Chapter 5

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Harry was laying it bed later that night writing in his journal. They'd had a successful evening with his mum and sister. The dinner itself was amazing. His girl was becoming a fantastic cook all around. She had always cooked well, especially breakfast, but the more and more she did it, the better she became. He recalled back to one of his first conversations with Amanda. Julie could do anything she put her mind to and do it well. She had grown so much since he'd first met her, but one thing he wished she'd do was stop being so hard on herself. He doubted it would happen though.

He heard the bathroom door open and watched Julie come out and brush her hair at the vanity. She rubbed some moisturizer into her face and elbows and then walked over to the bed. He felt her lift his journal and crawl on top of him snuggling under his chin. She had become more and more affectionate the longer they were together, but she still wasn't big on cuddling. Harry set his journal down and wrapped his arms around her back. "What's this?" He kissed her head. "You ok?"

"I'm just feeling a little, blah." Julie said snuggling into him a little more. "Sorry, I just took you over."

Harry chuckled. "It's ok, love. I sort of like it when you cuddle with me unexpectedly. It's nice not to have to bug you in order to get you to snuggle." He kissed the top of her head. "I have to say, you lying right on me doesn't happen often."

"Yeah, sorry. I just have this overwhelming need to be as close to you as possible." Julie said letting out a relaxing breath and closing her eyes.

Harry thought about feeling her forehead and asking her if she needed a hospital, but he was enjoying it way too much, and he knew she'd groan and roll off of him if he did. "Well, I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm loving it." He closed his eyes and mimicked her relaxing breath. "Today was a good day."

"It was. I love your mom and sister." Julie picked her head up and looked at him. "And yes, you were right, I was worried for nothing."

Harry tilted his head at her. "Ok, seriously, what's up with you?"

"What?" Julie asked him laying back down on him.

"First, you come cuddle me without me asking you. Then you tell me I'm right, without me even saying anything. One more sweet thing from you, and I'm going to officially worry." Harry rubbed over her back as she settled back in.

"Couldn't resist, could you?" Julie asked him. "I dunno, can we just go with it? I just feel calmer in your arms."

"Listening to my heart beat, yeah?" Harry put his hand behind her neck and rubbed over it. He smiled when she groaned. "Like that?"

"Yeah, feels good. You know how I feel about your hands." Julie sighed.

"Well, let's get you some rest. We have a day by the lake planned, remember. I want you to enjoy it. Mum's excited about it. I'm excited about it. We get to use the grill for the first time." Harry reached down and pulled the blanket up over them.

"Oh, you're becoming old and domesticated. If what you're excited about is using a grill for a first time." Julie chuckled quietly. "I thought as a rockstar you'd have your standards for fun a little higher."

"Yeah, well, now that I've got a home life with the woman I love, I have two sets of fun meters. When I'm with you, I look forward to being home and being with you, and then when it comes to work, it's different." Harry explained as he continued to rub her back

"Oh, so I have to worry about you when you're out on tour without me? Is that what you're saying? When you're living your rock star persona and hanging with super models? Cuz that's my favorite part of your job." Julie rolled her eyes. She had accepted that part of his life a long time ago, but sometimes it was still a bit difficult to see him hanging with all the "beautiful people" whenever they came to a show or attended the same parties.

"You know better." Harry shook his head. "At least you should, Ms. Sarcastic."

"I do. Just won't ever be my favorite part. I enjoy the old, boring, domesticated Harry from Holmes Chapel. The one who only has eyes for the difficult, sarcastic, self-conscious girl that shook up his life." Julie sighed and lay back down on Harry's chest.

"I do have eyes for only you. Doing my job doesn't change that. It's just my job." Harry sighed himself. He hated when she got into this mindset.

"Seems like such a difficult job." Julie mumbled.

"Julie." Harry clenched his teeth as he tried to come up with the right words.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't get like that. Especially when we are just having a conversation." She squeezed him tightly before rolling next to him and curling up to his side. It was hard though, it wasn't like she could avoid the pictures and stories completely, and every time he was pictured with someone, she always had a small lingering doubt that he'd find someone better, even though he had never once given her a reason to worry. "You know it's my own issue. You've never given me a reason to question you."

Harry kisses her head and closed his eyes as he rested his head against hers. "I have, when I broke up with you and went to..."

"No, stop. That was a long time ago. And besides not wanting to talk about it for obvious reasons, it's way in the past." She propped herself up on her arms. "I have no right to question you."

"Yeah, I have no reason to question you, and I still do it." He looked into her eyes. "Trust me, love. I know how you feel. Remember, I don't want you to go back to LA, to Marcus."

"I'm not going to Marcus, Harry. Not like that." Julie sighed heavily.

"I know, and I don't go to anyone I'm pictured with like that. But it still drives me fucking insane." He took his thumb and rubbed it gently over her cheek bone. "So, please, don't worry about it." He was trying to be understanding, but it was truly hard. But, would it be fair for him to ask her to forget everything she saw when he was out on tour, since he was questioning her about Marcus? Could he expect her to accept his friends with no question when he constantly questioned her about Marcus? Part of him wanted to be unreasonable. Tell her she shouldn't question him and should know better, but how could he do that and then turn around and question her friendship with Marcus? He realized he was being unreasonable, but he struggled with the emotions he was feeling.

"You don't have to try and make me feel better, Harry. I know I'm quite unreasonable." Julie reached up and kissed his lips.

"Trust me, Julie, I've told you for years. I'm insanely jealous of anyone else who takes up your time. You never believe me, but I'm not just humoring you." Harry took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "How about we just get some sleep, together."

"Of course, love." Julie pulled the covers up tighter around her. "Good night."

Harry looked down at Julie's face. Now who was humoring whom? He held her for awhile before she rolled away from him. He knew then she would be sound asleep shortly. Ever since her dreams had lessened, she'd settle down cuddled up to him, but when she was ready to sleep, she'd roll away. It was something he was having a hard time getting used to. He waited a few more minutes before he got up and made his way down to the kitchen. He was surprised when he saw him mum closing the fridge.

"Hi, love. Just needed a drink." Anne said smiling at Harry. "Can't sleep?"

Harry forced a smile at his mum and then grabbed himself a water and sat down at the counter. "Just thirsty." He opened the water and took a drink. He looked at his mum and knew she wasn't buying it. "A lot on my mind, I guess."

"Care to talk about it?" Anne reached over and put her hand over his. "I thought everything was good."

"It is." When his mum raised her eyebrows at him, he let out a breath. "It is, Mum, really. We just had a talk before Julie fell asleep. Guess it's just kinda got me thinking."

"Thinking what? You looked so happy when we got here earlier. A goofy grin that wouldn't leave your face. Light, funny, happy Harry. And now, you seem, a bit confused, sad. I didn't expect it." Anne went to the fridge. "Why don't I make you some scones with jam while we talk?"

Harry smiled. "Sure mum, that'd be great. I'm so glad that you're here."

"Oh, I love it. I can be here anytime; it's such a short drive." Anne set the dough on the counter and got out the cookie sheet.

Harry took another drink of his water. He knew his mum would love having them so close to her while they were in the UK. And it was nice that she would have someone so close to her now. When they were able to be. So, even though he knew Julie would love this place, it was an added bonus that they'd be so close to his mum. "I figured you would. It will be nice to have someone close for when I'm traveling. You know Julie won't go with me all the time."

Anne nodded. "I doubt you're surprised by the fact that she's not going to follow you around on tour. She's not that kind of girl. She placed the dough on the cookie sheet after she turned the oven on to preheat. "You used to adore her independence."

"I do." Harry sighed. "Ok, so I thought maybe the longer we were together, the closer we got, the more she'd want to. I mean, we've known each other for almost 4 years, and we were together for 3 of them, and I JUST got her to agree to move in with me. And I built a house to do it."

Anne shook her head. "Did you really build the house just to get her to move in with you? Was that all there was to it?"

Harry shrugged. "No, I don't know, maybe. I wasn't getting anywhere before I did."

"So, it has nothing to do with you just wanting to make her happy? It was all for your agenda?" Anne put the scones in the oven and set the timer.

"Of course, I want her happy." Harry sighed and looked at his mum. "It's just, yeah, I don't even know. As much as she's given in, she's still so closed off at the possibility of our life together. And trust me, part of me thought this would be the type of relationship I wanted. Someone who wouldn't hold on so tight. Someone who would let me do my music and travel the world and not have to be a part of it all. And I got that girl."

Harry looked down at his water bottle and then back at his mum. "And now, I find myself getting frustrated that she doesn't get upset that I'm leaving, that she doesn't want to come, that she's ok not walking red carpets, going to award shows, being by my side through all of it. Johnny hasn't been a part of our lives for almost 2 years, and she still wants to stay so hidden; it's like we are constantly hiding from the world."

Anne took Harry's words in and nodded as he was speaking. "Sweetheart, you're in a place with a relationship that you hadn't gotten to before. Am I right? A love that's different than anything you've felt before? You have, the past few years especially, kept your private life and your professional life separate."

"I know, and that's why it's so frustrating. I don't want to throw her to the wolves. I don't want her to be attacked and written about simply because I love her. She went through hell when Johnny sold his lies to the media. I would have protected her from that if I could have." Harry rubbed his face with his hands. "It's why I can't figure out why it bothers me so much. I just got back from being away for so long, we just got to this house, and she agreed to live with me, and now she's already running back to LA, for Marcus of all people."

Anne nodded and tried not to laugh. Oh, Harry and his jealousy. He was such a confident man when he was on stage and performing in front of a crowd anywhere. Yet he was so sensitive and vulnerable when it came to his personal life. Always worrying about being left because of the intrusions in his life. The person he loved finding someone calmer and who could give them more privacy, and Julie was definitely the epitome of that. "You mean, she's going to be with her friend who just lost his Grandmother?"

"Yes, Mum, I know all that. It's just, why him?" Harry pouted.

"Oh, love." Anne couldn't help but chuckle at him. "You have opposite sex friends. In fact, you're friends with a couple of women you've dated."

"I know that. But he has feelings for her. Mum, you can see it every time he looks at her." Harry slumped back in his stool. "I hate it. He's so good to her, and always has been. And now we move in together finally, and she is leaving a few days later to go be with a guy who's still into her?"

"You would be there for your friends too, love." Anne pulled the hot scones from the oven and got the jam clotted cream. "Would you expect her to trust you?"

"Of course, she should trust me. I'd never do anything to hurt her like that." Harry looked at his mum a bit hurt. "You know that, don't you?"

"Of course, I do. But shouldn't you trust her then? Give her the same courtesy you think she should give you?" Anne spread some cream and jam on the warm scones and slid them over to Harry.

"Yeah, I trust her, but I don't trust him. One day, he's going to make his move." Harry spoke a bit bitterly. He then froze when he heard a voice come from behind him.

"So, what you're really saying, is you still don't trust me." Julie shook her head.

"Maybe I should go...." Anne started to say.

"No, stay. I just woke up. Needed a drink. I'm going back to bed." Julie walked by them to grab a bottle of water. "Right now I'm wondering if I even woke up from that bad dream I was having." She never stopped as she walked back to the stairs and hurried up them.

Harry sighed and put his head on the counter. "Fuck!"

Anne put the scones in a container and the cream and jam back in the fridge. She put her hand on Harry's arm as she walked around the counter. "Go talk to her, love."

"We already had this discussion when she first told me she was going. She did really well with me acting like a child about it, but I doubt her having to deal with me like this again is going to go as well." Harry stood up and hugged his mum. "Thanks, Mum, I love you. Goodnight."

"You seem to forget that she loves you." Anne squeezed his hand and walked up the stairs with him. "You've spent so long convincing her that you love her, maybe you need to listen to your own advice. Stop doubting her love for you." She reached up and kissed his cheek.

Harry nodded and thanked his mum again before he walked into the bedroom. He glanced at the bed but knew she wouldn't be in it. She'd be at the window, staring into nothing. He took a deep breath and walked up behind her. He slowly wrapped his arms around her from behind and immediately felt her tenseness. "Baby, I'm...."

"No, don't say you're sorry." Julie said quietly as she turned out of his arms walking back to the bed.

Well, this definitely wasn't going to be as easy as it was yesterday. "But I am, sorry."

"You take it for granted, you know." Julie sat on her side of the bed and set her water on the night stand.

"Take advantage of what, exactly?" Harry asked watching her.

"Of everyone expecting it to be me to doubt us. To worry about us. Everyone expects me to be the one with trust issues, and that you are so understanding and supportive. It's always my fault when things between us go slow, or wrong." Julie pulled back the covers and slid her feet under them on the bed. "No one ever sees that it's really you that has trust issues when it comes to us." She laid back onto her pillow. "But, I don't want to talk about it right now."

Harry stopped and stood when she started talking to him. "You can't say stuff like that and then expect me just to drop it." He walked towards the bed.

"I already did." Julie licked over her lips to suppress her tears. "I can't believe you'd go to your mom and talk about this in detail. I didn't hide a thing from you. You knew who I was talking to. You know why I want to go." She rolled onto her side away from him and pulled the blankets around her as tight as she could. "You've doubted me for years. And I understood through most of it. I had one foot out the door. But there's no reason for you to doubt me now."

"Julie, please. Just hear me out." Harry sat down on his side of the bed. "Baby, please."

"You've said enough for the day." Julie closed her eyes. "Even I get hurt sometimes. Maybe no one thinks so, but I do." She squeezed her eyes shut, but a tear escaped before she could help it. "I watch you with your exes and your surprise encounters. I watch you mingle with super models and celebrities every where you turn, yet you're going to act like me seeing Marcus when his Nonna died is somehow worse. When I never know until well after the fact, and I told you as soon as I knew."

"I'm sorry." Harry hung his head.

Julie rolled over and looked at Harry. "I know that I've caused a lot of problems with my insecurities, and I don't always react the way I should, but I've been trying. And it bothers me that my wanting to be there for Marcus, during a very hard time, gets this type of reaction from you. One that makes you run to your mom. I truly thought you understood. But apparently you've taken to lying to me, too."

Harry could imagine what was running around her head. She'd agreed to move in with him, and just a couple days later, she was most likely regretting it already. He looked at her and shook his head. "I wasn't lying. I know it's a big deal, and I'm trying to be understanding, I just can't seem to help it." He looked down and back at her. "You're regretting saying you'd move in with me now, aren't you?"

Julie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She needed to remember that in the past he'd probably have been right, and she would question every decision after a disagreement. She didn't sit up, but she reached over for his hand. "No, Harry, I don't. I'm having a hard time not getting angry right now, but we aren't going to get through a relationship without disagreements. And let me be clear, I do NOT agree with you on this, but I definitely haven't questioned my decision."

Harry let out a relieved breath. He lay down next to her and put his hand on her hip. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't continue to question you like that."

"You probably shouldn't. But I do understand, you only know the past, and sometimes it's hard to remember I'm not that girl anymore, and there are times when I slip up and want to react how I would have before." She moved and kissed his forehead letting her lips linger there for a moment, and her hand cradle the back of his head. "But I love you." She moved and rested her forehead against his. "Even when you're being a brat."

Harry chuckled. "And I'm good at being one of those." He closed his eyes and pulled her a bit closer. "And now I know why you love those forehead kisses so much. There's definitely an amazing comfort in them." He scooted down on the bed and leaned his ear on her chest. "And the heartbeat thing. Yeah, I get it." He lifted his head and looked up into her eyes. "I love you, too. And will fight with you until we are both old and grey."

Julie rolled her eyes. "Trust me, we haven't had a fight recently. In quite some time, actually. You'll remember when it happens."

"I'm sure I will, love, but for now, this is all the fight I could handle. Goodnight, my love. I hope your dreams stay away the rest of the night. I love you." He settled down with her in his arms. She had grown so much. Since they had gotten back together, she had made such great progress in not reacting to the worst case scenario in her mind. And he seemed to have become that person. Whenever she got stronger, he seemed to become gravely insecure. This was the second time in two days that she had turned off her anger and comforted him. He tightened his arms as he felt her relax into him. He needed to work on getting himself in check. He saw a future with the woman he loved, and he didn't want to ruin that by questioning her every move. When her breathing evened out, he kissed her head and whispered. "I love you, baby. Dream happy dreams."

Thanks y'all for being so patient....
I'm trying for sure....
My characters are giving me a bit of a hard time on what they want to do....
They may be a bit stubborn...
Love y'all so much 😘😘😘

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