Chapter 12

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Harry woke the next morning to an empty bed. He heard the bathroom door open so he turned and watched Julie walk out. "Good morning, baby." He took one look at her face and knew she wasn't just using the bathroom. "Ginger ale and crackers didn't work, huh?"

Julie climbed on the bed and lay down on her pillow. "No. This really sucks." She pulled the covers up to her chin. "I don't like it."

Harry lay on his side sliding down to face her. "I know it can't be fun, but I promise I'll take care of you. You just need to let me. I know you're not very good at that, but I did help cause this problem."

"True. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be in this position. But unless you can take away the feeling that I need to vomit every second, I'm not exactly sure what you can do." Julie looked at him. "I still can't believe this. I still keep thinking the doctor is going to call us and tell us that the test was wrong. That the blood test shows something else."

"He's not going to. And this is better news than you being sick." Harry kissed her lips. "Much better."

"But I am sick." Julie pouted.

"Oh, you know what I mean." Harry put his arm over her side. "Having a baby is a good outcome in the end. You being ill could possibly be a very bad outcome."

"Harry, I'm afraid I'm not capable of being able to be a good live in girlfriend, and now you want me to accept being a mother?" Julie shook her head. "It even sounds wrong to say it."

"I think it sounds amazing." He ran his hand from her shoulder down her arm and back up a few times. "The mother of my baby."

"So, now you're calling me your 'baby mama'?" Julie asked him.

"Do you want me to? 'Cuz I can." Harry said and laughed as he was swatted. "I'm calling you 'my love', and from that love, we now have a pretty amazing thing happening inside of you."

"You are such a sap. And your positivity is annoying." Julie said to him as she curled up close to his side.

"I know it is. I'm surprised you've put up with it as long as you have." He held her closely to him. "We are perfect for each other. You're the pessimist to my optimist. We make sure we both work in the middle. It's a wonderful thing."

"See what I mean. Annoying." Julie buried her nose in his neck like she always did, but when she took a deep breath in of his lingering cologne, her stomach turned. She jumped up and hurried to the bathroom. She loved his smell. And now, this was going to be a problem? Really? And to think people would be happy for this feeling.

Harry watched Julie hurry to the bathroom and close the door. He got up and took the bucket to retrieve some more ice and a fresh ginger ale for her. He made her some lightly buttered toast and brought it back up on a tray. She was just pulling the covers over herself when he walked in. He placed the tray over her legs and kissed her. "I'm going to take a quick shower, and I'll be right back. Try and eat something if you can. You know the door is always unlocked."

"I'm not going to vomit while you're in there. Can't you go shower in the second bathroom?" Julie asked looking at him. "It's bad enough I have to deal with it. Why would you want to?"

"You come in if you need to. Like I said. It's half my problem, too. I can handle it." Harry grabbed his sweats and a t-shirt. He figured they'd be lying in bed for awhile at least.

"Harry?" Julie watched him turn towards her. "Could you skip the cologne, please? Apparently, right now, I don't like it."

"Of course, love. No problem." Harry smiled and went into the bathroom. He shut the door and looked in the mirror. He shook his head at the smile he had on his face. No matter how this happened, no matter the timing, or the initial shock, he couldn't help it. He'd made a baby, and with the girl he loved. The one he wanted to spend his life with. He'd always been asked if he wanted kids, and his answer had always been, 'sure, someday', but now it was 'yes, right now'. Now that it had happened, he couldn't regret it. He turned the shower water on and used the least scented body wash and shampoo he owned. Apparently, the baby already disagreed with some of his choices.

Harry had just turned the water off and was about to step out when he heard the door open and saw Julie's shadow make her way to the toilet. He grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist stepping out and handing a wet rag to Julie to wash her mouth off. "Sorry I didn't get there in time to hold your hair."

Julie took the rag and wiped her mouth. When Harry took it back from her, she sat on the floor and leaned her back against the sink. "It's like I have the worst stomach flu ever. Except it won't go away for another 7 months or so."

Harry grabbed a clean rag and put it under some cool water before ringing it out and handing it to Julie. He watched her dab her forehead and then her neck. "I'm sorry, baby. Maybe it won't last that long. Not that I really know much, but I've been around my friends pregnant wives, and I've seen them get better."

"Yeah, right now, not much comfort." Julie held the cool rag to the back of her neck. "I think I'll just sit here for a minute. Maybe I should make a makeshift bed in the bathtub, so I don't have to go far."

Harry grabbed his clothes and pulled on his boxers and sweats. "You really feel that bad?" He asked as he pulled on his t-shirt.

"Right now, yeah. Every time I move my stomach hates me." Julie played with the rag in her hands. "And this isn't even why I thought I'd never have kids. But now, it definitely seems to be on the list of cons."

"I'm sure it sucks." Harry ran his fingers through his hair and then bent down and picked Julie up. "Maybe this will be easier for you. And I'll bring you a bucket so you don't have to get out of bed."

Julie held onto Harry's neck. Her stomach was slightly settled now. "Well, so far the ride isn't causing major stomach issues. I can't stay in bed though. I have to go to the pharmacy at the hospital to get my scripts. I somehow have to feel good enough to drive there and back without getting sick all over."

"I still think you should let me do it." Harry set her down, covered her up, and sat next to her.

"No, Harry. Even you know that's not a good idea." Julie took a sip of the ginger ale Harry handed her.

"Then let me send someone. You need to rest and try and keep some fluids in you." Harry set the glass back on the tray when Julie was done.

"That means you'd have to tell someone. Because if they even look at the scripts at anytime then they will know." Julie shook her head.

"Everyone is going to find out anyway. It's not like you can stay in the house from now until the baby is born. You need the medication, and you're just in no condition to go out yourself right now." Harry took her hand. "Please don't be so stubborn. It's important that you do what you need to."

"Not yet, Harry. I haven't even known 24 hours. I'm not ready for everyone to know." Julie watched Harry set the tray back over her legs. "You're telling me that you're ready to tell people about this? Less than a day since we found out? We don't know anything. Can't we just wait to see how far along they think I am, and make sure every thing is ok, before we go telling anyone?"

"Even my mum and Gemma? Niall and Amanda?" Harry looked at her.

"I don't know. Shouldn't we just keep it to ourselves for a bit? I have to call today and set up an OB appointment. Once that's done and everything's ok, we can talk about who needs to know right away." Julie shook her head. "I'm sorry. Really. But I just need a little time to get myself straight with this. It wasn't even a thought in my mind until the doctor started saying something."

"I know. I do. And I respect that. But baby, you need someone to do this for you, and if you won't let me, then we have to tell someone. Amanda and Niall are still in LA. Let me call her. You know that no one will keep a secret better than Amanda, and she knows the same people at the hospital that you do." He watched Julie pick up a piece of toast and then set it back on the tray. He took the tray and set it aside. "I'll make you some fresh toast later. Why don't we see if you can keep some ginger ale down first?" He handed her back the glass.

Julie took the glass, took a small drink, and then held the glass on her lap between her hands. "I know you're right. I know Amanda would do it, and I know she'd keep it a secret. It's just hard for me to believe it's real. So telling someone else before we see something other than a pee test is just scary to me. And then what if your mum gets mad we didn't tell her first, or your sister, or my parents?"

"You and that brain of yours. No one will get mad. I'm not going to tell my mum over the phone. And you can't travel now. I will bring her here, that's not a problem, but I'm going to do it in person." Harry took the glass from her and set it aside.

"My mom probably won't travel out here. But I can't wait to tell her and my family if we start telling others. There's more to this. It's scary. I'm sorry. But it is." Julie said as the damn tears started to fill her eyes again.

Harry watched Julie start to get emotional. Her losing her temper, her emotions coming fast, her reacting without thinking. It all made more sense now. Her hormones were playing tricks on her. He reached forward and wiped a tear from her cheek. "Ok, that's fine, baby. We can talk about that later. But we still have to resolve the med thing. I can't just let you go off when you just fainted last night and you've barely had anything to drink and have had nothing to eat since. I'm sorry. Call me overbearing if you'd like, but I'm not taking the chance of you passing out while you're out. Especially driving."

"Ok, ok. I get it." Julie sighed. Sending Harry into the hospital and to the pharmacy was not a good idea. Sending him to a pharmacy in the city was even worse. She understood his concern, but the thought of someone finding out what he was getting was too much for her to think about right now. "You know if I tell Panda then we have to tell Niall, too. She would never be able to keep it from him. And I trust those two with everything. But this is big and a lot to ask them to keep quiet. Panda should be the one having the baby. She's happily married and has got the traveling wife thing down."

"Well, she's not, and you are. And it's just time to accept that." Harry took both her hands in his. "I know it's not what you want to hear. And I know telling someone isn't what you want to do. And I will respect that, if you let me go take care of the scripts."

"Now who's being stubborn, and trying to give me an ultimatum?" Julie glared at him.

"No ultimatums. Choices. I can do it, and then we don't have to tell anyone just yet. Or, you can have Amanda do it, and we tell her and Niall. You know you can't go out by yourself like this, and you need this medication by tonight." Harry let go of her hands and scooted up so his arm went over her stomach and rested on the opposite side of her. He looked her in the eyes. "You need to relinquish just a little bit of control right now. It's in the best interest of you and the baby."

"Do you know how much I hate you right now?" Julie asked him feeling quite a bit defeated.

"Probably a lot. So, which is it going to be? Should I get changed, or call Niall and have him and Amanda stop over when they can? They won't be in LA too much longer before he finishes the tour." Harry looked at Julie and could tell she didn't like either option, but it had to be done. She couldn't go out herself like this. Not only for her own safety, but his sanity. He would go insane worrying every second she was gone.

"It's early yet. I could feel better in a little while. Maybe if I drink more, and eat more, then all will be fine and I can go." When Harry gave her the same look she gave him often, she sighed. "It could happen."

"I'm sure it could. But then it will have to be me that goes. It would be too late for a reveal and to send Amanda." Harry could tell she wasn't real happy with his offers. But it's what he had to do.

"Seriously, I hate you right now." Julie sighed and closed her eyes. "I don't know what to do. On one hand, I'm not sure I want anyone else to know right now, and on the other, I'm afraid what will happen if the wrong person sees you. But then again, you going could go without a hitch. Have I mentioned how much I hate this?"

"Yes, and me, too. I hear you." Harry fixed the blanket over her before he got up. "Maybe it would be good for Amanda to know. Maybe it would be helpful for you to have someone you'll be able to talk to. Someone who will always be there and listen no matter what."

"Isn't that what I have you for?" Julie asked watching him walk towards the dresser.

"Touché." Harry grabbed a pair of socks and sat down at the end of the bed to put them on. "So, what's it going to be, love? Am I going, or are we telling our best friends?"

Julie shook her head and closed her eyes. Amanda would be the best person for this. She could go into the hospital just like she always did when she visited, and no one would suspect a thing. She would talk to the pharmacist on staff in private and make sure it was all done quietly and discreetly. Harry just walking into the hospital or pharmacy was asking for trouble. "Fine. Call Niall and Amanda. But I still don't like your ultimatum." Julie gave in. She had to.

"Choices, love, choices. Not an ultimatum." Harry stood and got his phone. He called Niall but got his voice mail, so he left a message saying to call him as soon as he could. Or better yet, just come over as soon as they could. Harry figured that would be enough to get Niall curious. "Do you want to try and call Amanda?"

"I will if Niall doesn't get back to you soon. I'd actually like to take a nap. If that's ok with you." Julie rolled onto her left side. For some reason, if she lay on her left side she was less queasy than laying any other way. She'd take any relief right now.

"If that's ok with me?" Harry chuckled. "I'm going to go grab something to drink and then I'll come lay with you."

"You can eat, Harry. It won't hurt my feelings. And you don't have to lay with me. I'll be ok." Julie looked over at him in the doorway.

"I want to." He put his hand on the doorframe. "And ok, fine, I'm gonna go grab me some breakfast, and then I'll be back. If you're asleep, I will be careful to try not to wake you. Rest well, love." He turned and made his way down the stairs and to the kitchen.

Julie closed her eyes and tried to calm her stomach enough to fall asleep. At least when she was asleep, she couldn't feel the queasiness. Her mind was having trouble calming down though. This was all overwhelming. Scary. Unexpected. And she was uncomfortable with all of that. But, as Harry said, what was she going to do? It happened, and she wouldn't be able to change it. Had it crossed her mind? Yes. Everything crossed her mind the moment she'd found out. Every option flashed through her mind without her being able to stop it. But there was no way she could or would consider anything other than having this baby now, and that scared the crap out of her.

Julie thought about how she was going to tell people about this. She wondered how they would take it. She was sure that no one would expect it, that everyone would be as shocked and surprised as she was. She would be the last one anyone would suspect of being pregnant. But she was. And even though it was hard for her to admit, Harry was right. This was a much better answer than truly being sick, especially with something long lasting and serious. But this was a lifetime commitment. And that was petrifying to her. She had always told anyone who said something would last forever, that forever was a very long time. She never believed in forever. But this was forever. And somehow, even though she couldn't admit it out loud yet, that was more comforting than she thought. Now, if this morning sickness lasted forever, she would have to reconsider. She closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then started to slowly drift off.

Harry was just finishing up his breakfast, which was just some scrambled egg whites, fruit, and yogurt. He wanted to go back upstairs to his girlfriend and their baby. Seemed like he was getting used to this fact awful quick. He was absolutely on board no matter how it felt though. He would take care of both Julie and their baby, no doubt, forever. No matter what. He couldn't imagine them going without. He had worked hard since he was 16 years old to get to where he was. And now, he had the luxury of being able to make sure his family had whatever it needed.

Harry cleaned up his mess and put everything in the dishwasher and then walked down to the gym. He walked over to the high shelf in the back and reached up for the small box he had placed there the last time he was in LA. He sat down on the weight bench and looked at the ring in the box. He'd had it custom made when he was in Italy for tour by Bulgari. He had chosen them because they specialized in using different stones. Harry wanted the ring to be perfect for Julie. She was simple and understated, and he wanted to make sure her desires were kept in mind, but he also wanted her to know she was worth everything to him.

He started the process out by knowing he wanted sapphires to be included in the design. Not only because they reminded him of those blue eyes he couldn't get enough of, they also happened to be her birthstone, so it just seemed proper to use them. That's all he knew when he walked in to talk to the designer. When all was said and done, they had designed a ring he thought would be perfect. A 4.5 carat cushion cut sapphire ring, flanked by 1 carat trilliant cut diamonds on each side. He had stashed it down here when he came back to LA for tour, but never asked her the question. He wasn't sure the timing was right. And now, he couldn't do it, because she would think that he was only doing it because of the baby.

Harry sighed and shut the lid to the ring. He got up and stashed it back up on the highest shelf behind some free weights that were hung up there. He put it there because Julie didn't come down to the gym that often, and if she did, she couldn't reach that shelf even if she wanted to without a stool. So, he was safe in leaving it there. He started back upstairs when he heard his phone. He picked up when he noticed it was Niall calling back. A brief conversation occurred where it was basically just Harry asking Niall to come over with Amanda and Niall agreeing he would bring Amanda at around lunchtime. Niall had offered to bring some lunch, Harry couldn't say no without sounding suspicious, so he asked Niall just to bring some soup and salad. Hopefully Julie would at least be able to eat some of the soup.

When the time was settled, Harry disconnected the call and went back upstairs to Julie sound asleep cuddled up in the comforter. He had about 2 ½ hours before Niall and Amanda would be there, so he set his alarm and lay down with Julie. Her back was towards him so he scooted closer and rested his arm around her from behind. One day he would feel it right to ask her to marry him. Today was not that day. Today, he would help her start to accept them together as a true family, and some day soon, he would ask her to make that official. He closed his eyes as he rested his hand gently on Julie's non-existent stomach while he fell asleep with her.

And it starts...the journey of a baby Styles...
Wish me luck....wish JJ luck and pray that Harry is able to survive an emotional hormonal JJ...God Bless him....

Thanks y'all for coming on this terrifyingly long journey....

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