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I stood still as I looked around at the scenery I was in at the moment, it was a massive building, white walls, a silver chandelier and beautifully decorated white glass in every wall I saw. It was quite enchanting if I say so myself. I wish that I will have the same venue as this at my wedding.

A wedding like you've never seen before, purple and blue flowers in these cute little wooden flower pots, a lot of green, such as trees in the size of a chair, ivies climbing up the wall, ocean blue orchids;

Too bad for me, I didn't get the chance to stand here right now with the one that I love, instead of that, I'm seeing him marrying a woman, a sweet caring, but a still fierce woman. Well, I hope that he's happy with her, he better be...

Walking down 29th and park.

As I snapped out of my trance, I walked to the bench where friends and family of the groom sit. While I was looking for a seat, the groom's mother looked at me with a smile, the same smile she gave me the first time I have met her. The smile was a wide one with happiness all over it. She gestured for me to come and sit next to her, so I did what she said and sat next to her.

''How are you, my boy?'' She asked with a sweet voice, it was calming. ''I'm fine, thank you for asking. Are you nervous about your son?'' I replied, little did she know I was actually lying. I had to watch how my best friend was going to marry his girlfriend. It's heartbreaking to know that you're not the one who is standing there.

''I am, but I'm sure that he'll manage. He's a tough boy.'' Of course, he's a tough boy. I mean, he was the boys' volleyball captain, why wouldn't he be tough? He brought our team to nationals with many complications in the way. ''So, sweety, are you excited for today? He said that he was really looking forward to seeing you after the ceremony.''

Why would he? He would have a wife then, he should spend time with her instead of with me. ''If I'm being honest, I'm really excited! I can finally see that dork marry the woman of his dreams. Also, he is? He didn't say anything to me, I guess I'll look out for him haha.'' I said back to her with fake excitement in my voice. Anything to make her happy.

I then heard the wedding entrance music start. Well, time to put my extra fake mask on, just to hide my all so obvious feelings. Time to restrain the tears.

I saw you in another's arms.

There he goes, walking to the aisle with his dad by his side. He looks so handsome... Not the time to think that, make up your mind, you idiot. The groom and I glanced at each other. When I saw him glancing at me, I put on my fakest smile of them all, just to hide the tears that were collecting behind my eyelids. Do not let him see, let him be happy. He then walks past me, going to the place where he's meant to be. His father tells him something along the lines of 'good luck'. Well, he doesn't need luck. He knows what he's doing.

''Please stand for our bride.'' The pastor announced. This was the moment, the moment my heart wished it didn't need to feel.

And there, the chorus of the song hits and the doors were opening, there she goes. The bride, she's in a beautiful A-Line wedding dress, lace on the bottom, a silver belt around her waist, sheer sleeves that looked flawless and a veil, which was full of silver beads and flowers. She looked like she was the luckiest woman alive, and she should feel that way. Happy as if nothing else mattered.

Her dad was by her side too as she walked down the aisle, in the exact same footsteps as the groom, she looked so happy. Then when the song hits the ending chorus, the bride reached the same place as the groom. They were engulfed in each other's eyes, happiness radiating from them both.

''Who presents this woman in the marriage this day?'' The pastor asks her dad. ''Our lovely Yui.'' Her dad said with confidence lacing his voice. Michimiya got the grand prize of marrying my best friend... She deserves it. She had the guts. ''Mister, you can say your goodbyes to your daughter, wish her the best of luck.'' When that sentence ended, her father lets go of her hand and walked away while saying 'I love you'. That's when she walked to the groom, who was waiting for her arrival. She walked to him as she took his hand. Gently caressing it.

Only a month we've been apart.

They intertwined their hands as the pastor cleared his throat, preparing to speak the remarks of the wedding. ''Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today because of this special occasion. The occasion being the love of two souls being connected today by a ring of trust. Two wonderful souls decided to secure their love, so it will last for an eternity. To witness the marriage of Yui Michimiya and Daichi Sawamura. The marriage of today is not a beginning of a relationship but a continuation of an everlasting one. They decided to portray their love in front of their family and friends, in form of a wedding that will show their hearts becoming a union. And by that, thank you for your time to come and celebrate it with them.''

My heart was aching as it had to endure the beginning of the ceremony. The only thing was, this was only the easy part. I don't know if I will survive the hard part without crying. I looked next to me because I heard small sobs. It was Daichi's mom who was crying her eyes out, honestly, I would do the same if I had a son. She must be so utterly proud.

As the ceremony goes on, I started to really wonder off, what would've happened if I was just a few hours earlier than Michimiya? Would I be standing there right now with Daichi in front of me? Or would he reject me? He's probably straight anyway, no way that he was bisexual. I then looked at his face and thought:

You look happier.

Then all my attention regained its senses and I was completely focused. Was I preparing myself for the part that comes now? Please, let me die already. I can't hear this without shattering.

''Daichi, do you take Yui as your wedded wife and do you promise to share your happiness and sorrow, to stand with her through times of joy and times of pain? Building a life that belongs jointly to the two of you? And do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and respect her?'' The pastor asked Daichi.

''I do.''

My heart and eyes ached at this moment, it was official, he was completely gone for her. There's no chance to confess my dying love for him.

''And Yui, do you take Daichi as your wedded husband and do you promise to share your happiness and sorrow, to stand with him through times of joy and times of pain? Building a life that belongs jointly to the two of you? And do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and respect him?'' He repeated to the bride.

''I do.''

After I heard that, my eyes unconsciously let out a tear that stained my cheek.

''Now, Daichi will say his vows to Yui.''

''I, Daichi take you Yui. For my beautiful and loving wife. I promise to love you, to comfort you, to hold and keep you close, to listen and have compassion, to nourish you with gentleness, to uphold you with my strength, to respect and take care of you, to honor and cherish you. through happy times and through difficult times, for all the days of my life.''

''Now, Yui, you may now say your vows to Daichi.''

''I, Yui take you Daichi. For my amazing husband. I promise to love you and comfort you, to hold and keep you close, to listen and have compassion, to nourish you with gentleness, to uphold you with my strength, to respect and take care of you, to honor and cherish you, through happy times and through difficult times, for all the days of my life.'''

They did it, they said their vows. There's no going back anymore. I will have to let go now.

The pastor then asked the bridesmaid to bring the rings to the couple as I watched with a smile that was laced with agony.

''The ring is a material symbol that has been designed to illustrate spiritual truth. The ring has 2 characteristics which make it suitable as a reminder to us of what marriage really is. First, the ring is a circle, and circles have no beginning and no end, and they last forever. Just like your love and your commitment, also rings are made out of metal to be valued, which have the quality of getting better and better and more valuable with age, it is my hope that your love will grow and improve while the years go by.''

''Daichi, will you now present the ring as a symbol of your love, honor, and loyalty?'' The pastor asked Daichi. He replied with a yes while putting the ring on Yui her finger.

''This ring I give to you, comes from unconditional love.'' Now the ring was on her finger and If I had to be honest, the ring is beautiful. It really suits her.

''Yui, will you now present the ring as a symbol of your love honor and faithfulness?'' She answered with the same answer as Daichi while she grabbed the ring and placed it around Daichi's finger. Her hand was shaking, she's nervous. Well, she has to do it or I'm taking her spot.

''This ring I give to you, comes from our constant faithfulness.'' The ring that was placed around Daichi's finger looked really unique, something I would've chosen if he was my groom. Well, I can at least dream about it.

After a short prayer, it was finally time for the main thing of this ceremony, the part I didn't want to see but I had to, the tear that was first caressing my face had dried up, but there was a stain of the track the tear had taken. Nobody saw it I think. Also, Daichi's mom is crying her eyes out and I'm comforting her as she had her left arm around my right arm, and her right arm around the left arm of her husband. She really needs the support. It's quite funny how Daichi's mom can be so soft, it reminds me of Daichi after practice in high school, he was always so caring and soft to me when we were off the court, but hey, he has Michimiya now. She deserves the same memories that I had of Daichi.

''Before this celebration, Daichi and Yui have promised each other their love for a lifetime, have given each other rings to wear as a sign for love for an eternity, and for the love for one another. I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.''


Hi, I decided to rewrite this since it didn't really fit the theme anymore. The beginning is still the same as the last time but I couldn't quite write after it because it went from 4000 words to 1000 and so, it didn't look as good as it used to look. I hope you won't mind. ;')

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