Graham Cracker Monster

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Laurens: *starts recording*  After much careful reaserch, I have finally found the lair of the infamous Graham Cracker Monster!

Laurens: *points camera to a stack of graham crackers then back at Alex's door* if my calculations are correct...

Lafayette: *opens door and sees John* mon ami, what are you doing?

Laurens: SHH!!

Hamilton: *slowly opens door and peeks outside*

Laurens: *whispering* here he comes!

Hamilton: *bolts to the graham crackers in the kitchen*

Laurens: Look! It's the Graham Cracker Monster!

Hamilton: *sees John* *hisses* *grabs the box and runs back into room*

Laurens: *turns camera facing him* And there you have it-

Lafayette: Wtf just happened? Explique, John!

Laurens: *ignores Lafayette* The Graham Cracker Monster!


I am the Graham Cracker Monster!!!!

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