Chapter 7

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Harry looked over at his girls, yes, his girls. His mum, his sister, and his girlfriend each drinking a glass of wine and talking and laughing while he grilled their dinner. He wasn't sure what they were talking about at this point, although he was pretty sure they had covered every topic known to man since this morning, and he was enjoying it. There were smiles and laughter a plenty, and they were working on their second bottle of wine. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of having three drunk women on his hands. He took a drink of his water and closed the lid on the grill.

Harry smiled as he walked over to the table and sat on the arm of Julie's chair. "Look at you three relaxing as I do all the work." He put his arm over Julie's shoulders. "It's like I'm your slave. And I think you all are enjoying it."

"Well, little brother, it's about damn time you start to pull your weight around here. No more traveling superstar being waited on hand and foot while you're home." Gemma raised her glass to Harry. "Besides, we are giving JJ the run down on what to make you do while you're home. She totally needs to take advantage of you."

"I'm not sure why I ever invite you over." Harry picked up a grape from the bowl of fruit in front of them and threw it at Gemma. "You're such a horrible big sister."

Gemma ducked the grape and set her wine glass down. "Not my fault I like your girlfriend better. Anyone who gives you hell is ok in my book."

"You would say that." Harry pouted. "But remember she's mine first. You can't have her."

"Ok, kids. Let's not fight over JJ. She's not a toy. Or I'll take her and go home." Anne chuckled.

"Not fair, mum." Harry laughed. He watched Gemma pour herself and his mum another glass of wine, but Julie's glass was still full. He looked down at her face. "Not feeling the wine tonight?"

Julie shrugged. "Guess not. I'm just enjoying the company. They are quite entertaining."

"Yeah especially after they get drinking." Harry rubbed Julie's shoulder. "You're ok? You've seemed a little bit restless the past couple of days."

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just everything we've talked about. It's all different, and hard to take. And from one minute to the next, I'm a bit confused." Julie looked up at him. "But I'm ok."

Harry leaned down and rested his forehead on Julie's. "I know, love. But it will be ok. I know it. We've gone through worse. A lot worse."

"We have." Julie closed her eyes as Harry rested his forehead on hers. They had gotten through worse, and she'd never anticipated being so conflicted about moving forward. As always she felt her anxiety and fear were misplaced, and she wished she could control it. She would have to call her therapist as soon as she got to LA for a face to face meeting. She hated that her anxiety controlled so much of her. She tried to pass off her diagnosis of PTSD. She thought of it as more of a war thing. And she wasn't in a war. Well, maybe a personal war.

Harry sighed. "I don't like it when you're so short and agreeable. Because that means you are way too deep in that pretty, little head of yours. And I don't want you to be. Not about us."

"It's not really about us. It's about me. My irrational fears, my reactions." Julie said quietly and then looked over at Anne and Gemma. "But now is not the time. We have plenty of time."

Harry got up and then squatted down next to Julie's chair. "We do, and we will figure this out together. Just don't hide how you feel. And I will try not to act like a child."

Julie smirked into Harry's eyes. "I know it will be hard for you. But I appreciate at least the effort."

"Thatta girl." Harry kissed her and then stood up and went to the grill. There was something off with Julie, but he wasn't exactly sure what. She just seemed sad. She was obviously forcing her sass because of him. He had always told her that if she wasn't being sassy he would be scared. He just hoped when she was ready. When she needed to, she'd come to him.

When the food on the grill was just about ready, the girls went to the house and got the sides, plates, silver ware, and napkins. They set everything on a second table while Harry brought the platter with the meats, potatoes, and vegetables. He made a variety of meats. Chicken, steak, and sausage. He let everyone else dish up first before he filled his plate with a variety and then sat down. He eyed Julie's plate. "No chicken for you?" Generally, that's the first thing she grabbed when they had a variety.

Julie shrugged. "Yeah, just not feeling it today. Everything looks and smells good." She picked up her fork and knife and cut into her steak. Big mistake, the meat was still too pink for her liking, and it made her gag. She pushed her plate away and covered her mouth with her napkin.

Harry grabbed her plate from the table and took the steak back to the grill. "Sorry, love. Let me fix that for you." She definitely didn't like any red in her meat, but he had never seen her react quite like that before. She'd said she felt off, maybe she was getting sick. He watched her take a couple of breaths and then seem to relax a little more. After a few minutes he brought the steak back to her. "Guess I didn't get that one right."

"It's ok." Julie looked up at Harry as he set her plate back down. "It happens." She smiled at him and took a deep breath before she cut into the meat again. "Thank you." The steak was now well done, and she was able to take a bite without her stomach turning.

After dinner, everyone cleaned up together, including doing the dishes. Harry was happy. He dreamed of having a quiet life off of tour. One where his family, including his girlfriend, would get along and want to spend time together. His mum talking to Julie before and keeping their conversation in confidence was a perfect start. He'd bugged his mum earlier to see if there was anything else he should know about that conversation, but his mum was steadfast in keeping her confidence. They ended the night with a movie and popcorn. At the end of the evening, he looked down at Julie's eyes fluttering shut. "Hey, love. We should head upstairs. I'll help you pack before you fall asleep."

Julie nodded. "Luckily, I'm going home and don't need to pack much." She stood up and fixed her shirt and hugged both Anne and Gemma. "I leave early in the morning. Please don't think you need get up to see me off. I'll be back soon enough." She let go of Anne and smiled. "I'll call you and we will have a girls day. I promise."

"That sounds lovely." Anne hugged Julie again. "Have a safe trip. Give our condolences to Marcus and his family."

Julie smiled. It was just like Anne to be so kind and considerate. "I will, thank you. I know he'll appreciate it." She squeezed Gemma's hand and then went upstairs to pack. She picked up a carry on bag and put a few things into it, including her bathroom bag. She looked back at Harry when he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "Hi."

"Hi, baby." Harry leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I'll take you to the airport in the morning."

"No, I'll be fine taking a car. I want this to be as quiet as possible. I don't want any attention." Julie turned to him, reached up and locked her hands behind his neck. "I'll let you get up and carry my bag to the car though."

"So thoughtful." Harry shook his head and smiled at her. "Are you sure you feel ok? Dinner was unexpected. I've never seen you react like that before."

Julie shrugged. "I told you I wasn't feeling well. Remember, when I was overly cuddly? I'm kind of stressed. Remember, I don't deal well with that. My body hates me when I'm being crazy and unreasonable."

"Ugh, shut up." Harry kissed her lips. "Are you done packing? We need to spend time together since you're leaving me for days."

"You are such a baby." Julie pointed out. "I deal with you leaving me all the time."

"Yeah, I wish you'd pout a little more about that. Instead you pretty much kick me in my ass until I'm finally out the door." Harry laughed as she scrunched her nose and pinched his stomach.

"And you wonder why." Julie moved his T-shirt enough to pinch his bare skin.

"Well, at least we get a chance to have a proper goodbye." Harry smiled as her hand touched his skin. Even if it was a pinch, he enjoyed her skin on his. He ran his hands under her shirt and rested his palms on her bare back.

"If by a proper goodbye, you mean a proper cuddle and sleep. Then yep. You're right." Julie batted her eyelashes at him. "That's all you should need." She stepped out of his arms and walked towards the dresser to get out a pair of pjs.

Harry walked up behind her, reached around and pulled out the sexy black teddy she had worn on his first birthday they were together. It was his favorite present, and he made sure it went everywhere they did together. "I think this one, is the best for tonight." He smirked as he let it dangle by a small shoulder strap from his finger.

Julie snatched the lingerie from Harry's finger and put it back in the drawer. She pulled out her flannel pj set. "I'm thinking more this. That air conditioner is quite good, and I get quite cold at night."

Harry snatched the pj set from her and stuffed it back in the drawer. "I have other ways to keep you warm. Plus, you have like 10 hours to sleep on the plane tomorrow." He pulled the teddy back out and spun her away from the dresser. "Come on. Just put it on. Let me admire you before you go."

"Can't you admire my sass and wit? My brain and my conversation?" Julie asked raising her eyebrows at him.

"I admire those things about you everyday. You're too modest to let me admire your body as often." Harry pulled at her T-shirt.

"I'm pretty sure you admired it quite a lot right before your mom and sister got here." Julie blushed at the memory.

"Yep. And I'd like to do it every moment I can." Harry held out the teddy for her. "Are you going to make me beg? Because I'm not above it."

"You have no shame." Julie grabbed the teddy and went to put it back in the drawer.

"I don't." Harry hurried to her and pulled her backwards into his body, bending down and whispering in her ear. "I have no shame when it comes to admiring you." He kissed her neck gently. "Please."

"What if I have a headache and don't want to do what will ultimately happen once I put this on?" Julie looked back over her shoulder at him.

"Then I'll just admire you and hold you to keep you warm." Harry smirked.

"I doubt this will even fit anymore." Julie looked at the teddy. "I've, filled out, quite a bit since I wore this."

"Stop, you'll look beautiful. As you always do. It may fit you better with all your beautiful curves." He ran his hands down her waist and over her hips. "I love your curves."

"Someday, I will be able to resist your charm." Julie shook her head.

"You already give me a run for my money. This is one thing I hope you never change." He kissed her and smiled.

Julie stepped towards the bathroom and let the teddy dangle from her finger. "Maybe you should wear it. You're comfortable with your femininity. Maybe you wear this, I'll wear your boxers and I can ogle your curves."

Harry laughed and then shook his head. "Baby, I'm all man when it comes to you. The testosterone pumps through my body whenever you're near."

"Ugh, you're so not funny." Julie turned and grabbed the flannel pjs from her drawer. "I guess you'll have to wait and see what I put on." She went into the bathroom and locked the door. She knew if she didn't Harry would be in there before she knew it and continuing his plea.

Harry stripped down and slid his pajama pants over his boxers. He wasn't quite sure what she was going to do. She definitely was a little bit off, but he had to wait for her to completely open up to him before he could dig in and find a way to help her. He sat down on the edge of the bed and watched as the door of the bathroom opened. He saw her walk out in her flannel pajamas and bare feet. He opened his arms as she got closer and wrapped them around her. "Apparently you already learned how to resist my charm." He buried his head into her chest.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Julie put her hands on Harry's head and tangled her fingers into his hair. "I just like to be close to you. Shouldn't matter what I wear."

"You're right." Harry mumbled into her chest. "As long as you're in my arms, that's all that matters."

Julie ran her hands down his neck and down his shoulders. "But you are definitely hot. Showing off your body, your tattoos. I do like looking at you."

"You only love me for my body." Harry play pouted.

"Absolutely correct." Julie giggled as he nuzzled her chest with his nose. "I'm a woman of many layers. Sometimes you have to peel through one to get to another."

"Yeah, that's definitely true." Harry pulled back and looked up into her eyes. "But I love your complexity."

Julie nodded. "But sometimes, it's not about the complexity. Sometimes, it's just as simple as it sounds."

Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "Apparently it's not as simple because you're confusing me."

"You're easy to confuse." Julie laughed.

"Touché." Harry leaned back on his hands. "But, what are you getting at?"

Julie rolled her eyes. "Layers, love." She unbuttoned the top button on her pjs, and then another, after the third you could see just the top of the black teddy she had on underneath.

"Oh, you sneaky, sneaky brat." Harry sat up and stopped her hands. "I love every second of it." He took the next button in his fingers. "But please, please, please let me do this."

"Such a gentleman, never making me undress myself." Julie rolled her eyes.

"Never. It's my most favorite thing to do." Harry slowly unbuttoned the rest of the buttons. He let the shirt fall open and then leaned back on his hands again. "I haven't even seen all of it, and I can tell it fits perfectly." She had filled out more since the first time she'd worn it. Every part. And he loved it. Her breasts filled out the bra more, and he was sure once he lowered her pajama pants her hips would look even better in it, too. He appreciated everything about this woman, but every moment he spent with her, things were automatically better. No matter her curves or lack of them, she would be the most beautiful girl in the world to him. "I can't wait to slowly expose every part of you."

"Yes, I know. Always into that slow, sweet torture. But you're only torturing yourself." Julie watched him lick over his lips as his eyes lazily wandered her body.

Julie buttoned up the bottom button. "Are you done now?"

Harry sat up quickly and stopped her hands and undid that button. "No, don't be like that." He ran his hands under the sides of her unbuttoned shirt and ran his thumbs over the front of her hips. "Just let me remember every part of you for when you're gone."

"If you don't have me memorized by now..." Julie started before her lips were captured by Harry's.

When Harry broke the kiss he looked at her. "Just shut up. I'm refreshing my memory." He reached up and slowly slid the shirt off of her shoulders, running his fingers gently over her skin as he did. He felt her body shiver and smiled. "See, like that. I remember how that goes."

Julie couldn't help herself; she smirked and tried to suppress her laugh as she spoke. "Trying to remember so you can handle things yourself while I'm gone?" Julie knew he would know what she was speaking of. Her early return from San Francisco when she found him in the hot tub.

"Shut up." Harry glared at her. "I wouldn't have to even think that way if you didn't leave me."

"You leave me all the time. Do you imagine I'm at home, handling things myself when you're gone?" Julie couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face, and she watched his eyes literally darken as she could imagine what he was thinking.

"Are you offering to give me a preview? Because I sure the hell could watch that." Harry pulled her closer by her hips. "You tease so much."

"No, ew." Julie played disgusted.

"You watched me. I think it would only be fair." Harry put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer. "Let me watch your hands touch your own body."

"You can't even let me take control during sex, and you think you're going to sit back and let me please myself in front of you? You? And your control issues?" Julie gave him a surprised look.

"Yeah, you're right. It would be a lesson in self control. I've failed pretty much any lesson that involved you, but man I would like to try." Harry watched her take a step back from him and run her hands up over her breasts. He moved down on the bed. "Please, use the bed."

Julie shook her head. Was she really going to do this? It was probably one of the few things they hadn't tried yet. Their sex life was never boring. She took her pajama pants and slowly pushed them down her legs and stepped from them. "Ok, but I doubt I'm going to get very far. You're way too impatient." She climbed on the bed, and before she even turned around, she felt his hands on her ass. "See, already touching and not watching."

"Yeah, well, it was right there." Harry didn't even bother trying to keep his boxers and sweats on. He was already getting hard and knew it would just be a matter of time before he needed to be free. He licked over his lips and then bit his bottom lip as Julie's hand slipped into her bra and squeezed her own breast. She wasn't wrong. He was going to have a hard time watching without touching her himself.

Harry gasped when he watched her other hand go down to her panties and rub over her middle first gently and then a little harder. His hands clasped the sheets tightly as she ran her fingers inside her panties and moaned as her fingers stroked and rubbed over her pearl. "Fuck. Let me help you." He growled as he pulled her panties down and off to give her more access.

He could tell she was a bit uncomfortable with this, but when she closed her eyes and moaned out and bit her lip he could tell the feeling was taking over. He watched her dip her fingers inside herself and use her other hand to rub over swollen pearl. He groaned himself and couldn't help but wrap his fingers around his erection, stroking himself as he watched her back arch and start to rub harder. She was going to orgasm without him, and he was too selfish for that. He took his free hand and while he continued to stroke himself he shoved three fingers a little aggressively inside of her. He smirked when she screamed out at the surprise intrusion, but she started to clench immediately and rub herself harder. When she screamed his name and her stomach muscles clenched and then relaxed, he removed his fingers.

He let go of himself and climbed over Julie as she was catching her breath. "See, you were right, that was hard. And now, I'm going to make love to you." Before she even opened her eyes, he pushed into her fully and started to move. "Open your eyes, beautiful." He moved slowly as she opened her eyes. "Hi." He smiled as he leaned down and kissed her slowly and deeply. As much as he'd enjoyed himself the other day, this way made him feel high in a completely different way. He continued to move until she dug her nails into his shoulders and then they released together. As he relaxed down on her he mumbled into her shoulder. "I love you, baby. Very much." He smiled when she breathlessly told him that she loved him too. They may have things to work through, but right now, he was happy, and convinced this was his life forever. Even if she continued to say forever is a very long time.

Thanks for reading!!!
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