100 Questions: Part 2

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26. Do they have any survival skills?

Let me not lie to you guys. I have NO survival skills. I would DIE if the zombie apocalypse were to happen.

27. Are they more book smart or street smart?

Uhhhhh... neither tbh. But more book smart.

28. How do they get out of a difficult situation?

I usually don't until the last minute, then it usually breaks me for a while. Lately, it's been easier having friends who genuinely care about my wellbeing who USUALLY know more then I do about a situation.

29. Do they use their body, mind, personality or force to get what they want?

Well definitely not body or mind... or force... and probably not personality either. I usually don't get what I want unless one of my friend's bully me into accepting their generousity.

30. What music do they enjoy?

Punk rock, alternative music, some pop, some other types. Mainly punk rock though.

31. How do they overcome obstacles?

Isn't this the same as 'difficult situation'? Nah, I kid, I kid. I figure it out usually. With my friends. Sometimes my family or other influences in my life.

32. When faced with a difficult decision do they get stronger or break?


33. Do they have any special powers?

If I were to have a special power, let's be honest here... I wouldn't be on Wattpad. But if I did have one- it'd be invisibility or mind reading.

34. How do they change throughout the story?

Well I got funnier /j

No in all seriousness, I think I became more self aware? I'm also trying to improve my mental health as best I can.

35. Do they have any friends? If so, are they close knit?

Helllllll yeah I do. I have some amazing ass friends! My closest friend is, ofc, Lexxington (I know you are reading this, I am calling your ass OUT) Dastive, but I'm also decently close friends with Lils. I have a good selection of IRL friends, Moodie, Ray, and my newest silly billy- Bishop. I mostly make online friends, because they're usually the ones that I trust the most, but I'm very happy to have some people I know irl that are so dang close!

36. How is their family life?

Kinda mid.

37. Are they likable?

Depends on who you are. I can't tell you if you like me or not.

38. Are they the hero, or anti-hero?

Uh... probably anti-hero...? Neither, I'm pretty sure.

39. Do they make questionable choices?

Oh yeah, everyone does though. Don't you sit there and act like you don't.

40. How do they become who they are?

A lot of trauma /j please don't take what I say seriously-

I think it's more so who I surround myself with, the flaws I learn to recognize in myself, and more. I think my recent break up really taught me a lot about myself too?

41. How was their childhood?

No comment.

42. Are they close with anyone who is going to screw them over?

Lexxington /j

43.How do they adapt to different situations? Do they adapt at all?

I struggle with change so... no, not really.

44. How do they speak? Examples - Are they soft spoken, hot heated, vulgar

Kind of depends on my mood. I'm typically soft-spoken (if I even speak). When I get excited though, I get really loud.

45. Are they opposed to violence?

Typically, yes. I don't think violence solved much of anything. But... there are exceptions to every rule.

46. When is their birthday?

August 1, 2003. I'm 20 years old.

47. Are they quick to judge?

I try not to be, but sometimes I catch myself judging other people. It's something I am working on constantly.

48. Do they have anything they are trying to hide from others?

I'm gay.

Also, I hate this question, it's flaring up my imposter syndrome. No, I don't think I'm hiding anything, but at the same time, now I'm unsure- okay the answer is no. I'm not hiding anything.

49. Do they act differently around different people?

Yes and no? I act way differently online then I do in real life (aka I talk a lOT more online). I'm also usually a lot more energetic around certain people then I am around others. I open up more to different people then I do others.

50. Do they enjoy the arts?


-Looked at art books-


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