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   Zane had said, as they walked to the car, Travis was looking down, he had stopped making any noise.

     Only slight sniffling and the small sound of his breathing.

    "Want me to drive?" Zane asked, Travis looked up at him. "Y-You can drive?" The white haired male said.

      Zane nodded. "Yeah, I just never had the time, nor the money to get a car." He shrugged. Travis smiled, and tossed him the keys.

       Zane, luckily, caught them. The two got in the car, and drove home.

     Zane opened his front door, letting Travis in. Travis went over, and sat on Zane's long couch, and Zane sat near him, but not close enough to be uncomfortable.

    "Now, whats wrong?" Zane asked, still worried. But he didn't know why.

    Travis took a breath, trying to speak but all that came out was tears, and small sobs.

    Zane felt sympathy for the poor soul,(totally not an undertale reference. ●-●')

He hugged him letting Travis cry in his shoulder. "E-Everyone expects me to be straight, to be perfect! B-but I don't have the nerve to tell them that I'm....that I'm...... I'm scared." 

  Travis said, crying harder. Zane understood what he mean't, and hugged him close.

   So far, Travis was the only one who understood him, nobody else, was..... like him.

        And whenever he makes a new friend with in a few days, they'll drift apart. He's hoping Travis won't do the same thing..

    "Just because I'm gay, everyone hates me! They all hate me!" Travis said, in anger, and sadness.

Zane rubbed circles in his back. "I-I don't hate you.." Zane said, in a worried, and caring tone.

    "Don't lie! Y-You think I'm weak! You probably hate me to!" Travis said, crying harder.

  Zane hugged him close, making sure Travis wouldn't break loose, and do something he would regret.

  Travis struggled, tears still going down his face, but no matter how much he would struggle to get away, Zane kept him protected.

   Travis calmed down, still in Zane's arms. His breathing was still audible.

   Zane kept him in his arms, enjoying the moment. Travis however felt safe in Zane's arms, he didn't ever want him to ever let go.

   The two felt as if they this was mean't to happen. They fit together, like......  two perfect puzzle pieces.

     The two, pulled away slightly, and looked into each others eyes. Travis felt heat rise up to his cheeks, as well did Zane.

   The two were nearly as red as tomato. The two slowly leaned in.....until a loud knock was at the door, but as the first knock happened..they locked lips.

  It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like forever. They pulled away.

   The two blushing furiously, but neither of them knew how to feel about it.

     Zane went to answer the door, now blushing ever more. He was sure he had a nosebleed.

    He opened the door, seeing his older brother Garroth, with Vylad.

   "Hey baby br- what happened?!" Garroth asked, confused and worried all at once.

   "You look like a human tomato! And your nose is streaming blood!" Vylad said laughing.

   Zane looked down, seeing his nose bleeding furiously. "Shit! Give me a sec! C-Come inside." Zane said, before dashing upstairs.

  Travis was sitting on the couch, in deep thought. About, what just happened. And why he enjoyed it?

    'W-Why did I kiss him? Why did he kiss back? Why did it feel so....amazing? And I felt sparks! Like-like fireworks!' Travis thought , blushing more, just thinking about the kiss.

    "U-Uh Travis...?" Vylad asked, Garroth, was dying of laughter, his eyes, filled with tears.

   "H-Huh?" Travis asked, still dazed. "Um, your nose, is, um.." Vylad studdered trying not to laugh.

   Travis looked down at his nose, noticing, streams of blood coming from it.

    "Aw, crap! Um, be right back!" Travis said before dashing upstairs to a near by restroom.

  Zane had just walked out, his nose plugged up with tissues. Unfortunately the two ran into each other making them both fall back, onto their rear.

   Zane opened his eyes to see a wide eyed Travis with his hands covering his nose. "Oh, I-I um, s-sorry!" Zane said helping him up, and Travis scrambled to get to the bathroom, out of embarrassment.

  Zane just kept on walking, he didn't know how he felt about Travis at this state of mind. One side of him, was rather confused, and sorta mad at him.

  The other had...different feelings. He felt a strong desire for Travis to kiss him again.

   He wished, he would, but knew it would never happen. He knew Travis was gay, but he probably had his mind on someone else.

  I mean with all the flirting he does, he probably had his mind set on everyone.

Travis was in the bathroom, the door twas closed. He was trying to wipe his nose, and he them plugged up his nose. ( I've never gotten a nosebleed before, bear with me ;~;)

     He walked back downstairs, still blushing a slight pink, since be was still embarrassed.

   Zane was talking with his brothers. They hadn't noticed him yet, so he decided to eavesdrop.

  "No! Garroth for the last time, I'm NOT wearing that stupid maid costume!" Zane said to Garroth, who was throwing a Halloween Party.

     Garroth expected everyone who was going to the party, to wear a costume.

   "Fine! But atleast wear A costume!" Garroth said, Vylad was sitting down, watching the T.V.

    "Fine! Now, what else did you want?" Zane said, in an angry tone.

   "Well...when are gonna tell mom about you being G-A-Y?" Garroth asked, sorta worried.

   Zane looked down, for he had forgot about the matter. He was gay since high school, but didn't know how to tell Zianna.

   "Hmph....I'll tell her the next time she visits." Zane said, unsure, about even telling his mother.

    'Wait...Zane's gay to...?' Travis thought, amazed. 'Geuss we both know each others secret.' Travis smirked.

  "Now, anything else?" Zane asked, Garroth thought for a second and shook his head no.

  "Well then, GET OUT." Zane said pushing them out.

   He closed the door, and sighed relief. "Finally...wait, wheres Travis?" Zane said.

   The boy with white hair acted like he just walked downstairs, his nose was plugged up.

  "Oh hey Zane. Where'd Garroth and Vylad go?" He asked, looking over toward the couch. "Did they have to make like a tree, and..."

   Travis started with a smirk. Zane narrowed his eyes. "Travis, I swear to Irene." Zane said. "And leaf?" Travis said laughing. Zane tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing with him.

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