Be Ahead of the Game

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A/N: That be Chief Taji Dean ^^^ She'll kick her boy's asses if it's for their own good.
......[(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ]......


Hal is completely obnoxious. He's got to lay off the Horatio Caine one liner moments if he's serious about this case. I wince every time he opens that big mouth in front of my coworkers. Unfortunately, I like them but I'm working right now! I have no time for silly shenanigans. He stares at me for a unusually long period of time and brushes off his actions like if Otis t weird. At least Hal knows how to carry his own work. Having him help me out from time to time is odd on my case but... he has this air around him that I feel like I can trust him.

In a few minutes, we both arrive at the crime scene, a one story home in the small suburbs around the city. The suburbs are the most quietest part of Upside with the occasional drunk brawls I have to break up. It's terrible to hear that the serial killer- or what Hal's been bothering me to name him- the Hangman, has targeted people here. I know a lot of the residence around here. Most are families that want to get away from the hectic city noise. Then there are old couples who have lived here all their lives.

Hal and I go over the yellow cation tape. The red and blue lights flicker behind our backs. Luckily for our policemen, not many people decided to check out the commotion so only two or three people stared at us while we entered the home. I spot Detective Lucia questioning a crying middle aged woman. Two small kids sit on their couch. The victim's kids... They are unaware that their dad is gone. Lucia looks up from her writing, motioning her head to the direction where the scene is.

I give her a short wave before pulling a slow curious Hal with me. A strong acid and metallic smell hits us in the middle of the narrow hallway. My face scrunches up in disgust. Hal covers his nose and mouth with the back of his hand, "Shit, what is that smell?" We continue down the hall to the door that's wide open. I can see plastic covering sticking out of the room; what are we walking into? The scene we walk into made my stomach sick.

What looks to be vomit, is spread all over the floor. Blood is mixed in with the bile. On the floor is our victim's corpse with the noose around his neck. A policeman with a face mask hands us our own mask. Even with those on, I don't think the smell wouldn't lessen any better. Hal and I bring it over our nose and mouth before proceeding further into the crime scene.

"Jerry Thomas McFisher. Age forty three. Married to Martha McFisher and has a seven and eight year old. Has done time for car theft and two hit and runs twenty years back. They moved to Upside after his sentence was over in the county not far from the city," reads Lucia who appears behind us. I crouch down to get closer to the cadaver. The smell is stronger down here, causing me to gag silently.

I take out surgical gloves from the small box near the body. I lean a bit forward to move the cold arms that's laid over his chest. It doesn't budge- rigor mortis, meaning his body was found four to six hours if it's spread all over. I turn to Lucia who's jotting more stuff on her notepad. I ask, "When did the wife discover the body?"

"Two hours ago, she came to the house after picking up her kids from school. She then followed the strong scent to this room. Jerry was hanging on the ceiling fan. Fortunately, the kids didn't see," informs Lucia. She shifts uncomfortably on her feet. I knew already she has a soft spot for children. It's always comes down to them when horrible events ruin their chance of a normal childhood. I turn my attention back to the body. Hal bends over my form to say, "I'll scan the room." He could have just told me while he was standing. Again, he does not know personal space.

I hear his shoes brush against the plastic covered flooring. I return to examining the body. There really wasn't much to see. We already know the cause of death is most likely hanging. "But where are the drugs..." I mumble to myself. I pat at his pockets and dig out his things. I'm surprised the others haven't retrieved his items. Not longer, I fish out a pill bottle from McFisher (pardon my uncalled for pun). The label read- you guessed it- Daze. The tablets inside were purple and pink. The unusual thing is that there are only two left in the bottle.

"Hey, I found the Hangman's letter," announces Hal.

Lucia gives me a puzzled expression, "Hangman?"

I shrug, "We decided to label him that. Death by hanging is his theme." I stand up straight and head over to Hal. He also holds a newspaper clip under the paper. "Seems McFisher here wasn't only accused for a hit and run. He was proven innocent for manslaughter because his hit and run was under the influence," Hal shakes his head in disappointment.

I wondered if that was the guilt that pushed him over the edge. Daze makes the user not fear suicidal tendencies. The Hangman hands over the drugs then guilts them into hanging themselves. We have got to know all the residents in Upside who's had a criminal background. It should pinpoint who he targets next. "Let's head back to the station. I need to start collecting potential victims," I tell Hal. He understands where I'm going with this.

We say goodbye to Lucia and step out of the room. I glance at the victim's family; the wife embraces her children like a life line. She'll have to be strong for them. I've heard of parents giving their kids up for adoption after one of them dies. I can't blame them to be unfit to take care of their kids after their lost. It's better than spiraling into an abusive phase.

When we reach our building, we spy tons and tons of news stations. Chief Dean must be announcing to the press. I'm sure the chief doesn't want to bother her investigators while we are working; we most likely won't be called to appear on camera. I know the woman can handle any type of crowd.  After three bodies showing up and a lot of police activity, the press had to find out sooner or later. That explains why George wasn't with Lucia; a mama's boy had to make sure his mother was okay. Hal and I push pass the crowd and enter the station. The conference hasn't started so everyone is running around setting up chairs and stuff.

The two of us make it to our office. I hustle to my seat and pull up the police database. I assign Hal to write up the report on McFisher which he reluctantly does. I make a search for known criminals in the Upside area. The wait takes longer than I expect it to be. I lean back watching the icon spin in a circle. I know our database is slow because no one bothered to update its program since a decade ago. It finally stops and the results were around five thousand. I lean forward eagerly and select the filter, clicking on crimes that would fit the Hangman's criteria for "sin." Unfortunately, it seems like every small thing is consider an offense to him.

I search for each of the Hangman's confirmed victims. I read their profiles thoroughly for a while. Their faces were different than the first time I saw them. They haven't been in prison in the last eight to ten years. It's a shame for criminals who don't want to go back now have to deal with this justice-seeker. I look at their dates of when they got arrested once more...  hold on a second. "Hal!"

"Huh?" his head lifts from his desk with the report stuck to the side of his face. The asshat has been sleeping this whole time. I shake my head at the sight before continuing, "I found it!"

"Found what?"

I motion him over to hurry his ass. The tall ginger gazes over my shoulder at the screen. I slide my finger over the screen, pointing the times when our victims have last been arrested. His hazel eyes glint with recognition. His hand moves over to my shoulder, patting it like some reward for doing a good job. I push it away with a frown before talking, "We can predict his movements now. I wonder why he chose to target these people in chronological order." I print out the next potential target for the Hangman.

"There's probably some personal relation we aren't able to see. It's okay. You made a break through," says Hal. I nod in agreement before he continues, "Can you help me with the report." I narrow my eyes at him. He can't finish a report? Are you serious! He grins me a cheeky grin, "I'm more brawn than brain, man. Help me out. I get bored easily."

"You won't get bored if you are busy doing your goddamn work," I scowl. How did this man even become a detective? Hell, I learned how to write my own when I was just a young patrolman. I hated it but look at me now! The ginger gives me these puppy eyes. I swear he's doing this on purpose but for his benefit or just to irritate me, I will never know. Unfortunately, I find him attractive- though I'm sure most people do- and the puppy eyes are working much to my dislike. I sigh holding out my hand as an indicator to fork over his unfinished report. He jumps a little for joy before handing over the paper.

It wasn't until the clock hit 6pm that I finished the report. I started to wish George was my partner, not this slacker. I glance up from my work to lock eyes with Hal. He's staring again and it's beginning to get on my nerves. If he has something to tell me he should just say it! I fidget uncomfortably under his gaze. I don't sense anger- or anything of the matter. "Hal," I call out but he doesn't snap out. "Hal. You really got to stop daydreaming."

"Hah. Sorry." His hazel eyes blinks and his hand scratches the back of his neck. He turns his attention to our ticking wall clock before asking, "I'll take you out for dinner. How about it?"

"No," I bluntly say before getting up from my seat with papers in hand. I head out our office, making my way towards Jenkins. I can hear Hal's steps catch up to mine. "Why not? It's already dinner time," he says. "You haven't eaten since this morning." I roll my eyes, not caring about my eating schedule. It's either my well-being or more people getting hurt. I will always choose the latter. "Come o-"

I halt in my tracks to scowl him, "Save it. As I have said before, I have no power to stop you from leaving early." If he wanted to eat then be my guess. I have a killer to stop. Before I continue walking, a hand grabs my forearm, forcing me to look up at him. I freeze, staring into his handsome face. I can feel my heart skip a beat at his wounded expression. Don't look like that! I feel like I've kicked a puppy.

"Riley..." he says softly. This is not beneficial for my fast beating heart. It's as if my right and left side of the brain are battling out emotion versus logic. Hal shouldn't be looking out for me. I just met him! How can he be so persistent when I barley know him? He continues, "Please, I-"

"Riley, you finished with the report?" Relief washes over my tensed body. Hal lets go of my arm which I let is hang back to my side. I face Jenkins who's peeking out of his office a few feet away. His eyes dart back and forth between Hal and me like if he can sense our odd tension. "Y-yah, I have it," I cringe internally at my stutter. I quickly leave Hal's side to enter Jenkins's office. The detective closes it before Hal gets second thoughts of following me in.

All of our offices look similar except for personal items that are scattered around. Jenkins is the only one with the printer so he should have received my printed profile. I settle in the chair across his desk. I place the papers onto a less messy spot on the desk. The whole team is busy so it's no shock that Jenkins's is covered with reports and files. The investigator sits in his seat, observing me. He asks, "You okay?"

"Yes," wanting to change the subject I talk about the profile, "You got the paper I printed out correct?"

Jenkins nods, pulling said-paper out from a manilla folder. He hands it over to me. "What of this particular person?"

"We'll be one step ahead of the Hangman's game."

......[(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ]......

A/N: So I'm wondering if I should start putting "Vote and Comment" at the end of each of my chapters. I feel naggy if I do so but I do want people to somehow notice this story. I don't know. Anyways, so far I've got ideas on how this story will roll and finish so stick around ;D

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