Chapter 37

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Harry walked outside of the Hospital with Jeff late the next morning.  Glenne was still inside with Julie and soon they would be getting the discharge instructions to go home.  His mum and Gemma, along with Julie's parents would be meeting them at the house today, and as excited as he was to show Grace off to their respective families, he knew his wife would hate all of the attention as she always did.  Although, who knew right now, because she was surprising him every second these days.  It seemed like having a baby had caused her to have a personality shift he wasn't quite used to yet.  Maybe she would deal with it better than he thought.  He leaned against Jeff's car as Jeff pulled out a box with a new phone in it for him.  "Thanks, mate. Now, can you tell me what happened the other night that caused the damage to the old one?"

Jeff shook his head.  "Wish I could, but I've been in the dog house since that night.  Let me tell you, I'm sort of glad you had a baby so that I could give Glenne a happy distraction.  I was running out of ways to apologize and ways to beg for forgiveness."

"Shit.  Who do we have to thank for all the fun we had that night then?"  Harry asked as he opened the box and turned on the phone.

"A lot of different people, apparently."  Jeff sighed leaning against the car next to Harry.  "Glenne keeps asking me why Julie didn't call her, because she would have tracked us down, dragged us out, sobered us up, and kicked our asses."

"Apparently, something we needed."  Harry slid the new phone into his pocket.  "New number, right?"

"Yeah, it's a new number."  Jeff put his hands in his pockets and sighed.  "Yeah, don't let your guard down - she might still kick our asses, right after she makes sure Julie and Grace are safe and sound."

"Well, I won't stop her.  Mate, I fucked up.  I wouldn't blame my wife if she was angry with me.  She has every right to be.  I wasn't here when I should have been.  She counted on another man.  And he was here for her when she needed him.  You can't even imagine how that feels."  Harry admitted shaking his head, shoulders sagging in defeat.  "I like Marcus.  He's a good guy.  He's done a lot for her, for us, but fuck it's hard to see him be that for her when it should have been me."

"Who would have thought it would have gone down like that though?  No one thought she would have gone into labor that night.  She wasn't supposed to.  When we agreed to go out, she was still weeks away from having the baby."  Jeff comforted Harry.  "There was no warning.  No one could have predicted this."

"No.  You're right, it wasn't planned.  No one could have predicated it.  But, it was always a possibility.  She was 8 months pregnant.  I should have been reachable, and I shouldn't have been so high and so drunk I didn't even notice my phone was smashed."  Harry looked up at the hospital windows at what he thought was Julie's room.  "And yet, she's been accepting and forgiving about it.  More than I have.  It kind of scares me."

Jeff nodded and laughed a little.  "Yeah, I suppose you'd be used to a little more hell from that wife of yours.  But she's got a little bit more to worry about now."

"Which is exactly why what I did was shit."  Harry sighed.  "She shouldn't have had to worry about me."  Harry's head fell back and he closed his eyes.  "I'll never learn.  As much as I love her and as much as she means to me, I'll just never learn."

Jeff patted Harry's shoulder.  "You're being a bit hard on yourself right now, aren't you?  Let's go back up and break your wife and kid out of the hospital.  Maybe you'll feel better once they're both at home with you, happy and healthy."

"Yeah, healthy at least.  I'm not sure I'll ever make her happy."  Harry mumbled.

Jeff shook his head as he pushed Harry's shoulder towards the front door of the hospital.  "Wow.  Enough with the 'woe is me' attitude.  You make her plenty happy.  I think you've taken after your wife a little too much lately.  Slow your roll a little.  Why can't you just let her forgive you?"

"Because I can't forgive myself."  Harry walked to the elevator and pushed the button before leaning back against the wall.

"Well there you go.  Get over it.  Be happy with your family.  It's over, be with your wife and your daughter, and do what you need to do, and stop worrying about what's already over with.  You can't change the past, but you can make the present and the future all you want it to be."  Jeff advised.

Harry stepped off the elevator with Jeff and walked towards the hospital room.  "When did you become so smart?  Start giving such good relationship advice?"

"When I started listening to my better half."  Jeff smiled as he walked into the room and saw Glenne holding baby Grace.  "Sometimes you just have to realize that women know best."

"Yeah, it's not getting you out of any type of trouble."  Glenne gave Jeff a leery eye.  "I'm still thinking of the best way to make you pay for the other night."  She looked back down at the little girl in her arms.  "You're just lucky I'm distracted by this pretty thing at the moment."

"Yeah, she is pretty great, isn't she?"  Harry smiled at Glenne before going and sitting on the edge of the bed next to Julie and draping his arm around her.  "You about ready to blow this joint?"  He looked down at her and ran his thumb over her jawline.  "You ok?"

Julie took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she raised her eyes to Harry's.  "Yeah, I just sort of wish everyone could stop talking about that night.  I'd really like to forget it, and it's not easy when you and everyone else keep bringing it up."

"I know, baby, it's just, I feel so bent up about it.  Not a proud moment for me."  He pressed his lips to her forehead and closed his eyes.  "I wish I had a better answer for you.  And I wish I would have never done it.  And sometimes, it'd be easier if you'd have given me the hell I deserve."

"We've talked about this.  It all worked out.  And I need your help now.  So, suck it up.  And back off of me before you piss me off for real."  Julie pushed him away when the nurse came in with her and Grace's discharge papers.  "I just want to go home with Grace.  I'd say you too, but if you refuse to drop the subject, then you can just stay your ass here."

Harry raised his eyebrows at Jeff who was perched on the arm of the chair next to Glenne who was still holding Grace.  He watched Jeff smirk but continue to look at Grace instead of looking up at him.  Typical.  There were times in his relationship that Jeff thought he was moving to fast.  Well, actually, in most of this whole second go around Jeff had been concerned.  Jeff thought Harry should have given up after the first break up.  That there was a reason he'd let Julie go and that was it.  Then Jeff thought he was crazy when he tried so hard to get her back before filming Dunkirk only for her to turn him down.  He sort of came around when she had come to Jamaica saying that Harry's happiness was all he wanted, but he still had a lot of concerns up until and after they were married.  Now, Jeff was one of their biggest supporters.  In fact, Jeff probably more than anyone loved the fact that Julie gave him such a hard time and kept him in line as much as she did.  "Alright love, subject dropped, understood.  I definitely want to be coming home with you and Grace, and I don't need you to be giving me reason to be staying in the hospital."

Harry shook his head when he heard Jeff quietly laugh out loud.  "Watch it Jeff, you won't have the baby as the buffer for long.  Then you'll be fair game, too.  So, I wouldn't act so smug."

Jeff smiled at Glenne and squeezed her shoulder.  "I'll take whatever she gives me.  I know how lucky I am.  Even if sometimes I don't act like it."

"Got that right."  Glenne looked up at Jeff.  "Always remember it, too."  She stood from the chair and walked over and handed Grace to Harry.  "Are you sure you don't want some help getting home?  We really don't mind.  It wouldn't be any trouble at all."

Harry gently took his daughter into his arms and smiled at her pretty little face.  "Thank you, really, for your offer, but we're good.  We are heading straight home from here.  Julie's parents should be at the house shortly before or right after we get there, and mum and Gemma will be there in a few hours.  We've got it covered."  He looked over at Julie who was politely listening to her discharge instructions even though he could tell she wanted to tell them she was well aware of all of it already.

"Alright, well, we will get out of your hair then."  Jeff walked over to Harry and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.  "Take all the shit your wife gives you; you deserve it.  But, mostly, take care of this little one here.  She's perfect, and she deserves it.  Call me when things are settled or if you need anything.  We love ya, man."

"She is perfect, isn't she?  I'm one lucky son of a bitch."  Harry smiled at Grace and then at Jeff.

"You two need to learn to watch your language.  There are little ears around.  It won't be long until she completely understands what you're saying."  Glenne scolded them as she pulled Grace's hat down around her little ears.  "I'll see you soon, little lady.  Always listen to your mom.  She'll always know better than your daddy."

"Heeeyyyyyyy."  Harry pouted.

"It's true."  Julie chimed in as she walked back and set her discharge papers on the table by the bed.  "Jeff, thank your parents for the beautiful gifts as well.  You guys have definitely already spoiled her more than needed."

"No such thing."  Jeff smiled and slapped Harry's shoulder gently before going over and kissing Julie on the cheek.  "We will see you soon, and please call for anything.  We will be there."

"Yeah, Jeff owes you."  Glenne said before hugging Julie.  "For the fiasco that was the other night.  I know you don't want to talk about it, but it's true.  Make him pay."  She smiled and squeezed Julie's hand.  "You did great, mama.  She's beautiful.  Be safe getting home, and get some rest.  We love you, too."

"Thank you, again, for everything."  Julie waved one more time as they walked out the door before sitting on the edge of the bed.  "Ok, so I'm free as soon as they bring my medications and take out the IV.  I need you to bring her car seat up from the car. They'll have us safely buckle her in before we take her out."

Harry looked from Grace to Julie and smiled.  "I can't believe we're taking her home already.  She's a miracle.  Our miracle, and she's just seriously perfect."  He leaned down and kissed his wife on her lips. "I swear it seems like just a few days ago we found out about her, and now I'm holding her in my arms."  He choked back his tears.  "I'm so happily overwhelmed."

"Yeah, yeah, stop now.  I don't want to get all emotional right now.  I just want to get her home safely and quickly.  So, cut it out."  Julie shook her head as she sat back in the bed when the nurse came in to remove her IV.

"Yes, ma'am.  Cold and emotionless.  Got it."  Harry chuckled at the look she shot him and then raised an eyebrow at Grace.  "Your mummy is never boring.  If you're anything like your daddy you will always be entertained when your mummy is around."

"Harry, shut, up."  Julie rolled her eyes as she reached out her arms.  "Let me have my baby and go get her car seat.  I'm done with this hospital now. I am leaving this place, with or without you."

"Our baby?  That's what you meant right?"  Harry asked gently moving Grace from his arms into Julie's.

"Nope.  Mine."  Julie settled back with Grace in her arms.  "My baby."  She repositioned the pacifier in her mouth and looked at the clock.  "I suppose I should try and feed her before we leave.  It's almost time, and I don't want her upset on the car ride home."

"So, selfish."  Harry shook his head before kissing hers.  "Yeah, you feed her, I'll go get the car seat, and when she's done eating, we will blow this popsicle stand."

"You're not American enough to use that saying."  Julie groaned.  "For real, stop trying to be so cool."

"I'm married to an American, and I have an American daughter.  Makes me automatically American enough."  Harry gave Grace a kiss and walked away before he could catch a backhand from his wife.  "I've heard you use that term, amongst others enough, so I can so use it.  I'll be right back, baby."  He smiled and hurried down the hallway.  He was so excited to take his girls home.  His girls.  His wife and his baby girl.  Home.  They would be home together as a family.  His perfect little family.  He felt like sprinting down the hallway.  The rush of adrenaline he felt every time he thought about it was just as good as when he stepped out on stage to perform every night.  Just given to him in a different way.

By the time he got back up to the room with the car seat, Julie was switching Grace to her other breast.  He could tell she was struggling with the breast feeding, but she was trying her hardest to make it work for Grace.  He knew it had only been 2 days, and she needed to have a little patience, which, let's face it, wasn't her best quality, but she'd get there.  He'd happily feed Grace a bottle, that wasn't the issue. He just wanted what was best for Grace and for Julie.  "How are we doing, Mummy?"

"I don't know.  I don't know if she even gets anything.  It's so frustrating, at least with the bottle you're able to tell how much she's eating.  I mean, she seems to latch and suck, but I can't tell if she's even getting much."  Julie sighed.  "I'm not sure I'm cut out for this breast feeding thing."

"You always think you can't do anything."  Harry came and sat down next to her.  "But as always, you just need to relax a little.  And if it stresses you out so much, then let's just feed her by bottle.  And before you tell me how much better they tell you breast feeding is, I know all that, but they also say that formula feeding is fine, and there's also the option of bottle feeding breast milk if you want."  He rubbed over her leg.  "Talk to your doctor or the pediatrician.  There's no pressure from me, so stop pressuring yourself."

"There are so many benefits from breast milk.  I know that, it's just, yeah, I don't feel that overwhelming need or closeness some people talk about.  Just holding her gives me the same feeling."  After Grace seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep and was no longer sucking, Julie sat her up and made sure to burp her before handing Grace to Harry.  "Ok, let's go home.  I'll call the pediatrician when we get home and talk about the best second option and see how I feel about it.  I do like this unwavering support though.  Isn't annoying me yet."

Harry laughed as he took Grace over to the car seat.  "Good to know."  He gently placed Grace into her seat and pulled the harness over her.  He furrowed his brows at the straps and clasps.  "Ok, well, this is going to take some getting used to."

"It's not that hard.  You'll be fine."  Julie encouraged as she walked over and showed him how to clip Grace in and tighten the harness around her so that she was snug and secure.  Just as they finished, the nurse came in with a wheel chair and a security guard.  They told Harry the security guard would show him where he could pull up in back so that they could exit in peace.  Julie was thankful for the accommodations that the hospital made for them.  She nodded as Harry said he'd see her in a few minutes and looked around to make sure she had everything.  Harry had taken most things to the car earlier and took the diaper bag with him now, so she put her phone and charger into her purse and then sat in the wheel chair.  The nurse placed Grace's car seat onto her lap, and she took a deep breath.  Shit was getting real now.  Time to go home with the baby.  No nurses or doctors or hospital staff to help her take care of everything.

Grace was a trooper.  She slept the entire ride home.  From the time they put her into her car seat, wheeled down to the car, put her in the car and drove home.  She started to fuss a little as the pulled into the driveway.  Julie looked at Harry as he put the car in park.  "So, how long do you think we will be this lucky?  Where she's this perfect no matter where we are or go?"

Harry smirked and then laughed.  "Well, she will always be perfect, and I'd like to say she will always be perfectly behaved, but I know better.  She does have us for parents after all."

"You mean, you, right?  Because I'm perfect, too?"  Julie asked.

"Right, exactly what I meant."  Harry leaned over and kissed Julie quickly before hopping out and going around and opening her door.  He helped her out before going to the backseat and grabbing Grace's car seat.  "Let's get you two in the house, and then I'll come back out and get all the bags."  He put the car seat over his arm and took Julie's elbow with his other hand.

"Ok, I won't argue with you right now, but I can walk by myself."  Julie walked towards the door.  She took the keys from her purse and unlocked it before walking inside.  She put in the code into the security system and then followed Harry to the couch.

Harry smiled when Julie said she wouldn't argue with him now.  He could have said something, but he was afraid she would rebel because he did.  He took Grace to the living room and unbuckled her from the car seat as Julie walked towards him.  "Let me change her diaper, and then I'll bring her to you to feed."

"Ok, I'm going to use the bathroom and then call the pediatrician."  She looked back at the door as she heard it open.  Niall and Amanda had been kind enough to go pick up her parents from the airport today and bring them here.  They insisted they could rent a car, but Harry insisted they could drive one of his if needed.  She smiled as she saw her mom and step-dad.  "So happy to see you."  She held out her arms for a hug.

"You look amazing for just having a baby."  Donna squeezed her daughter tightly.  "I can't believe my baby has a baby."

"Harry just took her to change her diaper.  So if you wanna wash up, I'm sure once he's done you can hold her.  I was going to feed her, but you can just give her a bottle."  Julie smiled again as she hugged her dad.  "I am so glad you guys are here."

"Are you sure?  I can wait until she eats."  Donna smiled.  "It will be tough, but I can."

"It's ok, really.  Harry and I were just talking about it.  She's had some formula in the hospital, and I'm going to call the pediatrician in a few minutes, so, yeah, I'm sure."  She looked at Niall and Amanda and thanked them before offering everyone something to drink or eat.  Of course, she was told to relax and have a seat.  So, she went to use the bathroom after waving dismissively at everyone.  When she came back out, she grabbed her phone to take some pictures of her mom holding Grace.  "So, how does it feel Grandma?"

"She's so beautiful.  And she's a hungry little thing."  Donna smiled at her granddaughter in her arms.

"See, Harry.  I told you I didn't think she was getting enough."  Julie snapped a few pictures and then looked back at Harry as he slipped his arms around her from behind.

"I never argued with you, darling.  Remember, I told you to do what you think is best."  He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah.  You're going to have to buy more formula then.  I'll call the pediatrician now."  She walked towards the kitchen and gestured with her head for Amanda to come with her.  "Hey, Mama, how are you feeling?"

"I feel great."  Amanda laughed at the face Julie made.

"Of course you do.  Why would you be miserable with morning sickness and all that crap?  You and Niall are perfect, so why wouldn't your pregnancy be perfect, too?"  Julie pulled out the information for the pediatrician to put the number into her phone.

"It's early yet. There's still time for it to happen.  But it would be nice if you wouldn't wish it on me."  Amanda shook her head.  "Awful mean for a best friend."

"Yeah well, I don't want to be the only one that has to suffer."  Julie shrugged as she put the phone to her ear.

A few hours later, Harry sat on the coffee table in front of Julie.  "Hey, baby.  My mum and Gemma are on the way.  I know it's already been busy, but can I get you something before they get here?"

Julie reached up and rubbed her thumb over Harry's cheek.  "I'm good.  I'm hungry though so I can't wait for dinner to get here.  It's been a good day.  Everyone's so happy.  And I'm sure your mum and Gemma will feel the same.  I'm trying to be patient, but eventually I'm going to want my baby back."

Harry smiled and took Julie's hand from his face and kissed her palm.  "Dinner will be here shortly after mum gets here.  And I'll make sure you get your baby back before too long.  So, what did you and the pediatrician decide?"

"I'm going to pump some and see how it goes, do a combination.  If I can even mix some breast milk with the formula, the benefits are there.  If not, then just transition to formula completely.  Basically, the less stressed I am the better it will be for her."  She smiled as he leaned forward and kissed her.

"As I've said."  Harry laughed as he stood.  "Sometimes I'm pretty smart."  He winked as he stepped away before she could slap his leg.  "I'll grab you a snack.  Your mum still has Grace, and I find I need to keep myself busy so I don't steal her back."  He went to the kitchen and grabbed the bowl of fruit he had cut up earlier and brought it to her.  "See, now I'm prepared."  He looked up at the door as he handed it to her.  "Mum!"  He hurried to her and hugged her tightly, picking her from her feet and spinning her around.

"Hi, Harry."  Anne giggled as she kissed his cheek.  She watched him do the same to Gemma.  "It's so good to see you."

"I'm so glad you're here.  Julie's on the couch."  He smiled as he walked back towards the couch.  "And Donna has Grace.  Once you wash up, I'll get her for you to meet.  Wait til you see her in person.  She's absolutely perfect."

Anne insisted Julie stay seated as she bent and hugged and kissed her cheek.  "I know she is.  Let me go wash up then."

Harry washed his hands again and went and got Grace.  He smiled as she moved around in his arms.  Donna said she was just starting to fuss again.  He looked at the clock and realized it was about time for her to eat again.  Perfect.  His mum would love to feed her.  He took her to change her diaper, something he never thought he'd enjoy so much, and then wrapped her back up before bringing her into the living room.  "Sorry, I had to change a diaper. Someone's ready to eat again."  He looked at Julie.  "Do you want to try and feed her or just give her a bottle?"

"I can mix formula and some breast milk, and your mum can feed her."  She slowly pushed herself from the couch as Harry protested. "I have to use the bathroom anyway.  Geez."  She shook her head and went to put together the bottle.  She brought it back to Anne who was now standing with Grace in her arms.

"She's perfect.  Every little thing about her."  Anne smiled at Julie.  "You did amazing."

"Yeah, I did something right, didn't I?"  Julie handed her the bottle.  "I'm sure you know, but burp after an ounce.  But I'm sure your son, the mother hen, will watch over you."  She chuckled at Harry's face.  "I'll be back in a bit.  Well, it will take me a little bit, so don't worry for at least 30 minutes."  She smiled as Harry squeezed her hand and walked to the steps.  She really wanted to clean up, and she would try and pump while she was upstairs.  She stopped on the steps and turned and looked at her extended family sitting on the living room crowded around her baby.  A smile spread across her face as she realized they were all there, and all happy for and because of Grace.  Maybe it wasn't something she planned, or even thought she wanted, but just like Harry, now that she had it, she couldn't imagine her life without it.  And maybe she didn't know what was to come, and maybe it would be difficult, and maybe she would fail more then she wanted, but as long as she had these wonderful people on her side, she would be able to make it through.  She could do anything for that perfect little angel she brought into this world.  After a few more moments, she finally turned on her heel to do what she'd said.

As always thank you so much for your patience! I know this was a little long, but it has been awhile, and I hope it was worth the wait! I will be trying to get back to at least a once a week posting schedule. My goal is always twice a week but at this time I don't want to promise something I can't deliver, so for now, we will say once a week and hopefully it can be more! Thank you again for your time and patience! I ❤️ you all! 😘😘

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