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Now most couples who get engaged would wait and plan out there wedding so that the wedding day is all about them and their partner with their family and friends to see them marry the love of their life or someone that they got matched with, but of course there are these couples who don’t want a wedding but want to get eloped instead. But not our favourite couple aren’t one of those people who like waiting. Thomas and Angelica want to get married and get married today.

Now why do they want to get married today, well because they slept together there is always that chance that Angelica is pregnant, now they got her checked to see if she was and the doctor said no but he also said that if she was then she is in early stages, now both of them are careful about releasing onto the other, now of course they did it at times but that didn’t happen often.

Thomas had his hand on Angelica’s thigh as they were on there way to the closest church that was near Thomas’s and soon to be Angelica’s home “I’ll start to design a room for you so that you can have some headspace from me when you want, and I’ll start to design a nursery for us incase if you are with child” he said which made her nod, she kisses him softly “How much longer?” he asked “An hour sir” a voice yelled which made Thomas sigh “Great” he said annoyed, Angelica gets on her knees in front of him “Love we will get there soon and we’ll be married and on our way to France for our honeymoon” she said softly as she rubs his legs “How about a little distraction?” she whispered as she began to undo his pants “Angie….” he whispered but was cut off by her kissing him “Let’s just call it practice before our wedding night” she whispered as she slowly took his member out and began to suck him slowly, he leans his head back in pleasure as he closed his eyes, after their first meeting in France they would sneak off to places so that they could meet each other, there first time of ever laying with each other was in the back garden of where Thomas was staying, he had his staff set up a picnic for them with candles lighting it, it was Angelica’s first but as well all know Thomas was sleeping with his slave Sally and ever since the night him and Angelica laid together, he hadn’t looked back and only been with her. He moans as he ran his hand through her hair “Oh angie” he moans as he released hard and fast into her mouth “Sir we are here” the voice said, Angelica giggles and kisses him after fixing his pants “Wasn’t that long” she whispered and gets up.

Angelica and Thomas walk into the church, they get to the top of the altar “What can I help you with Mr Jefferson?” the priest asked softly “We want to elope” he said as he held Angelica “We don't want to wait any longer for a wedding” he said as the priest nods “is the miss with child?” he asked which made Thomas shakes his head “No but we would like for us to start a family as soon as we can” he said which made the priest nod understanding that they want a family “Arlight” he said 

The priest began to do all the things before stopping to let them say there vows “repeat after me, I give you this ring” he said “I give you this ring” they both said “As a sign of our love” the priest said “As a sign of our love” they said “in sickness and in health” the priest said “in sickness and in health” they said “I will always love you, from now on until death do us part” the priest said “I will always love you, from now on until death do us part” they said “I now pronounce you as husband and wife” he said which made Thomas grin “You may kiss your bride” he said which within seconds Thomas was kissing Angelica passionately “I love you my darling wife” he whispered softly happily “I love you my amazing husband” she whispered as she cups his face happily.

Thomas and Angelica rush out of the church laughing as Thomas began kissing her neck “Hurry up love I want you so I can see that body that I love” he whispered as he leaves marks on her neck “Tommy” she moans as she rubs his arm, he puts his fingers under her chin and kisses her softly “We’re married” she whispered breathless “took you long enough to agree to marry me” she whispered as she looks at him “The lord had that plan for us...we don’t have a straightforward relationship now do we my love” he whispered which made her giggle and nod “You are very right about that my love” she said “but I would rather to hard with you than easy with anyone else” she whispered softly which made him grin and cup her face happily “oh darling I love you” he said as he rubs her hips then kisses her head “I can’t believe I can call you my wife” he said happily “Angelica Jefferson...I love the sound of that dalin” he said and kisses her head happily.

(Sorry this is short, I have an assignment that is due this Friday and i am only half way through it so i want to get it done as fast as i can to focus on this)

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