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To help start off this book, I think it would be a good idea to introduce some of the characters I love dearly, which are ones of my own creation, with a q + a, answered by my characters themselves. I haven't explained a lot of my originals, so I will explain a few.

Though I will add, if you know any of my others, feel free to ask unmentioned ones questions, too!

Just a few reminders to please keep questions appropriate, keeping in mind being polite and keeping in mind things you would not ask people in real life, and there might be spoilers for characters or their development and plot so to please keep that in mind if you don't like spoilers.

Questions you can ask can range from their pasts, to their likes and dislikes, the world they live in, the way they'd react to things, if you need a few ideas of what to ask them. I'll also give a short description for each character, just so you can get a sense of what kind of questions to ask, as I haven't talked about then much to the majority.




The initiator of the team and local pure genius. Anthony's parents were killed by villain assassins when he was little, for reasons he has to discover. He was saved from being murdered though by and old hero known as Aegea, as her last act of heroism before she tried from it to raise Anthony. He grew up with help from Aegea's hero friend, Fairfax Stone and his daughter, Andromeda. His close relationship with Andromeda remained constant through the years, her even joining him after he found the evidence of the underground society supposedly made up of ghosts, her even joining him.

He's as I mentioned earlier, a complete genius and is a lead behind the whole operation. Though sometimes he lacks some morals and humility, he's not a completely bad person.


Andromeda makes up for most things Anthony lacks in, including keeping him in check. Andromeda was raised solely by her incredibly wealthy, former hero father Fairfax Stone from his company, and she had no memories of her mother. She's a magician of the Spade Class (one who can play with the mind) and since her father's paranoia of her getting attacked just as Aegea's adoptive son was, he keeps Andromeda inside away from everyone else. Her only friend was Anthony, and she often makes sense of his plans and never dismisses him as delusional. She also makes sure he doesn't kill himself, which is part of the reason she followed him.

Andromeda is organized and logical, often making sense of Anthony's ideas when others have trouble doing so. She's very socially awkward, since her father didn't let her outside of the family mansion property very often. Andromeda's also a huge advocate for the less fortunate and really became a hero to defend them.


My poor, poor son. Dante is the son of Arlin Le Croix/The Leviathan, one of the most feared villains in the streets of the city, and especially famed for his ability to get out of prison. He forced Dante into a villainous gang at a very young age, which explains why he is such an exceptional assassin. Though eventually the city's anti crime forces smothered the society when they find their hideout, and Dante's father was thrown in jail whereas Dante and the other mistreated children in the place were freed. He moved in with later best friend Zeke. Dante wanted to leave the hero and villains business behind him forever, but when Zeke got a call from somebody called Anthony, Zeke, in his words, "bullied" him into joining their group.

Dante is slightly revenge bent to put his father out of the business for good, even if he keeps escaping prison after prison. He also has conflict with Anthony often since Dante has much higher morals than he does, and their views often clash. Though Dante is a compassionate person for all his grumpiness and sarcasm.


Illaria is a wonderful surprise to everyone. She's from out of the city, from a small, forested town whose people are noted for their abnormal human strength. She came to the city for a chance at a better education at one of the academies, and a chance to get away from her loving, yet overprotective family and branch out. Her strength often startled others, which lead to her getting kicked out of the school, with no joke in the city. On her way back to the hotel room she was staying at, Anthony and Andromeda witnessed Illaria getting mugged and went over to help her out, though her strength surprised them and her ability to take care of herself. They monitored her, before offering her housing and a job within their little gang on the streets, to which Illaria accepted.

Illaria is a very kind and compassionate person, contrasting the more blunt natures of Andromeda, Dante, and Anthony. She cares very much about others and often puts them before herself. Though she's not the type you want to dismiss for a weak girl, as she'll beat you up. She's rather insecure, though, often thinking her strength drives others away from her and think she is incredibly weird, which someone's makes her uncomfortable with using that strength.


Ohhh boy this child is something. Zeke is a magician of the Heart Class (ones who can alter the physical body) and before he was abducted by the same group that Dante was forced into, Zeke mostly used to to colour his hair different colours because he thought it looked cool. Though he was taken by said group, and forced to strengthen his powers to use them to torture other people into talking for the group. Though luckily, he was saved, which was when he met Dante, and the two formed a friendship. He found a way to redeem himself from the terrible things he did with the group and has refused to forgive himself for when Anthony gave him a call, he was ecstatic. He had to push Dante into it with him, too.

Despite all the bad things that have happened in his life, Zeke is a pretty positive person. He's pretty wild though, and probably the most immature of the group (much to the annoyance of Andromeda, who he had a million nicknames). He is a great friend, though, and likes to be happy and doesn't let his past experiences drag him down in life.




Nerva was originally a child from the Tribe of the Wanderers, though he was stolen from his tribe by a soldier from the country of Virvya. Since then, he was raised in the military orphanage and raised from birth to be a soldier. Though he's always been more healing oriented, it was by a luck shot when he managed to injure Freya of Ranaria, their opposing country's fiercest warrior / heir to the throne. He was called to the Emperor's personal guard after that feat, and trained to take down a fierce guild of warriors and take their sacred crown from the country of Ranaria. Though he doesn't think he is quite good enough for the role, he takes it on anyways to help his best friend, Ayla.

Nerva isn't exactly a social guy, and honestly acts pretty bitter towards others. He longs to meet his family again, even if he has no idea where or who they are. He's very interested I herbs and their properties, be it magical or non magical. All he really wants is to be free from the military and live peacefully away from the war.


Rhea is another child I wish I could protect more. She was born to a poor but noble family, and in a desperate attempt to pay off some of their debts, Rhea accepted the marriage proposal she had gotten from the young Emperor as long as he promised to give her family money in return so they could pay off their debts, which gave her the role as future Empress, even if she didn't really love him. She made herself useful to her fiancée's effort by decrypting some of the old messages, which is when she met Nerva to help build his personal self esteem a little.

Rhea is very sweet and caring, shown from the fact she cares so much about the little kids who have been born into the war and everyone being affected, wanting to do her best to end it. She's very good at decrypting things, which is one of her favourite hobbies. She's a little spacey which very much changes people's opinions of her. Rhea also bears a curse, where she feels the physical pain of those she is close to or bound to be close to.


Freya is definitely something. She's the daughter of the leader of Ranaria, and because she is the leader's daughter, she's always wanted to prove she will be as strong as her father and just as good of a leader. She was always very physically strong, which made her inclined her to learn more about how to fight for herself, and quickly gained rank and one of their most feared warriors. She began to lead the Ranarian army, which lead to their great strand of victories and gained Freya her reputation and approval of her people. Though when she's shot, she begins to find out that being a true hero isn't being strong and loved by others.

Freya has a very strong sense of morality, and strives for justice when it is possible. Though sometimes she's a little fiery and reckless, she really wants to prove herself as a hero just like her ancestors and the goddess she worships to, the Goddess of Life. She also has a huge prejudice against Virvyans, thinking most of them are snobs and arrogant.


Roark was one of the fifteen acknowledged children of the King of the Isles of Nortyge, and the fourth prince in their line up. Roark was childhood friends with Freya, before his country was purged by the Virvyans and almost everyone was murdered. Roark was sent Regin / Magus to take care of him as the only sole heir, though Roark ended up in an argument which turned him to the criminal gangs of what was left of Nortyge. He quickly became known as the King of the Worst, famed among the whispers of night clubs and alleyways that quaked with fear.

Roark is such a drama queen, honestly. He had got just the right amount of wit and sarcasm that makes him somewhat insufferable, though sometimes slightly funny. He has good leadership skills, in his own way, definitely, the problem is, Roark never wants to use them for any purpose that is even slightly useful and/or good. He is definitely annoying and wild, though occasionally he will make good company and is quite an effective storyteller. He also has conflict with Regin, though he does care for him like a brother.


Regin was raised by his grandmother after his parents disappeared mysteriously. He always had a powerful affinity with magical abilities, which made him famed across the kingdoms for his strength and requesting his services. Though when he called on the Gods to save his love from the hands of Death, the Gods made a deal for him to watch over Roark until he had safely completed his purpose, then he could return to his love. He sailed to the Isles of Nortyge as his deal dictated to find Roark, who argued with him constantly and wanted him to leave him alone. In frustration, Regin eventually let him go and do what he wants and retired to a small cottage in the country, hopefully waiting for Roark to return.

Regin is very talented with magic, since he is famed across countries for his ability as Magus, the Ranarian Wizard. He is a wise figure from his readings as a child and stories he's heard, and cares a lot for others, (Roark, for example, despite the fact he let him do what he want) though can get frustrated when people don't listen to his advice when they ask for it.

There is some! As I said, if you have any others you know that you have questions for, feel free to ask them any questions as well!

The questions will be answered in another chapter after a few days

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