Chapter 26

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It was two days before Thanksgiving, and Julie watched as Anne and Gemma hurried around her kitchen putting the bags of groceries away which had suddenly appeared that morning.  She had been told to sit down and relax and that after the past couple of years of experiencing Thanksgivings, they had this.  Apparently, Thanksgiving dinner was going to be held at her and Harry's new place.  Not the original plan, so, Harry must have come up with this cockamamie idea all in his own.

Julie shook her head at all of the bags still full, scattered around the kitchen.  "This is a lot of food.  Harry's up to something, isn't he?"  Julie looked at Anne and Gemma who glanced at each other and then kept putting things away.  "And the two of you are in on it.  What the hell?"

"None of that now, darling."  Anne looked at Julie.  "This day is always for you, just trust him."

Just trust him.  Yeah, she did trust him, but things were a little strained right now.  They weren't exactly understanding each other very well in the moment, and this just seemed like a lot.  And why all of a sudden did he want to have everything here?  Not long ago, it was ok to have it at Anne's.  Julie wrinkled her eyebrows when the doorbell rang.  "Are we expecting someone?"

Anne laughed.  "Not me, love.  But it is your home."

"Yeah, but I don't know anyone here that would come ringing the doorbell."  Julie got up from the stool and went to the door.  She stood on her toes to look out the peep hole and then paused a moment at what she saw.  She shook her head when the doorbell rang again bringing her from her stupor.  She opened the door to see Jaime, Gregory, and Marcus standing on the step.  What were they doing here?  Before she was wrapped tightly in Jaime's arms, she caught a glimpse of Harry over their shoulders getting bags out of the trunk of his car.

"Girlfriend!"  Jaime exclaimed hugging Julie tightly.  "I've missed you.  Well, we've missed you, but I've missed you more."  He kissed her cheek as he smiled down at her.

"What are you doing here?"  Julie asked him as she stepped back for a hug from Gregory.

"Your husband called a few days ago, said you could use some friends, and wanted to surprise you for Thanksgiving.  Who are we to pass up a free trip to the UK?"  Jaime grinned from ear to ear.

Julie nodded before turning to Marcus.  Of course he would do that.  Trying, way too hard, of course, to prove living here would still afford her the luxury of having her friends available to her.  He wouldn't learn.  Ever.  She raised her eyebrows at Marcus.  "And you went along with this, too?  I'm surprised."

"Hey, it's Thanksgiving, with my friends, including you, and like Jaime said, a trip to the UK."  He stepped forward and hugged her.  "Jaime may claim to have missed you more, but I don't know about that."

"It is really nice to see you guys.  Sorry, I'm just a bit shocked.  I knew Amanda and Niall and my mom and step-dad were coming tomorrow, but I didn't expect this."  Julie watched Harry smile at her as he carried the bags past them into the house and followed him with her eyes.  If he thought this was going to get him out of the discussion that was going to have to happen, he was dead wrong.

"Come in, please."  Julie said stepping inside and gesturing into the house.  "You guys want a drink or anything?  I'm sure you had a long day or night of traveling.  It's possible I can find some food and drink from the mess of my kitchen."

"We've got it covered."  Gemma said appearing behind Julie with a tray full of sandwiches and chips.  "Sandwiches and crisps.  And we have beer, wine, tea, water, juice, or anything from the bar."

"Chips, Gemma, they're chips."  Julie teased.  "They're all American; they may not understand you."

"Yeah, yeah, they'll eat them just the same."  Gemma smirked as she set the plate down.

"It looks incredible.  Thank you."  Marcus lamented.  "Every time I'm around, you all feed me so well."

"Same!"  Jaime clapped his hands together.  "When can I move in?  If I can't marry into the family, can someone adopt me?"  He looked over at Gregory and smiled.  "Sorry, honey, but you know how it is."

Gregory just shook his head.  "Yeah, I'll always have to worry about Harry Styles.  Just do me a favor and warn me, JJ, if you two ever decide to go your separate ways."

"Never going to happen."  Harry stated as he walked into the room.  "Sorry, Jaime.  She's stuck with me forever, so...."

Jaime shrugged and nudged Gregory.  "I guess it's your lucky day then."

"I guess so."  Gregory chuckled rolling his eyes, always the calming centering force.  "I think maybe hunger is getting the best of us. Do you mind if we dig in?"

"Not at all."  Julie smiled.  "Let me grab some drinks.  What would you all like?"  Everyone said they'd have a bottle of beer, but she didn't even get a step before she was stopped, and Gemma went and grabbed the beer from the fridge.  She just shook her head.  Obviously, Harry had planned this all with his mom and sister.  She really needed to speak with him, but she would wait.  She could wait until after the holiday.  Well, at least she hoped she could.  She took a deep breath and put her hand on her stomach when Grace started moving around.

"What's going on over here?"  Jaime asked stepping up to her.  "That was quite the face you made."  He looked at Julie's face, and when Julie moved her hand and gestured with her eyes towards her stomach, Jaime placed his hand on Julie's bump.  After a few moments, he squealed in delight.  "Oh, sweet mother of god.  That's my niece in there."

Julie chuckled at Jaime's excitement.  "Well, that's my daughter, yes.  She's awake.  I think she's telling mommy it's time to eat something.  My tummy is growling and keeping her awake."

"Well, eat a sandwich for Christ sake."  Jaime exclaimed.  "Although I am loving this feeling."  Jaime looked over at Marcus.  "Come here, feel this."

Marcus looked at Julie a little unsure.  Maybe a little uncomfortable.  "Are you sure?"  He asked.  He wasn't sure if he should, but he did sort of want to.  He took a hesitant step forward when Julie nodded her head yes.  He replaced Jaime's hand with his and couldn't help but smile when he felt the movements.  "Ok, that's kinda rad."

"Rad?"  Julie laughed.  "Really?"

"Yeah, rad."  Marcus looked at her and smiled.  "What's it feel like inside?"

Julie shrugged.  "Like a weird, butterflies flying around, tumbling type of thing.  She's still small enough where she can move a lot.  I imagine it will be more kicks and stuff when she gets bigger."

Marcus glanced at Harry and removed his hand from Julie's stomach.  "That had to be amazing to feel, Harry.  You had to feel like a pretty lucky guy."

"I did."  Harry nodded looking over at Julie.  "I do, feel pretty lucky."

"Come on."  Marcus guided Julie towards the sandwiches.  "You really should eat something then."

"Yeah, I can't."  Julie looked at Marcus and shrugged.  Before she continued the whole room said 'tomatoes' before she could even get it out.  "Well, yeah, that, and I just don't seem to deal with chicken salad well since I've gotten pregnant."

"Right.  My bad."  Marcus chuckled.

"I've got some fruit and then some grilled chicken ready so you can make a salad.  I remembered you couldn't eat the chicken salad, love."  Anne smiled as she came and rubbed over Julie's belly.  "Seems my granddaughter is gonna be the one not to like my famous chicken salad.  And of course, she'll be the one who can get away with it."

"I'm sure she'll grow into it."  Julie smiled.  "Ok, I'll go make my salad.  Please.  Let me do something.  I feel worthless."  Before anyone could protest, she made her way to the kitchen.  She was about to go insane with everyone catering to her.  She opened the fridge and sighed when she heard Harry behind her.  Could she just have a minute to herself for fucks sake?  And then she felt guilty immediately for thinking that.

"Hey, sorry, mum just said that everything was kind of a mess, and said you may need some help finding everything."  Harry walked up behind her feeling kind of unsure of himself.

"It's fine.  Thank you.  I'm sure I could have managed, but if she told you, it will be easier."  She sighed inwardly and stepped back to let him in the fridge.  She walked over and grabbed a bowl.

"You're mad at me."  Harry stated matter-of-factly as he placed the lettuce, cheese, and chicken on the counter.  He pulled some chicken out to warm up for her.  He knew she'd prefer it warm before she put it on her salad.

"No, Harry, I'm not mad at you.  Why should I be mad at you for bringing my friends here for me?"  Julie opened the bag of lettuce and poured some into her bowl.  She grabbed the grated cheese and poured some over the lettuce and put the bags back into the fridge as she waited for the chicken from the microwave.  She grabbed the French dressing and croutons to top off the salad and thanked Harry for the chicken when he pulled it from the microwave for her.

Harry eyed Julie suspiciously as she told him she wasn't mad at him.  He was silent as he waited for the chicken to heat.  He wasn't sure if he should let his guard down yet or not.  Something wasn't right, but he didn't want to question her saying she wasn't mad.  "Well, I was hoping your friends would be a nice surprise.  You know they'll always be there for you.  No matter what."

And there it was.  The catch to him bringing Marcus and Jaime, and probably even Panda and her family.  He was showing her that if she chose to live in the UK that she could bring people to see her when she wanted.  But this ability of him to magic her friends and family here whenever she needed, or he deemed that she needed them, wasn't her point.  And she wished he would understand.  "Of course, Harry."

Harry watched Julie put the chicken and toppings on her salad.  Yeah.  She was aggravated, if anything.  "Julie."

"Harry, not now, ok.  I don't want to get into it now."  Julie picked up her salad.  "You got them here, so I'm going to spend time with them.  Whatever we need to deal with, we can deal with later."  She walked into the dining room and sat at the table between Jaime and Marcus.  No matter the reason they were here, she was going to enjoy their company.  And she enjoyed the different dynamics it brought to the table immediately while they sat and ate.


Later that evening, Harry had just finished confirming his order of pizza and pasta dishes that he was having delivered for dinner when Marcus came up to him wondering where Julie was.  Marcus, Jaime, and Gregory had all gone up to clean up and rest from their travels, and Marcus was the first one to return downstairs.  "Hey, uh, if she's not in the living room or on the sun porch," Harry looked around.  "I'm guessing she's out by the lake.  It's generally where she goes when she's, well, feeling anything, really."

Marcus followed Harry towards the back patio doors and sure enough in the silhouette of the moonlight, he could see Julie's outline by the shore of the lake.  "Does she have a jacket on?"

Harry sighed.  "Probably not."  He took a few steps and reached into the closet near the doors and pulled out a jacket for her and one for himself.  "Which means I'm probably in trouble, and I probably should take her one."

Marcus couldn't help but chuckle a little.  Although he did feel bad for Harry, maybe just a bit.  "Why don't you let me?  Maybe I can help some, so you aren't in so much trouble."

Harry looked over at Marcus.  "Yeah?  You sure?"  He handed him Julie's jacket and then his.  "You may need this.  Now that the sun's gone down, it's even colder. It's definitely not LA over here."

Marcus nodded and pulled on Harry's jacket.  "Yeah, I noticed when I got off the plane.  Thanks."  He placed Julie's jacket over his arm and opened the patio door.  "Thanks for trusting me.  I wouldn't blame you for thinking I'd try to turn her against you."  Marcus smirked at Harry before closing the patio door.  He had no intention of doing any such thing, but he couldn't help himself when he said it.  The look on Harry's face gave away Harry's second thoughts immediately, but he just walked away before Harry could react.

Julie looked back over her shoulder when she felt a jacket slip around her.  She uncrossed her arms and held onto it when Marcus let go.  "Thanks.  Guess I've been out here longer than I anticipated."

"Seems you may do this a lot."  Marcus zipped the jacket he had on and looked out over the lake.  "Your husband seems to think he's in the dog house.  I'm wondering where you're going to build it, on this side of the lake, or if he's going to be banned to the other."

"Funny, Marcus, funny."  Julie put her arms into the jacket and buttoned it around her bump.  "Guess I'm going to need a new winter jacket."

"Yeah. Seems that she's growing well."  Marcus put his hands into his pockets.  "But, tell me.  Why's Harry in the dog house?  He brought Jaime and Gregory and he even brought me.  Seems he's trying."

"You ever wonder why he's trying so hard?"  Julie asked glancing at Marcus.  "Wonder why at the last minute he wanted you and Jaime to jump the pond?  Thanksgiving is the same time every year.  It wasn't a surprise."

"I mean, I guess the last minute invite was a little strange.  But, it still wasn't for him."  Marcus looked down at Julie who was now staring back out over the lake.

"Don't be so sure about that."  Julie said quietly.

"Come on, Julie.  Don't be like that.  Just tell me then– how can bringing us here be about him."  Marcus quipped.

Julie took a deep breath.  She took another as she shook her head.  "Because he thinks we should move here permanently.  And because I haven't agreed, and my biggest argument is that the only people I have are in LA, he wanted to make sure I knew that at the drop of a dime, y'all could be here."

Marcus stared out over the lake as Julie was explaining her thoughts on the matter.  "I see."  But he wasn't quite sure he did see.  "I think so anyway."

"Look, Marcus, I'm not trying to seem ungrateful.  I'm glad you're here.  I'm glad Jaime and Gregory are here, and that tomorrow most of the other important people in my life are going to be here. I am.  But, is everything he does really about me?  For me?  Like he makes everyone believe?"  Julie asked.

"Alright, come sit down over here with me, talk to me."  Marcus took Julie's arm and led her to the bench that was still out by the lake.  "You obviously need someone to talk to outside of all of this, and I'm as close as you have.  Harry and I respect each other, but you know I'm in this for you."

"I don't want to, just, I don't want to seem like a selfish bitch, or ungrateful.  I don't know.  I should just keep it to myself."  Julie fought the tears threatening to fill her eyes.

"Stop.  You know damn well I wouldn't think that.  And you shouldn't keep things inside.  You know that's not good for you."  Marcus laid his arm gently around Julie's shoulders and squeezed them.  "Why do you think things aren't about you even though he tells everyone they are?"

Julie slumped her shoulders and looked up at Marcus.  "It's complicated."

Marcus hated the look of desperation in his friend's eyes.  He wanted to help her so badly.  He wanted to help her with her pain, in so many ways.  Being her friend right now was the best way, and he was glad he'd talked himself into coming.  She was in need of an open ear and an open mind.  He could give that to her.  "When isn't it, Julie?  Just talk to me."

Julie took a shaky breath and looked back out over the water.  "This place is beautiful, right?  Perfect for me?  He had it built, for me.  Specifically so I would love it.  And it's amazing, and I love it, completely.  But, he had it built because I wouldn't agree to move in with him.  So, instead of asking what it would take, or when I wanted to, or how I saw it, he built me a house."

Marcus looked down at Julie.  "You think he built you a house to guilt you into moving in with him?"

"No, not exactly like that.  But I think he wanted it, and he wanted to make sure he had the best chance of it happening.  And then, Tahoe, and the wedding.  It was perfect, again, for me.  He made sure it had everything I could ever ask for.  But, he brought out friends and family, asked me in front of them, and planned the whole wedding with them before I even knew anything about it.  So, as perfect as it was, I still had no say in any part of it.  And now this.  He brings up moving here, because I love it here so much.  And I do, I love it here, but I don't want to move permanently from LA, and I want to have Grace there, but HE thinks it's best that we live here, and HE thinks ultimately it's what I want, so he brings you all out last minute to show me he can, so I don't have an argument about moving here."

Julie took a deep breath and tried to stifle the sob that built up in her chest.  "I just want to know when I'm going to have an equal say in our life together.  When he'll actually hear me instead of thinking he always knows what's best for me and acting on it before I even get a chance to think."

Marcus rubbed Julie's bicep up and down slowly as he listened to her speak.  He never would have seen it that way.  But now that she had said something, he certainly could see some of her issues.  He knew Harry wanted what was best for Julie.  Hell, as much as he wanted the guy to fuck up before so that he could sweep in and save her, Harry loved Julie.  He probably believed what he was doing was best.  But, maybe it wasn't.  Maybe, he needed to actually listen to what his wife wanted instead of trying to take over everything, fix everything.  "I never, ever, would have seen it that way.  Harry always wants what's best for you."

"Harry wants what HE thinks is best for me.  And most of the time, he's right.  He's been my rock, my strength, my support, for so long, and I don't know what I'd have done without him."  She looked up at Marcus.  She didn't know how much more she should share with him.  They were just starting to get their friendship back to a place where they were talking consistently, but she didn't want to hurt him.

"And you love him."  Marcus smiled.  "It's ok, Julie."

Julie nodded as a tear slipped onto her cheek.  "I do love him.  So much.  But I'm starting to insignificant as his wife.  I know I don't bring much in for income.  Some royalties on the songs and maybe once my book finally gets released, I'll be able to bring in a little more, but things have happened so fast, and now being pregnant, I just haven't had the chance to figure out how to be more productive.  But, it's like, he makes every decision, and before I even know what's happening, I agree to it, and it's over.  It's like all of a sudden, we live together, we're having a baby, and we're married.  And all I could think is I would have become a Brit before I even realized I renounced my US citizenship."

Marcus wrinkled his eyebrows and clenched his jaw for a minute.  He wasn't quite sure what to say.  "You really think that's what he's going for?  Because if he is, someone may need to have a bit of a discussion with his controlling ass."

Julie tapped Marcus between his eyebrows.  "Probably not, I'm probably being a bit dramatic.  I don't even know if he sees it like that.  But he doesn't hear me.  And I can't figure out how to get him to hear me without making a scene, and I'm trying hard not to be a crazy hormonal pregnant woman.  Everyone wants to blame the hormones, but I seriously just want to be treated like I'm his equal, instead of, well, whatever it is I am."

"As you should be."  Marcus pulled Julie so her head lay on his shoulder.  "And as much as it pains me to say this, I think Harry deserves a chance to listen.  Give him a chance to hear you out the way I just did.  Explain it to him.  Don't hold back your feelings.  He loves you.  And if he's too stupid to truly hear you, then I'll have to admit I'm wrong about the two of you.  And I don't like to be wrong."

"Wow.  Jaime's really rubbing off on you.  I'm glad my relationship has turned all about you, Marcus."  Julie closed her eyes as they sat there by the lake.  She needed Marcus in her life, and she was very glad he'd decided to hang onto their friendship.

"Yeah, well, he and I being friends is all your fault.  Hell, all of it is your fault.  So..."  Marcus laughed as Julie groaned.  "Just talk to him, Julie.  Keep trying."

Hi!!! Can you believe I managed another update! Shocking! I'd love to get back to once a week at least....
No promises but I'm trying...
Already working on the next....
Say hi...keep me motivated 😘
Every read, every vote, every comment mean so much...
Thank you all!!!!!

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