help keep me steady.

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