Chapter 62- Graduation Day

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I'm finally graduating from this hellhole! I'm getting ready for the ceremony with Arlene.

Dad shouts, "Hurry up, you guys! Do you want to be late?"

Arlene says, "Anne, put on your gown and hat; I'll do the makeup." I slip into my blue gown.

I double-check that I have my speech and camera. Five minutes later, we walk out of the room. Stacy says, "Picture time, just one!" I sigh.

Freddie is coming too since Nikki's parents can't make it. Dad pretends to wipe a tear from his eye and says, "My baby is all grown up."

I roll my eyes and check the time: 1:45 PM, with the ceremony starting at 2:00 PM.

When we arrive at the school, I see my classmates in their gowns chatting. One guy says, "Hi Anne, we're finally getting out of here! Thanks for helping me last year; I wouldn't be here today without you."

I reply, "No problem! Just don't repeat it in college," and he nods.

The guys approach with equipment to set up the projector. Justin and I have been dating for a month, but we don't show affection in front of our friends.

"Hi guys," I say as Justin hugs me.

Jordan exclaims, "It's freedom, baby! Thank goodness, four years here was tough!"

I laugh.

Carlos suggests, "Let's prank our dear principal one last time," and he and Jordan leave.

Ian and Greg are in their gowns and hats, while Austin, a junior, will graduate next year. Ian says, "Hi Anne! We're having a graduation party at the beach later; all our friends are invited." I nod in response.

We head to the gym and take our seats. Mr. Johnson welcomes the class of 2017 and asks how it feels to graduate.

Jack shouts, "Good! We don't have to see your face anymore!" Everyone laughs.

Mr. Johnson chuckles, "Yes, but I'll miss you guys. You were a handful, but I managed." He continues, "These four years have prepared you for the outside world. You've learned respect, discipline, teamwork, and courage. This school helped you make friends for life." He looks at me, and I nod.

He introduces seven special students to share their experiences from senior year. My friends and I stand up, and our classmates cheer for us.

I approach the microphone and say, "Hello everyone, I'm Anastasia Montez, or Anne, Ana, or nerd to some of you. This year has truly changed my life—new close friends, enemies turned friends, and my first relationship, which lasted about two months. Now I'd like to show you all the pictures of my close friends and me from day one."

I turn to my friends, and the lights dim as the projector displays our photos. The first shows us hanging out in the cafeteria on the second day we met. "This is the picture of my friends and me; most of you will remember it."

The next photo is from a shopping trip, followed by one of me in a new outfit at school.

Twenty minutes later, the final photo is from prom, featuring Justin and me kissing. I blush as people whistle.

"Congratulations, class of 2017! We all made it, and we're in this together!" I say.

We rush outside to the field and start singing "We're All in This Together" from High School Musical. I dance with Justin while Dad takes pictures of my friends and me. After many photos, I notice Brandon looking lonely.

I walk over and say, "Hi Brandy, come take a picture with us." He smiles.

After taking several pictures, I see Jessica and Bill, who hug me. Jessica says, "You did it, Anne! You graduated!" I laugh.

Justin hugs me and says, "We did it." He kisses me.


I'm sitting on the sand, leaning against Justin and watching the sky. "I can't believe we graduated. It's been a long school year. I wonder what would have happened if we hadn't met?"

Justin sighs, "I don't know, but we still would have been friends since Carlos was your lab partner." I nod, and he kisses my forehead.

"There you lovebirds are! I've been looking for you for five minutes," Arlene says breathlessly.

I chuckle, "Why?"

Arlene replies, "The boys are going to play 'Have I Never.' Want to join?"

I look at Justin, and he says, "Sure, let's go, Anne," picking me up bridal style and running with me.


The End.

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