Chapter 8- Jub Jub?

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When Kyle's friends arrive after school, he says, "Guys, I'm busy this evening, so I won't be hanging out." Justin smirks, replying, "Sure, buddy, just remember to use protection," causing Kyle to frown.

Jordan adds, "I'm out too; I'm taking Stephanie to the movies." Jacob laughs, "Just make sure to keep your bedroom door closed and don't be on the couch when I get home," embarrassing Jordan and making everyone laugh.

As I pull up to Justin's house, I notice a woman with curly brown hair at the front door. She has gray eyes—just like Justin—implying he got his looks from both parents.

She greets me, "You must be the famous Anastasia Montez. Your father and my husband were just in a meeting." I nod in acknowledgement.

"It's nice to meet you—" I begin, but she interrupts, "Call me Jessica. It's nice to meet you too! Come in, I made your favorite cookies."

Carlos chimes in, "That's why I love you, Jessica; you know us so well." She laughs, saying, "I love you too, Car, Lucky, Jacob, and my handsome Justin," pinching Justin's cheek.

He frowns, saying, "Mom, I'm eighteen; stop babying me." She smiles, "You'll always be my baby boy, Jub Jub."

I laugh at the nickname. Justin grumbles under his breath.

Jessica explains, "He was chubby as a child and always stole the Jub Jubs from the cupboard, which led to the nickname. Anastasia, want to see some pictures of Justin as a kid?"

I was about to respond when Justin interjects, "Maybe another time, Mom. Can we get those cookies now?"

She smiles, "So demanding," and we head into the kitchen, where my jaw drops at the sight of the enormous chocolate chip cookies.

Carlos licks his lips and reaches for one, but Jessica swats his hand with a spatula. "No, ladies first. Anastasia, dear, take as many as you want." I smile and grab five cookies, while she takes six.

There were twelve left for the four boys. Justin grabs four and bolts out of the kitchen, followed by Luke with three, while Jacob and Carlos only manage two. Carlos shouts after Justin, "Hey, you have my cookie; give it back!"

I chuckle and shake my head. Jessica adds, "Those two have been best friends since elementary school. Then came the twins, Kyle, and Luke in eighth grade."

I say, "They're quite a group; I'm starting to really like them."

She smiles, "That happens when you hang around them a lot. They like you too, especially Justin. After that girl Stephanie cheated on him, he wasn't himself until he met you. Now he's back to normal, with just one hangover."

After finishing my cookies, I go to the back where the boys are either listening to music or texting. I sit next to Justin, who is furiously typing on his phone. He says, "My mom likes you a lot; she didn't like Stephanie when I dated her."

I nod and pull out my phone to play a game, receiving a text from Dad:

Dad: Chelsea is coming for dinner with Luke tonight. I'll be home a bit late, so be nice.

Me: She's going back home afterward, right?

Dad: Yeah, if she wants. On Saturday, you'll be visiting your mom in prison.


Me: Dad, there's no way I'm going to see her. She's no mother to me; she just gave birth.

Dad: You are going, whether you like it or not.

Me: Fine, but you're coming with me.

Dad: Sorry, but I have to work.

Is this guy serious???

I don't text him back. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to go there alone.

Justin notices, "You look stressed." I sigh, "I am because my dad wants me to visit my mom on Saturday, and I'll be going alone since he's busy."

Justin offers, "I can come with you if you'd like." I smile at his kindness.

Luke chimes in, "Hi Ana, I'll see you at your house at 7:30." I groan in response.

"Please don't remind me. I can't cook to save my life; how am I supposed to cook for your aunt?"

He replies, "Well, I'm coming over to help, of course."

Jacob asks, "So your dad is dating Chelsea?"

I nod, and he chuckles, "Good luck; she only dates guys for their money. Luke knows what I mean. Don't let her use your dad."

I admit, "I really don't like stepmothers and don't want one, so she'll be gone by November."

Carlos asks, "When's your birthday, Ana?"

I answer, "October 18th; it's my golden birthday since I'll be turning eighteen."

Luke grins, "Mine is October 1st; I'll also be eighteen." I sigh, "I want a party for my birthday, but my dad is always busy, so I doubt I'll get one."

Justin smiles while texting, and Luke smirks, glancing at his phone. I wonder what they're talking about, even though it doesn't concern me.

I go back inside and see Jessica on the phone while cooking. I grab a soda from the fridge and make a sandwich. Suddenly, I receive a text from an unknown number:

Unknown: Hi A, want to go on a date with me?

I frown at the message.

Me: Who is this and why do you have my number?

Unknown: My name is Daniel. I'm in your chemistry class, and someone put your number in my locker.

Me: This is a misunderstanding. I don't even know you, so delete my number. I'm not going on a date with you or any guy.

Unknown: You'll change your mind soon, I promise. Just for today, I'll delete your number.

I wonder who put my number in his locker. Daniel is on the track team, has chestnut hair and green eyes, and is one of the quietest and brightest on the team.

How do I know this? He was my lab partner in sophomore year.


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