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The next day Zane walked out of the hospital in his normal clothes. He suddenly remembered his plan and decided to call Garroth. "Hey Garroth." Zane said once he picked up.

"Hello Zane! What is it?" Garroth smiled. "Hey, I just left the hospital. Can I come visit?" Zane asked, hoping for a Yes. "Of course baby brother!" Garroth said. Zane smiled under his mask. "Great. See you soon." "See you soon!" Garroth said and Zane hung up.

Zane growled as he remembered he didn't have a car. He called a uber, and he drove him to Garroth's address. (Uber's cool.. You guys should like.. Say hi, and uh tell them I sent you ._. K bai)

Zane got out and knocked on the door. Dante answered. "Hey Zane! What brings you here?" Dante said with a smile. "Oh, I was gonna see Garroth, but.. Your eyes kind drew me away from him..~" Zane flirted with a smirk. "U-Uh... Th-Thanks..!" Dante said blushing bright pink.

   (Prepare for cringe. XD)
"Those clothes look nice." Zane smirked wide as her blushed a bit aswell. "Thanks." Dante smiled kindly. "They'd look even better on my bedroom floor~" Zane said looking at him with a certain flirty and sexy look. "U-Uh... W-Would they m-match the c-carpet..?" Dante said now as red as his jacket.

"Heh, your adorable when your flustered Dante." Zane chuckled as Dante let him in, and ran upstairs from being embarrassed. "Hey Zane!" Travis said, as he walked toward Zane. Zane growled in his head. "Oh? Coming Garroth." Zane said faking and dashed to Garroth's room. He opened the room door and ran in closing the door behind him. "Baby brother!" Garroth smiled.

  Zane looked to see Garroth and Laurence sitting on his head Garroth was looking at Laurence's stomach as he felt the baby kick. From what Zane could see, Laurence had a baby bump.(look it up)

Zane smiled at the two. "Why did you just rush in?" Garroth asked. "I saw him.." Zane whispered but loud enough for Garroth and Laurence to hear. 

  Garroth instantly undsrstood and just nodded. "Who's 'him' and what's going on." Garroth told Laurence what Zane had explained to him and Laurence look at him in shock. "Zane are you sure? That doesn't seem like something Travis would do from how much he cares about you.." Laurence said, questioning Zane's suspicion.

"From what I've heard, I'm sure.." He told him. "So what was your plan anyways?" Garroth asked curious. "If he was a flirt and never noticed how I felt, how about him flirting. So How about I flirt and not notice how he feels about it." Zane said with a bit of mishcheive in his eyes.

Garroth and Laurence looked at eachother and then back at Zane. "Uh... Zane.. That doesn't sound-" "THAT'S A GREAT PLAN!" Garroth smiled and clapped. Laurence sighed. 'Why out of all people did I choose you?' Laurence laughed to himself and kisses Garroth's cheek.

  Zane softly hears Dante and Travis talking. "Now's my chance!" Zane said as he walked sownstairs. "Hey Zane! What did Garroth need earlier?" Travis asked. Zane pretended to ignore him and instead flirted with Dante. "Hey cutie~" Zane smirks under his mask and Dante blushed.

Travis looked at them confused, and a hint of hurt in him eyes. "U-Uh... Z-Zane...?" Travis said. Zane ignored him and kept flirting. Travis felt, ignored, hurt, and jealous all at the same time. Zane suddenly kissed Dante's cheek. Travis felt his heart shatter as Zane lookes at him with his eyes saying, "How does it feel?" Zane sighed, and walked out the door, "Bye Dante-poo~!" Travis sighed as he finally left. "You alright, Travis?" Dante asked worried.

  Right then and there, Travis looked at him his eyes glossy and ready to cry. "D-Dante.." Travis said as he looked down and ran back to his room crying. "T-Travis!" Dante called after him.

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