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Ash's POV

She walks silently behind me only our breathing can be heard

Im pulled into my thoughts

Could she be the Last Magic Wielder??

Maybe she just has Normal magic

.......but Ive never seen them do that before...........

Im brought out of my thoughts when I hear her footstep stop

"This is rebel camp"I say

"Basically,people against the Leaders"
She nods

I walk quickly to my uncle and aunts tent,grinning from ear to ear ready to boast about my accomplishment

I stop in horror when I reach the door


Alyssa speaks but I block her with my hand pulling her behind the Tent

"Stay down" I whisper to her

She nods looking at me in sympathy

"Dont worry they won't do anything"
I say trying to convince myself more than her

Alyssa's POV

I walk into the rebel camp looking around ,Then I feel Ash go tense and I look in front of us

I see Rufus and Talya creating Fire Fields around a younger looking couple

And from the way Ash looks I can tell they are his Aunt and Uncle


I try to say something but Ash covers my mouth and pulls us behind the Tent to see what is going on

"Stay down"he says

I nod with sympathy

He sees

"Dont worry they wont do anything" he says worried,trying to assure himself rather than me

I look on at what is going on in the room

The fire Fields where growing wider around the couple

"Where is he.....and her??"
My eyes widen in realization.......its us......

Ash nods back to confirm

"We dont know they arent here"The young woman in the firefield said

"You can burn down the house and you wont find them,without our help"she says raising an eyebrow at Talya in front of her

"You have three days to hand them over or the camp is burnt down"Rufus says ending the fire field

The young man gives an eye but remains silent

Ash pulls me through the back door into the room

"Ash!!!"The woman who I now know is called Lyla screams

Instead of hugging him as I expected she would she gave him an Icy slap


He rubs his cheek


"Where have you been"The man who I now know is Kaden questions him

"I got her......"he says as I step from the back of him

"She looks normal"the woman says

"Sparky,let down your hair"Ash says

I remove the beanie and watch my hair fall in heaps to my waist the Gold strand falling to my knees

Kaden and Lyla gape

"Can you do magic??"

"Not really"I reply

"Yeah but she did this"Ash says pulling the gold strand of hair and showing it to them

Kaden looks at it and rushes back into a room and brings out an old book

His eyes turn misty and he opens his mouth like he is prophecizing

Ash and Lyla seem natural as if it happens all the time

He turns to me

The Golden Wielder,Magic Controller not Wielder,heals And replaces with gold
All but the heart,the heart in stone
Replace by a heart of gold
Not in touch , but in love

Saves the dead,heals the living
Kills the bad ,helps the injured

When the hair all turns Gold
She shall rule in time
The time will strike
With her partner at her side.

She alone who the Orb cannot grant
But by only the true Spell of the Oldest Magic Guardian who gives only in Satisfaction, but not to those who need.

He drops down on the floor and in Magical exhaustion,and gets up in a minute and looks at me

"The Orb cant help you"he says talking to Ash but still analyzing me


"She is Stronger than it"

Hey guys hope you like it

The prohecy means that they havebto find an old wizard....no the oldest and ask him to make them a Spell,but if he is not Satisfied with her magic he will not make the spell

'Gives only in Satisfaction,not to those who need'

Journey time!!!

If you need any more clarification
Then comment.........

Dont forget to vote comment and follow me #MizzyBabbly😁😁😁


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