Broken Hearts & Broken Lives

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"He may have been shot in the chest, but he died long before of a broken heart."

"Laurens, I like you a lot."

"Alexander, you're the closest friend I've got."

He made an acquaintanceship with Elizabeth Schuyler, and I knew in my heart that he was gone. They were married so soon and I witnessed firsthand, my love being torn from my life.

John Laurens has died, on this day, the twenty-seventh of August, 1782 in combat with British troops.

I may have been shot in the chest, but I died long before of a broken heart; years earlier when Alexander Hamilton was married to Elizabeth Schuyler.

My dearest Laurens, August 25th

I long await your return to New York. We will be reunited and once we are, we shall do whatever you please. Most likely a drink at the pub. I do not wish to keep you busy long, so I will keep this letter short.

I miss you dearly,

A. Hamilton.

"Laurens, do not throw away your shot."

"Let's get this guy in front of a crowd!"

My dearest, Laurens September 2nd

It has been nearly a week since you were scheduled to arrive back in New York. I do not worry too much that something may have happened to you. Still, the idea is restless in my head, and I do so wish to see your face again. Please return soon.

With utmost importance,

A. Hamilton

John Laurens has died, on this day, the twenty-seventh of August, 1782 in combat with British troops

I aimed my pistol at the sky.

I may have been shot in the chest, but I died long before of a broken heart; when my dearest, Laurens was killed by British troops, years earlier.

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