Rules, Forms, and My forms

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Welcome to the Hamilcast roleplay! Here are the rules!

1. Rp like this-
Lana walked into the salon, yelping as she was crowded by Daniella and Carla about her and Usnavi kissing last night, which made her embarrassed.
Not like this-
Lana: *Walks into the salon*
I can and will get pissed if I see this-

2. Play my crush, and I'll play yours. It's just fair for people to do that. So-Please?

3. Don't bully others! I can't s t r e s s on this enough. I have been bullied online before, and I never want it to happen to any of you!

4. No smut. Recently, a bunch of peoples rp books have been deleted by this a s s (which I will not name yet-) and I don't wanna make my books over again! ^^

5. Have fun!! Yeah that's pretty self-explained.

6. No Mary sues/Over powered ocs!
Please please P l e a s e don't have your oc be a neko or some weird shît. Don't have your oc have magical powers that no one knows about.
Name: Kitty Meow meow the second!
Age: 1,000 but she looks eighteen!
Looks: Rainbow hair, black eyes, tan skin, a neko tail, dog ears and a unicorn horn!
Personality: Happy, sad, mad, shy, angry, and annoyed.
Crush: Everyone!! And they all like her back. :3
Other: She has magical powers that no one knows about! She's also part wolf, cat, unicorn, and part dog! :3

Me:...Bish whut-

7. Cannon characters are welcomed! You can be anyone! I'll make the cannon ish later-

8. Try to be a bit descriptive! If I write a five sentence reply and you respond with a simple 'She smiled' Imma lose my shît.

9. Angst is welcomed. Just don't take it too far!

I'll add more as I go-

Here are the forms!
'~' means optional!

Role in musical?:
~Outfit off stage: 
My form-

Name: Alana Oriana
Age: 22

Role in musical?: Ensemble/Understudy for Maria Reynolds.
~Nicknames: Lana, Stutter box, and squishy
Personality: Alana is very shy and silent to others, and is usually a nervous wreck. But, those things can melt away, leaving a kind and bubbly personality.
Likes: Being alone, dancing, candy, and having fun with the cast
Dislikes: Loud noises, speaking up, people she doesn't know, thunder, and being judged.
~Outfit off stage:

~Friends: Philipa, Lin, Jasmine, Anthony, Daveed, and Christopher
~Family: Her twin sister, Ashana
~Enemies?: None
Other: She has kinda bad anxitey
Crush: Oak (or Lin if your crush is oak-)

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