Chapter 32

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Jaime had just pulled into Harry and Julie's driveway when he heard his phone ring. He had stopped at the hospital and when Niall and Amanda arrived, he'd agreed to go back to the house and look for Harry. Apparently, Harry still hadn't found a way to charge his phone, and it was almost noon. He took Julie's key and the alarm code and left Niall, Amanda, and Marcus with Julie. They'd tried to get Marcus to go home and get some sleep, but he wouldn't leave, not with Harry still MIA and things still up in the air with Julie. Jaime answered Amanda's call and told her he'd just gotten to the house and as soon as he knew anything he would let her know. He hung up as he unlocked the door and went inside. It was weird going in there alone when it was so quiet. He turned the alarm off and walked into the hall and saw keys on the floor. He looked in a little further and saw a wallet and then a phone like little bread crumbs leading towards the couch.

Jaime sighed as he made his way further into the house. He recognized the signs all to well and knew he was going to find either a passed out Harry or a still inebriated one on the couch. Or possibly both. As much as he understood, he was also a bit perturbed at his friend. Harry's wife was probably much more scared than she was letting on, stuck in the hospital and not sure what was happening with the baby. When he made it to the couch, he saw Harry sprawled out with one leg on the floor, half sitting up, shirt fully unbuttoned and one boot still on while the other had somehow managed to end up upright on the coffee table. Oh, how he thought this would be a welcome sight on any other day, or in any other situation for that matter. He shook his head and contemplated a few different ways to wake Harry's drunk ass up.

He had many, many evil ways that he could do it, and Harry probably deserved every one in this moment, but he also needed to try and sober him up enough to go see Julie in the hospital, so before he could put any plan into action, he went and put on a pot of coffee. Strong coffee. He probably needed to get him in a cold shower too. Maybe it could be his excuse to finally get the answers to the burning questions he's had since he'd first learned his friend dated Harry Styles. If only Julie wasn't lying in a hospital bed trying not to give birth right this moment. Jaime wasn't exactly being quiet as he went about making the pot of coffee, but as he walked back into the living room, he found Harry hadn't moved. He picked up the keys and wallet, setting them on the table before picking up Harry's cell phone. As he did, he could feel the cracks in the screen before he even turned it over. The once smooth surface was shattered. He imagined even if the phone was charged, that there was no way it would work. For the hell of it, he tried the power button but nothing even flickered. He shook his head and sighed before tossing it onto the table next to Harry's keys and wallet.

Jaime stood over the couch peering down at an unmoving Harry Styles. He wanted to knock Harry's ass off the couch to wake him up, but he decided to check with Amanda first. Maybe he should let him sleep it off a little before taking him to Julie. He wasn't sure how much of a help Harry would be at the moment. The strong smell of alcohol was still radiating off of this man, and as much as he should be with his wife right now, Jaime wasn't quite sure if a husband in this state was better than no husband at all for Julie. Especially now that Amanda and Niall were there, too. He texted Amanda to call him when she could get away for a minute. Jaime didn't really want Julie hearing everything right away either. He could let Amanda determine how to break it to her. He turned his ringer up and sat on the chair nearest Harry's head while he waited for Amanda to call back. When she called about 10 minutes later, he even let his phone ring, loudly, near Harry to see if it would wake him, but Harry didn't even budge. "Hey, Amanda, thanks for calling me. He's at home. But, I'm not sure what I should do with him."

Amanda peeked back into the room at Marcus and Niall talking to Julie. "Um, I'm not sure how to take that, Jaime." She said as she turned and walked down the hallway to the waiting room.

"He's passed out on the couch. His phone is shattered, and the smell of alcohol coming from him is strong. He celebrated his birthday, that's for sure. Whether he remembers it or not is another question all together." Jaime said. "He didn't even move when you called. I'm not sure how well he will be received in his current state. Or even if he would realize what's going on."

"That son of a bitch." Amanda swore as she slumped down in a chair. "I get that JJ agreed he should go out to celebrate, but really? To get wasted like that? When you have a pregnant wife at home? What the fuck? And his friends he was with, how could they let him?"

"Yeah, I'm guessing no one saw this coming, but yeah. So, I mean, I could wake him up, get him sobered up the best I can, and get him there. If you think that's best. I'm almost glad JJ isn't here to see this mess right now though." Jaime chuckled. "Although, if he wasn't married to my best friend, I probably wouldn't have minded walking in on it."

"Jaime!" Amanda scolded but then laughed. "Yeah, I imagine so. Our lives sure have changed, huh? Yours, Marcus's, well, everyone's. As much as she will dislike him being drunk or hung over, or whatever he is, I think it's best he's here. Who knows what could happen?  Or when? We should let her decide when she sees him. I'll tell her his phone was broke and you're bringing him back here, but I'll leave some of the details out. Good luck, Jaime."

"Thanks, you too." Jaime hung up the phone and went back to the kitchen. He poured a cup of coffee and brought it back to the living room along with a cold glass of water. Maybe he wouldn't get in a cold shower with Harry, but he could see him a bit wet. He set the coffee down on the table and stood back a few steps before proceeding to throw the water onto Harry's face and chest. He stood there stunned when it had zero affect on Harry. How drunk was he that a face full of water didn't even wake him? Jaime huffed back into the kitchen, this time going to the freezer first. He filled the glass with a few ice cubes before filling it with water. Maybe he should have used a bigger glass, but he didn't want to have to mop up too much of a mess either. He waited a few moments to let the ice cool the water before proceeding to empty it again onto Harry's face and chest. This time he took a step back when Harry sputtered and tried to sit up quickly.

"What the fuck?" Harry slurred as he wiped at his face and pushed his hair back with his hands. He immediately got dizzy from sitting up to fast. He looked down at his wet shirt and chest and tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

"You know, normally, I would say something clever and witty about the state of you right now." Jaime said to Harry as he sat down and pushed the mug of coffee towards him. "But, now is not the time."

"Jaime. What the fuck are you doing?" Harry was trying to get his head straight, but the world was still kind of spinning around. He wasn't even sure where he was until a moment ago when he heard Jaime's voice and looked around.

"You're at home. You didn't even know that, did you? You're still drunk, aren't you?" Jaime asked. "Look, I'm not one to pass judgement, but do you even know what time it is?"

Harry was having a hard time following Jaime right now. Besides, why did it matter, and why would he come in here waking him up by throwing water on him? He scrubbed his hands through his hair and over his face again. Fuck, he was still drunk. "Why's the fuck it matter if I'm still drunk? And no, I don't know what time it is."

"Well, there we have it. It's after noon. And trust me, there's a damn good reason. Have you even wondered why I'm here waking your drunk ass up off the couch instead of your wife? Maybe you wouldn't be if you would have answered your phone sometime over the past 10 hours or so." Jaime shook his head. He wasn't sure Harry would be able to comprehend what he was about to say, but he had to try. "Julie's not here Harry."

"Where the hell is she? Why would she leave because I went out?" Harry tried to stand up but fell right back onto the couch. "Why would she be mad enough about that to just leave?"

"I'm going to chalk that idiotic speak up to the bar it seems you drank. Marcus came at 3:30 this morning and took her to the hospital because her idiot husband didn't answer his phone." Jaime stared at Harry.

"What?" Harry asked still befuddled but slowly beginning to panic. "Marcus, what?"

Jaime shook his head and got up. "You need to sober up, Harry. And fast. Maybe a shower will help, but this isn't working, and your wife needs you. Not whatever mess I'm looking at right now." He grabbed Harry by the arm and pulled him up. He then smelled the full stench of the man standing in front of him. "Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell happened to you?" He smelled like vomit and alcohol and smoke and many other strong rancid smells that he couldn't quite put together. "You smell worse than a sorority house after pledge day."

"Just...some drinks n shots for my birthday." Harry ran his hand through his hair as he stumbled up the steps with Jaime helping him. "Wasn't that big a deal."

"Right, of course not." Jaime kicked open the bedroom door and helped Harry to the master bathroom. "You can hate me later for this." Jaime pulled Harry's shirt off him and managed to get him out of the one boot he still had on, but after that he turned the water on and practically shoved him into the cold water. He needed to shock some sense into this man just to be able to talk to him. Jaime needed him to be aware enough to understand what was happening with Julie.

"What the fuck, Jaime!" Harry screamed as the cold water hit his body feeling like a million little pin pricks hitting him at once. He might still be drunk, but he was shocked aware, no doubt.

"I'm gonna give you a minute. I assume you can now clean up and make your way back downstairs?" Jaime pushed himself off the sink he was leaning on when Harry moved to turn the water warmer. "Then we will talk." He walked out and shut the bathroom door. He'd give him a bit, and come check on him if he didn't come back downstairs shortly.

Back at the hospital Amanda walked into Julie's room and gave Niall a look. She shook her head gently and then sat next to Julie on the bed. "I just talked to Jaime. He found Harry. Apparently he made his way home, but his phone is shattered. That's why he didn't answer. Jaime's going to, uh, bring him here in a bit."

Julie eyed Amanda suspiciously. "Jaime's going to bring him here in a bit? Why can't he bring himself? And why isn't he coming now? It's almost 1 pm."

"JJ, must you always be so suspicious?" Amanda asked chuckling nervously.

"When you act suspiciously, then yes. I do." Julie sighed. "He's drunk isn't he? Still. At this time, the next day."

Amanda shrugged. "By what Jaime says, yeah, I'm guessing, but I don't know for sure. He was passed out on the couch, so we don't know how long he'd been there. Just, stay calm ok. Your contractions have been kept under control. The last thing you need to do is stress yourself out right now so they come back. Your husband's an idiot, but he's ok, and he'll be here."

"Yeah. Right. Of course." Julie squashed the emotion rising in her chest. He didn't answer her calls because he was too drunk to notice his phone was shattered, or by the time he noticed, he was to drunk to remember his wife might need to get ahold of him. "Guess he had a wonderful birthday."

Amanda took Julie's hand and looked from Niall to Marcus and then back to Julie. "Don't do that. Don't think those thoughts now. Men are idiots; we know that. If he would have known, then none of this would have happened." Marcus and Niall exchanged glances but knew better than to open their mouths.

"Isn't that the whole point of me being able to get ahold of him? That we don't know when any of this could happen? Birthday or not? He needs to be available to me at all times because who the hell knows when this baby will decide to come?" Julie asked increasingly frustrated now that she knew Harry was ok and at home. "And if I wouldn't have gotten here or they couldn't have stopped the contractions? Then I'd have had this baby while he was passed out drunk?"

"You have every right to be angry, JJ. But none of that happened. And, how about we try and keep it from happening now? Let's have our little Grace stay in for just a bit longer. Not because Harry's an idiot, but because every day she does, she develops those lungs just a little bit more. The doctor says one more week, and they would be comfortable letting her come. Let's just keep you calm." Amanda looked at the monitors. "Please, your blood pressure is rising. When he gets here, you can get out what you need to get out, but it's you and Grace that need the the calm right now."

"I know." Julie sighed. "I'm not even mad he went out, or had drinks. And I know he didn't think I'd end up here having contractions, but it would have been nice if he could have limited himself since we are due to have a baby sometime this month."

"I'm sure when he realizes what's going on, he'll be mad at himself as well. And if he's not, well, there are many MANY people who will kick his ass for you while you stay calm for yourself and my little niece." Amanda leaned forward and kissed Julie's cheek.

Julie nodded. "Ok, I'll try to keep my emotions in check. But I can't promise anything when I see him."

"Eh, I'll give you a short term pass when he comes." Amanda smiled at Julie. "It will all be ok. I know it will be."

Back at the house Jaime watched as Harry made his way back down the stairs. He poured a fresh cup of coffee and set it on the counter. "Well, you look slightly more alive." He watched Harry, who was now wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black joggers sit on a stool at the counter. "But, you still look like shit, and coming from me, that's hard to say."

"Funny, Jaime." Harry glared at Jaime as he picked up his coffee and took a sip. "Now, explain to me what the hell I'm missing."

"Do you think you can comprehend what I'm saying? Because 15 minutes ago, I'm pretty positive you couldn't." Jaime put his hands on his hips and glared at Harry.

"Jaime, just fucking tell me, stop fucking with me." Harry set the mug down.

Jaime shook his head and put his hands up. "Geez, don't bite my head off. I'd say you're pretty lucky having it be me here, because I'm sure if it was someone else, you wouldn't have had it so easy." Jaime put his hand on the counter. "Julie called Marcus to take her to the hospital at 3:30 this morning, because she couldn't get ahold of you. She was having contractions, and they've now admitted her."

Harry jumped as he spilled the cup of coffee he was picking up when Jaime told him what was happening. "Fuck!" He grabbed a towel to wipe up the mess, but his white t-shirt now had a large coffee stain on it and his stomach may have been a bit burned, but he could barely feel it as he started to panic. "Is she ok? Is the baby ok?"

"Yes, for now. But I think you need to be there. But I also think you need to be a bit coherent and steady on your feet before you go." Jaime sighed exasperated. "What were you thinking, Harry? Your wife is in the last part of her pregnancy, and you don't make sure she has a way to get ahold of you? And then you get so wasted you don't even know what day it is?"

"Of course I know what day it is. It's my birthday." Harry replied sarcastically. He may not have known it was afternoon, nor how he managed to get home, or when he got home. And he didn't know his wife was in the hospital because she was having contractions, but he sure knew what day it was.

"Little word of advice. Might wanna keep the smart ass remarks like that to yourself when you see Julie. She might not be as forgiving as I am. I'd hate to see you have to be treated for a broken nose while you're at the hospital." Jaime took the coffee stained towel from Harry. "Go up and change. I'll clean this up and drive you to the hospital. Maybe you can't get the alcohol out of your system, but I suggest you try to be a bit more aware by the time we get to Julie."

"I didn't mean to ignore her, for fucks sake. It's not like I knew she would need to go to the hospital, or I would have never left." Harry got up.

"Well, Harry, I'm sure it's the last place she wanted to go. So, once again. Maybe, holding your tongue would be the best thing in the moment, since you obviously aren't thinking very clearly." Jaime waved him upstairs. This might not be the best thing to do. Take Harry to Julie, but Harry should be there. Hopefully, it would be ok. Hopefully, it wouldn't make things worse. Maybe it would be another sobering blow to Harry to see Julie lying in a hospital bed with those machines hooked up to her.

Jaime waited for Harry to change, made sure he had his other phone on him, as well as a charger, and then helped him lock up. He did feel sort of sorry for the guy. He went out to celebrate his birthday, and came home to water thrown in his face and being bombarded with news he wasn't expecting, but he didn't feel too bad for him. Once his phone was broke, Harry should have had the common sense to come home, and he should have known better than to drink himself stupid. He had filled a travel mug with coffee and had Harry drink it on the drive to the hospital, and by the time they had arrived, Harry seemed slightly more alert, and aware, but he was also quiet, so Jaime wasn't sure what was going to happen once they got inside. Once they made it to Julie's room, he saw Harry stop and hesitate. "You have to go in, Harry. It will be worse if you don't."

Harry took a deep breath when he heard Jaime tell him he had to go in. He knew he did, but he also was starting to feel quite guilty. Now that he'd begun to sober up the reality was starting to hit him. His utter stupidity was hitting him square in the face. He didn't like it. He sniffled and squared his shoulders as he prepared himself for whatever was going to come at him when he walked into the room. He opened the door and stepped inside. He immediately felt all eyes on him, and even though as a performer he was used to that, this was definitely different. He ignored everyone but Julie and walked straight to the bed. "Hey baby, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" He leaned down to kiss her, but she turned her cheek, so he kissed that instead. "I know you're mad, Julie...."

"I don't want to talk about it." Julie said to him as she looked around the room. She shook her head as everyone agreed to give them a minute, but they insisted. After she heard the door close, she bit the inside of her cheek to try and keep her emotions in check.

"You have every right to be angry. But I didn't know. I would have never gone out had there been any warning this would happen." Harry started to explain. He stopped when she lifted her eyes to him, and he saw the way she looked at him. She was hurt, and scared, and he really wanted to just see anger. "Baby, please."

"Don't. Just, don't. I didn't know either. It's not like I decided, 'oh hey, lets have contractions and go to the hospital and try and ruin Harry's birthday', when you went out." Julie took a deep breath when her blood pressure cuff started to fill. She knew it was going to read high. "You should go. You shouldn't be here right now."

"What? What are you talking about?" Harry asked her. He sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand. "Of course, I should be here."

"You're still drunk. Or high. Or both. I can see it. Even though you showered, you smell like stale alcohol, and smoke. I don't want you here like this." Julie wiped her eyes with her free hand. "Go home, and sleep it off. They've stopped the contractions, and I'm here until tomorrow anyway. I'll have someone call you if something happens." Julie let out a shaky breath. "I'm just glad you're ok. And that I couldn't get ahold of you because you were having a good time and not because something bad happened." She said taking her hand from his and breathing rather shakily, feeling the tumult of emotions but trying to remain calm for Grace's sake. "Go home, Harry."

Harry looked down at the floor. She was glad he was ok and that she couldn't get ahold of him because he was having a good time. And that nothing bad happened. Well, to him anyway. She was lying in a hospital bed, and he hadn't been around to help her when she needed him, to get his very pregnant wife to the hospital. She was having contractions and scared she was going to have the baby, and he wasn't even there. It had taken him almost 12 hours to get to the hospital after she'd called Marcus. He could barely wrap his fuzzy, alcohol-filled head around it all, but if the feelings he was having now were any indication, then as soon as he was completely sober, the guilt was going to be extremely heavy. "You can't make me leave, Julie. What if something happens? What if you have the baby?"

Oh, the irony. Julie clenched her jaw. "Well, I suggest you take care of your business phone so that it rings when I, or someone else, call it. And maybe lay off the alcohol and whatever else you celebrated with for a few hours." Julie snapped. "You want to do something for me? Then go home, sober up, and be the husband and father that WE need right now. Because, it's not about you anymore, it's about Grace. And right now, I need to stay calm, and I can't deal with you and stay calm. So, please. Just, go home."

"I don't want to go, Julie. I should be here." Harry pushed. "There's already been a problem."

"Yeah, I know, it's why I'm here, and why I tried calling you for hours." Julie shook her head at him. "You didn't seem too bothered then that you didn't know anything."

"Because I didn't know there was a problem. If I'd had, it would have never happened." Harry stood up and looked down at her. "If I'd have known I'd have been here."

"Which is the whole point as to why you have a phone. So, I could reach you if you're not at home. But apparently, you weren't able to deduce the fact that your phone broke, so I wouldn't be able to call, or the fact that maybe you should come home before noon the next day to check on your pregnant wife." Julie shot back.

"So, you are angry." Harry shook his head, which was still muddled. "You act like I did it on purpose. Like I smashed my phone so I didn't have to answer your calls."

"You miss the point. But why wouldn't I expect that?" Julie swallowed the lump in her throat. "Just go, Harry. Before we both say things we shouldn't."

Harry took a step closer towards the bed, but before he could say anything else, he heard the door open and felt a hand push him back a little. He then heard Marcus's voice. "Harry, man, maybe it's best if you just, went home for a little bit. Just for awhile."

"You can't mind your business?" Harry looked at Marcus a little angrily. "I thought you were giving us a minute."

"We can hear you in the hallway." Marcus dropped his hand from Harry's chest. "Just, maybe give it some time. Then you two can talk it out."

"Julie." Harry sighed. She was right. Marcus was right. He wasn't what she needed at the moment. He wasn't able to think clearly, and he'd likely upset her more than help her. "Can you just tell me the truth, before I leave? Is everything ok? Are you ok? Is Grace ok?"

Julie took a deep breath and then looked at him. "Yes. We're fine. They're treating me for an infection and high blood pressure, and they've stopped the contractions for now. So, for right now, everything's ok."

Harry didn't want to leave, but he also knew staying in his condition wasn't very smart either. He would undoubtedly piss her off, stress her out, and he'd already fucked up. He leaned down and pressed his lips against her forehead. He closed his eyes as he let them rest there for a moment. "I don't want to go." He said quietly as he pulled back slowly. "But I understand." He stepped back from the bed and nodded when Niall said he'd give him a ride home. "I love you, Julie." He let out a small breath of relief when she said it back. He was sort of expecting her to punish him a bit more by holding those words back from him. He waved to her once more before he walked out of the hospital with Niall. What a mess. He could barely figure out what the hell was happening. He hoped a few hours of sleep would help clear his mind enough to be able to fully comprehend what the hell was going on.

Thank you as always!
Love you all!  😘😘

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