Chapter 3- "Let's Play Trying To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Jealous"

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I wake up to knocking on my door and groan as I open my eyes.

It's 7:15 am. Why didn't anyone wake me up earlier?

"Wake up, Ana, you'll be late for school," Dad calls from the kitchen.

"I'm up, Dad!" I grumble.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. My hair looks wild, and my eyes are swollen. I'm definitely not a morning person.

After a quick shower and brushing my teeth, I grab a pair of jeans and a red shirt from my closet. I throw on my Converse, pull my messy hair into a ponytail, and grab my bag and phone. It's 7:28 am—Justin will be here any minute.

I rush down the stairs, yelling, "Bye, Dad!"

I dash out the front door and down the driveway to where Justin dropped me off last time. Just in time—he arrives seconds later.

"Morning," I greet as I climb into the back seat.

"Morning, Ana. Let's go; we don't want to be late," he replies.

I nod and look out the window. When we pull into the school parking lot, I get out, and a few girls gasp and start whispering.

"No way, I have to tell Stephanie!"

"I bet she slept with him, what a slut."

"I can't believe Justin and the nerd are in the same car without it exploding!"

"Did she sleep her way in?"

I shout back, "Who are you calling a slut? I didn't have to sleep my way in, unlike some of you!"

Justin laughs and high-fives me. "Good one, Ana."

We walk into school, and I see the guys.

"Hey, Ana, what's up?" Jordan greets.

"Heaven," I joke.

The boys laugh.

"What's down?"

"You wouldn't want to know, but I'd love to show you—meet me in the janitor's closet," he smirks.

I smack his shoulder. "Pervert."

I head to my locker and spot Stephanie and her minions deep in conversation. Uh oh, she's frowning at me. I approach my locker, feigning innocence.

"You're blocking my locker," I tell one of the minions.

She smirks, "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't speak nerd."

Before I can respond, the cheerleaders start twirling their hair. I know who's behind me.

Jordan puts his arm around my neck. "Hi babe, how's it going?"

The cheerleaders gasp, and I roll my eyes.

"You're really dating this nerd?" one asks.

"Yes, got a problem with that?" Jordan frowns.

She pales and shakes her head.

I remove his arm, and the cheerleaders step aside. Stephanie looks shocked and keeps glancing at Justin.

In algebra, the girls whisper as I sit next to Kyle, who smiles at me.

"Looking good, Kyle," I whisper.

He flexes. "Want to feel?"

I squeeze his arm, and some girls start to cry from jealousy.

Can this day get any better?


At lunchtime, I grab my food and head out of the cafeteria when someone shouts my name. It's Jordan, sitting with the guys while cheerleaders try to get their attention.

I sit between Justin and Jordan, who puts his arm around me again.

"Remove your hand or I'll rip it off," I glare.

Justin chuckles, and Jordan raises his hands in surrender.

I munch on chips and sip my soda.

Stephanie just finishes making out with her boyfriend and is glaring at us.

Justin whispers, "Let's play, make your ex jealous."

I smirk. "Piece of cake."

I push Justin slightly, loud enough for Stephanie to hear. "You're so funny, Tin Tin."

I laugh, twirl my hair, and pout.

Justin takes my hand, rubbing his thumb over it and gazing into my eyes.

I glance at Stephanie, who looks furious, and she storms out with her boyfriend.

Justin smirks. "That'll teach her not to cheat on me. Ana, I didn't know you could flirt."

"There's a lot you don't know about me," I shrug, like how Mr. Montez is my dad and his wife is in jail.

Luke suggests, "Let's take a picture when we go shopping Saturday and save it. By graduation, we can project all our adventures."

I nod. "Great idea! We'll label the pictures with dates and places."

We'll have a whole album when we're done.

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