Chapter 27- Food Fight

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Two days before Luke's birthday, I'm at the parking lot with Arlene, unsure of what gift to get him.

I ask, "What should I get Luke?"

Arlene, filing her nails, laughs and says, "A girlfriend." We both chuckle.

Then Stephanie and her friends approach us, pretending to laugh.

"Hi Arlene, hi hoe," she says, and I wonder who she's calling a hoe—maybe herself.

I reply, "Are you talking about yourself? You're the only one dressed like that."

Arlene laughs, and Stephanie snaps back, "Well, you're a loser because you've never had sex."

I shoot back, "Oh yeah? You're a slut; guys just have to look at you, and your legs open."

Everyone gasps as I see the guys arriving. I add, "Good chatting, but I need to leave before I catch an STD from you."

Jordan comments, "She deserves that. If I knew she had herpes, I'd see a doctor immediately."

Carlos smirks, "This is where I come in."

We walk into school, and he says, "See you later," clearly up to something.

At my locker, I find Brandon holding a rose. I greet him, "Hi Brandy."

He kisses me and says, "Looking lovely as always."

I smile, "You're such a flirt."

After grabbing my textbook, Brandon and I head to geography together.

During class, an announcement blares: "Ms. Stephanie, captain of the cheerleading squad, report to the nurse for an HIV test. All boys who slept with her must go to the hospital after school for testing; she's positive for HIV."

Laughter erupts, with Justin and Luke doubled over, and a jock rolling on the floor.

Well played, Carlos.

Brandon, wiping a tear, says, "He's good. Where did you find a friend like him?"

I shrug.

At lunch, the only topic is Stephanie; some guys have already left for the hospital.

Jordan bursts in, declaring, "I'm negative; no STD from the s** giver," and laughter ensues.

Carlos adds, "That's how you embarrass the school slut. Take notes, Jordan."

Jordan replies, "No need; I'm a player," and grabs my fries.

I shout, "Hey!"

Ignoring me, he squirts mustard at me after I hit him with ketchup. It ends up on a jock behind him.

Uh oh, Jordan is in trouble.

The jock turns around, wiping mustard from his head, shouting, "Who did that?!"

Silence falls as everyone points to our table. I swallow hard as he glares at me, but I notice Jordan looking pale, still holding the mustard.

Luke whispers, "Duck under the table; this could get ugly." I nod and crouch down.

Then I hear, "Food fight!" and see food flying everywhere.

Still holding ketchup, I scramble out when Justin sprays mustard at me, laughing.

Chaos ensues as Arlene and Kyle throw food at each other.

I grab a slice of chocolate cake and throw it at a guy by the entrance, but he ducks, and the cake lands on Principal Johnson's head.

Everyone gasps, watching him fume.

He looks down at the sophomore and demands, "Who threw that?"

Everyone steps back as he points at me.

"Ah, Ms. Montez, my office now!" he says.

I roll my eyes.

I end up with detention for my first offense.

In the detention room, I'm surprised to see Carlos there. The teacher is our vice principal. I hand her my paper and sit next to Carlos.

He says, "Just detention? You're lucky; if it were Jordan, he'd be suspended."

The teacher warns, "No talking, texting, eating, or drinking. Hand over all devices."

Carlos whispers, "She forgot no sucking or having sex," pointing at a couple making out.

I laugh as we give up our phones. Carlos pulls out a lollipop.

The teacher says, "I said no eating!"

Carlos replies, "Yes, but you didn't say no sucking."

She turns red and threatens, "Detention for the whole of next week, Carlos."

He shrugs, "Fine, I didn't do anything." I just shake my head.


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