Chapter 1

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Third book in the Through The Dark/Free trilogy...
If you haven't you may want to start with TTD and then Free

It had been about a year and a half since Amanda and Niall's wedding. A lot had happened since that day in Ireland. Both Harry and Niall had released albums and done multiples legs of tours. First in small venues and then arenas. Niall still had a little over a month of shows left, but Harry had finished about a month ago. Amanda, of course, had traveled with her husband throughout the tours for the most part. She now worked as part of Niall's team instead of in the ER. She came back to LA occasionally to see Julie and stay with her.

Julie had declined to go on the full tour with Harry, but she did travel with him often. Staying for multiple shows in multiple cities and even countries. But after awhile, she got restless and just wanted to be at home. She had agreed to stay at Niall's house and keep watch over it while Niall and Amanda were away so much. Harry never pressed the issue of her living with him. Nor did he press her traveling more. Things were good between them, and touring was his life, not hers. He knew she would crave the routine of home. He was impressed with how well she did while she was with him. He'd say she was there at least 50 percent of the time that he was on the road. He was ok with that.

Harry had finished his tour with a two night stint at the LA Forum. Playing to friends, family, and his dedicated fans who traveled from around the world just to be there. He never got tired of it. It was a high matched by no other. The energy of the crowd never failed to give him that little extra he needed to fully entertain. Between the promo and premieres of Dunkirk and the tour, he had been on the road for the most part for a little more than a year. He had an amazing life. One that was completely supported by his girlfriend.

Things had calmed down for the most part in Julie and Harry's relationship. They were as close as they'd been. They spent about 3 weeks after Niall and Amanda's wedding traveling across Europe. It had been exactly what they needed. An escape from the reality plaguing Julie's mind. The dreams had gotten better on that trip. She still had them, and seemed to more when she was back home than when she was traveling. She seemed to clear her mind more when she was out of the United States than when she was home in LA. Mostly because Johnny couldn't travel overseas since his passport had been taken. Johnny had been out of Julie's life since the trial. Not even a peep, but the longer he went without contact, the more Julie worried instead of it making her feel safer. At least she was sharing her feelings with him.

After the tour, Harry spent some time in LA, but recently he had brought Julie to the UK. He told her it was to spend some time with his family, and that was mostly the truth. He did want some down time with his family. It had been a very trying year for them. A very tough time. Things still didn't seem real. His mum was always such a calming presence in his life, and he brought her out on tour a few times with him. And when he was busy, Julie and his mum had gotten even closer than they were. Everything just seemed right, natural for the first time in his and Julie's relationship. He was driving through the countryside close to where he grew up. He glanced over at Julie sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window at the scenery passing her by.

Harry couldn't help but smile. She always looked so much more relaxed. So much more content when she was here. Her face seemed to light up while she watched out the windows. He noticed when they stayed with his mum she seemed to love the coziness of the smaller town atmosphere. She may have come to LA to get lost in the crowd. Figuring it would be easier to hide from Johnny in a big city, but she would always be a small town girl at heart. He'd learned that especially when he had went to Wisconsin to visit her family after the trial. "Enjoying the view?"

Julie broke her gaze away from the countryside flying passed her. From the beautiful colors of the wild flowers to the vast number of trees they passed, to the open areas of green spread out before her. "You know I do. Can't help but notice we're back up close to where your mom lives. Are we going to visit?"

"Yes, but not right away." Harry said to her. "I have something I want to show you first."

"A surprise? You know, no matter how many times you surprise me, I will never learn to like them." Julie laced her fingers through his when he reached over for her hand.

"Yeah, well then you're going to live your life in a constant state of dislike, because I hope to never stop surprising you." Harry lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "I've gotten to put out a movie, make music, tour the world, all with your support. Now it's time to concentrate on us for a little while."

"You mean, work on your next album so you will stick around for a little bit?" Julie tried to hide her smirk but couldn't.

"Quiet. I mean concentrate on us." Harry smirked back at her. "Picking your brain on helping write songs is just an added bonus."

"All you do is use me. That's all I am to you, a means to an end." Julie teased. "You're hurting my feelings."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Time for me to leave again; you're much nicer to me when I'm gone for awhile."

"Well, duh." Julie advised. "When you're away I seem to forget how much you annoy me. Then when you stay for awhile, I remember, quickly. This traveling musician thing works well for our relationship. My sanity."

"I forget how mean you are when I'm gone." Harry laughed and then grimaced. "Ouch!" He rubbed his shoulder she had just backhanded. "Including that violent streak."

"Well, if you don't want that part of me. Then you don't get the rest of me." She purposely uncrossed and then crossed her legs the other way. "And I know you like the rest of me."

"Oh, now you're a tease, too?" Harry bit his lip and looked over her body. "Ok, you got me. I do like the rest of you. Seems I enjoy your sarcastic ass and your meanness, too. I can't ever seem to get enough."

"You know damn well that if I were to be sweet and sappy all the time you would panic wondering what was wrong. And probably sleep with one eye open wondering if I was plotting something." Julie looked back out of the window.

"Touché, love, touché." Harry glanced at her a few times as they got closer to their destination.

"Ok, where are we? This isn't Holmes Chapel. At least not any part that I've seen." Julie said trying to pick out a familiar sight. "I'm not sure we've ever driven by this way."

"We haven't. It's not far from Holmes Chapel. We are just outside of Knutsford." Harry turned onto a road that led him near a lake. "That's Tatton Mere." He gestured to the body of water to his right. He took a right into a long driveway near the lake and looked at the house that came into view.

"It's beautiful." Julie said referring to the scene lay out before her. The lake, the green grass running next to the driveway and then the beautiful house that came into view. "Such a perfect place to chill." She looked over at Harry when he stopped the car. "Are we staying here for awhile? It will be the perfect place to write. For both of us."

"Yeah, for sure. You really like it?" Harry asked looking over at her. When she looked at him he could see the sparkle in her eyes as she smiled at him.

Julie nodded. "Yes, it reminds me of home, and it's so calm, and so peaceful."

"I thought you might like it." Harry leaned over and kissed her lips and then got out and went to help her out of the car. "Let's show you around then." He took her hand as she stood and stared at the body of water in front of them. "We will go down by the lake in a bit. Let me show you the house first."

"Ok. Is this like a friend's place? Or did you just know about it?" Julie asked tearing her eyes away from the water and walking towards the house with Harry. "It's so private. It's a great place."

"It's newly built." Harry walked up the few steps to the front porch and opened the screen door. He put the key in the lock and turned it. "I think you're going to love it. At least that's what I'm hoping."

"Well, the way you know me, I'm guessing I will." Julie took a step inside the door when Harry stepped out of her way. The house wasn't huge. But it was a decent size. The outside was nice and quaint, but the inside was spectacular. When she walked in the doorway and looked up, the ceiling was one of the highest she'd ever seen. The open space showed a living room to the right and a bright kitchen to the left. Walking straight through the open space, there were big glass doors leading outside to a deck that overlooked the garden, or the backyard, although Julie loved the English term, which was even more impressive than the front.

"Wow." Julie exclaimed looking up and around at the whole design. There was a staircase on the opposite side of the living room that must lead to the upstairs bedrooms. There seemed to be rooms jutting off in every direction. The design was more rustic than modern. The colors more neutral than bright. She ran her hand over the smooth countertop of the island that separated the kitchen from the entry way. "This is beautiful."

Harry smiled at the look on Julie's face. He knew that she would love a place like this. The location, but also the feel of it, and the design of the house. It wasn't too big, nor too small. It was beautiful yet simple, refined with some rough edges. It was basically Julie, as a house. "I'm glad you love it. So, you're ok with the surprise?"

"Well, I hate surprises. You could have just told me that you were bringing me to a beautiful lake house for awhile." Julie said as she walked into the kitchen. She looked over the sleek appliances and basically every kitchen gadget you could possibly need. "This kitchen is life. I can't wait to use it."

"Well, you can start tonight. The fridge is completely stocked." Harry walked up behind her as she opened the fridge. "I was a bit nervous."

"Why? You knew I'd love this place." Julie turned towards him as the fridge shut. "It's been a crazy year and a half, or even more. I'm happy to be able to spend this time alone with you. In a place like this is just icing on the cake."

Harry smiled and leaned down and kissed her lips. "I'm so glad to hear you say that." He ran his hands down her hips and linked a finger of each hand in the belt loops of her jeans. "How about we go check out the bedrooms?"

Julie chuckled and shook her head. "Of course that's the first thing you want to do."

"Not the first. I let you see the downstairs first. But now, I want to see your reaction to the bedrooms." Harry smirked at her. "Or at least the master bedroom. We've already discussed the fact that I love and want all of you."

"Yes, but you could have been a bit more subtle." Julie licked over her lips after he kissed her again.

"See, that's the good thing about being in a long term, loving relationship. You no longer have to be subtle, or mince words, or hide any thoughts." He grabbed her ass and lifted her so that her legs wrapped around his waist. "Or, we could just, take it one room at a time, starting right here." He set her on the counter and ran his hand up her shirt.

"Ok, ok! Let's go see the bedroom." Julie shook her head. "I doubt we should do that on a counter other people will be eating at after we are gone."

Harry chuckled. "Fine. But I'm not ruling out the counter either." He grabbed her hands and pulled her down off the counter. "Let's go see our bedroom." He let her lead up the staircase and followed behind. He wasn't lying to her. He was nervous about her reaction to this place. But seeing how happy she was, the nerves were replaced by relief. When she opened the door and stepped inside the master bedroom, he couldn't help but admire her face. She looked completely in awe. "Hey, you ok?"

"Yeah, it's just. So perfect. I couldn't have planned this room out much more perfect than it is already." The greys of the bedroom were so aesthetically pleasing to her. The dark grey contrast wall was done in such an eye catching manner. The massive king sized grey bed set was almost exactly what she would have picked out. "This is where we get to stay?"

"Yes, love. Of course." Harry smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her tightly to him. "So, are you going to complain about breaking in this room, too?"

Julie pulled her bottom lip between her teeth pretending to think about it. "No, in fact, I can't wait to see how it feels in that bed with you."

"Hallelujah." Harry raised his hands in the air and then caught Julie's wrist before she slapped him. He pulled her to him and laid his lips on hers wasting no time before begging her for access to her mouth. He deepened the kiss and before long their hands were clumsily moving over each other removing their clothes layer by layer.

After about an hour, Harry pulled the blanket off of their heads and lay down next to Julie out of breath. "Jesus. I'm out of shape when it comes to that." Most of the time lately, they had schedules to keep, people to meet, planes to catch, shows to put on. It was one of the few times they'd been able to concentrate on each other completely without a lot of interruption, but it definitely wouldn't be the last.

Julie giggled and buried her head in his chest. "Stop. You're in really good shape. Just ask the tens of thousands of women throwing themselves at you night after night."

"The only woman I want throwing themselves at me is already in my bed." Harry said wrapping his arm around her.

"Oh, please. You soaked in every minute of it. I saw it every night I was there. I have to admit. It was a complete turn on. Knowing I took to bed the very man they were lusting over. Knowing I was living out the dream of a majority of them. They dream about how you would feel, and I know, completely. And they are missing out. But I definitely won't share that." Julie tried to stifle her laugh. "I will let them watch your body, and ogle your tattoos though your sheer shirts, look for nip slips when you forget a few buttons. Fantasize about how your beautiful hands feel. But they can only dream about that. I'm the only one that can live those dreams. I'm too selfish."

Harry tickled her sides. "If you're trying to turn me on more by talking to me like that, it's working." He pulled the blanket up so he could move over her. "Maybe I'm in better shape than I thought." He stated, settling himself between her legs. He straightened his arms and looked down at her. He lined himself up and pushed into her slowly. "There's only one person I want to make love to."

"She's a very lucky person." Julie said putting her hands on the side of his neck. She looked back into his dazzling green eyes as he gazed into hers. She had learned to see the love he had for her in those eyes. And every time she doubted it, all she had to do was look. The feeling of love always washed over her when she looked deep into his eyes. "I love you." Julie whispered as she closed her eyes.

"I love you, too." Harry smiled as she closed her bright blue eyes and watched her face fill with pleasure. He moved hard and slow, hitting her in the right spot until he felt her clench around him and continued to move through his release. He lay beside her again and pulled her tightly to him. "Let's relax a minute; then you shower first while I change the linens. Then I'll shower, and we'll make dinner."

"Sounds perfect." Julie sighed happily tracing the tattoos on his chest. They lay there in the peace and quiet for about a half an hour before they got up to go about the rest of the evening. A sense of tranquility filling both of them, in part to the beauty and calmness of the house and its surroundings, in part, to the unhurried coming together that always seemed to make each of them feel complete.

Harry came out of the master bath and saw Julie, still in her robe, had pulled back the blackout curtains and was looking out over the garden which extended to the lake. The sun was just starting to set. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "It's quite the view, isn't it?"

"Yeah, as the sun sets it hits the lake just right." She looked back at him. "Thank you for bringing me."

"It's my pleasure, love. It's always my pleasure." Harry smiled and then watched the sunset completely with her. "That's a view I'd never tire of."

"Yeah, who could get sick of something like that?" Julie turned and kissed him. "But now, I'm starving. So you better feed me, or you know what could happen."

"Oh, yes, no HANGRY Julie's on my watch." Harry chuckled. "I'll meet you in the kitchen. I mean, you can come down in this robe if you want, but I can't promise you that we won't be trying out the counter if I think about you in nothing underneath it."

"Oh, my, god." Julie shook her head in mock disgust. "I'm putting on layers."

"Probably the smart thing to do." Harry flashed a lazy smile and kissed her. "I'll be waiting." He winked at her and then went to the kitchen. He pulled out the chicken and vegetables. Her simple stir fry, as she called it, was always one of his favorites. And it'd be a great first meal in a new place. He smiled as he watched her step off the bottom step and walk towards him in shorts and a T-shirt. "Doesn't look like layers to me."

"You need to learn self control." Julie patted his arm, and she grabbed some vegetables to cut.

"Yeah, told you before, won't happen with you." Harry threw a piece of broccoli into his mouth. "Why don't you start the chicken? I'll finish cutting these up."

"I see we're going with the familiar dinner." Julie filled the frying pan with water to slow cook the chicken.

"Yep. No better way to settle into a new place." Harry smiled over his shoulder at her. "You really like it?"

"Yes, Harry. It's basically perfect. And I can't wait to sit out by the lake and write. Maybe I'll even get a sunny day or two." Julie said turning and leaning against the counter. "A lot to ask in England, I know. But maybe if we're here long enough." She wiped her hands on a towel after she washed them. "How long are we staying anyway?"

"As long as you'd like." Harry finished the vegetables and set them aside.

"Seriously. How long did you rent the place out for?" Julie asked.

Harry took a deep breath. "How'd you like to stay forever?" He picked up the key to the house from the bowl on the counter. He slipped the key ring over his finger and held it out to her. "I didn't rent it out. It's brand new, the lot recently bought, the house recently built." He watched as things started to come together for her. "Julie, I'd like this to be our house. Ours together. I want this to be our place to hide from the rest of the world when we need it."

Julie just stared at the keys hanging from Harry's fingers. She heard what he said, but she was still running through everything. No wonder it was so perfect. He had it built with her in mind. He had to have done this awhile ago, because even Harry Styles couldn't get a house like this built over night. He basically bought her a house. Yes, he wanted it to be theirs, but this house was made for her. There were glimpses of him now that she really thought about it, but it was mostly her. She finally looked away from the keys and up into his eyes. He was nervous. Worried about her answer. "Harry." Was all she could muster through the emotional lump caught in her throat.

"Please, move in with me. Not only here, but in LA, too." Harry lifted her hand and set the keys in it. He searched her face looking for any clue as to what her answer would be, but for the first time in a long time, he couldn't read her. "Baby, say something. Please."

Julie shook her head which shook the tears out of her eyes and onto her cheeks. It was all so overwhelming and she didn't see this coming at all. They had talked about her moving into his LA home a couple of times briefly, but since he was on tour they hadn't really decided on anything. But now, he built a house for her. Her heart was beating a hundred miles an hour right now. She wasn't prepared for this. She looked around the house and then back into his eyes. She took a deep breath and then nodded slowly. "Yes." She was shocked at her own words, or word, as it was. But it felt right when she said it. "Yes." She repeated. "I'd love to call this place our home. And your place in LA, ours."

"Yes?!" Harry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Yes!?!" He said incredulously one last time. He grabbed her by the hips, picked her up, and spun her around. "You have no idea how happy you have just made me."

Here it is....
1st chapter of the trilogy....
Never thought when I started this that those words would be spoken....
Updates may start a bit slow, once a week or so, I struggled at the end of Free and just don't want that to happen again...
Thank y'all so much for your continued support...
You have no idea how much it means to me
Love you all 😘😘😘

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