That night (Helpless/Satisfied)

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This is the night the Schuyler Sisters met Hamilton but from an objective view--as in, the feelings of all the characters are given. Unlike in helpless and satisfied.

And twirl! And twirl! And... land! Alright, obligation filled. Angelica brushed down her dress and began to make her way away from the obligation people--the people she had to dance with, because of family law. Rich boys. She groaned. There was nothing wrong with rich boys, and she would have no problem being friends with them, and she was, but she didn't want to date, or god forbid, MARRY one of them! They weren't interested either. Angelica stepped over to the doorway to watch everyone going in and out. It gave her the chance to talk to different types of people. Eliza sat down next to her. Then everything changed.

Eliza had a very different night from Angelica. She didn't have to dance with anyone, since she wasn't the oldest. She did anyway, but with her girlfriends. It was lots of fun, until she was gasping for air and her throat burned. She walked over and sat next to Angelica by the door. They watched the people for a little while, and many of them greeted the sisters. Then everything changed. 

Angelica leaped up and shuffled over to the door to meet him. Oh my god, oh my god, she panicked. My life's about to change... oh my... "H-Hello!" She choked. So stupid, so stupid. He laughed, though. "You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied." She swallowed hard and her cheeks burn. I beg your pardon? She wanted to say, but stopped herself. Why would he say something so rude? "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, you forget yourself." She muttered in a deadpan voice. He smirked an all-knowing smirk. "You're like me. I'm never satisfied..." Angie paused. "Is... Is that right?" "Heh... I've never been satisfied." Angelica blew a piece of hair away from her face and ignored the feeling that something was amiss. "My name is Angelica Schuyler." "Alexander Hamilton." It was at that moment she knew for sure. Her hands gripped her dress and she was smiling way too much. 

"Where's your family from?" She asked, trying to make conversation. But he turned away distractedly. "Unimportant." He muttered, not making eye contact. He began to turn back to her and smiled weakly. "There's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait. Just you wait." That didn't really answer my question but whatever. There was an incredible moment where everything felt perfect but the moment ended quickly when she turned around. 

Is she serious? Oh my gosh.... Eliza silently fumed at Angelica, who had deserted her to talk to the guy. The guy... She knew her anger didn't show on her face. She was too starstruck. Then Angie turned to Eliza and her expression changed to panic. She began to lead the guy over to Eliza. She panicked. 

Peggy chuckled at her lovestruck sisters. "This is why I keep to myself. Don't have to deal with that nonsense!" She shoved one last breadstick in the oversized purse and left without anyone noticing.

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