Lafayette X Peggy

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(Peggy's perspective)


Isn't he friends with Hamilton? Hamilton, my brother-in-law-to-be? Eliza had Hamilton, of course. Angelica would marry easily and she loved Hamilton as well. I knew this, no how much Angie tried to hide it. (I also knew how pissed she would be at being called Angie) But what about me? What about *Peggy*? The awkward third wheel who always follows the rules? Would I ever find love? He's part of Hamilton's entourage. He was always my favorite. Since the moment I saw him.

"Are you okay, mon ami?" He whispered to me. I knew I must look really upset. I looked up. I was done being the third wheel, shy, timid Peggy that I always had been. So I took a huge leap of faith. I couldn't even believe it myself. Not until afterwards, when I replayed it in my head over.. And over... And over. "Yes, Lafayette, I'm fine. But you know what would make me even better?" "What?" He said, leaning in. I kissed him, full on the lips. He seems momentarily surprised, but then kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around him, and he did the same.

Maybe I do have a chance at love.

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