A Hopeful Birthday

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"Wake up~" You heard at a small distance.

You yawned, straining your eyes open to the bright sunlight reaching from your window.

You looked for the voice, seeing a familiar face looking down at you on your bed from your window.

You lazily blinked, "... Ho... seok?"

He jumped and then screamed, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY-!!"

Flinching, you turned over to the other side on your bed. "Let me sleep, Hoseok. We can celebrate later... Actually, let's not celebrate at all, I have work today- agh, I need to get up," You complained, having a difficulty in sitting up.

You felt hands on your shoulders, then the hands shook you back and forth.

"You don't have work today! I convinced them to give you a day off!"

You sharply looked at him and tilted your head in question. "I don't have work, today?"

He shook his head and screamed again.

"Let's celebrate your birthday~!!"

You groaned and fell back on your bed, closing your eyes.

"Let me sleep."


"Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday my little fluff~ Happy birthday to you~" He sang as he got the cake out from your kitchen.

Apparently, he'd used the key you'd given him, gotten cake from somewhere and hid it in your fridge before setting up your apartment with balloons and such.

You were still feeling groggy, but you managed out a smile for the birthday treat from closest friend you had.

"Thank you, Hope-ah, I can't believe you did all this, alone at that."

He grinned and handed you the cake.

"Make a wish!" He said, excited, making you laugh and then blew a long breath out to remove all the flame.

"Yay~" He cheered and set the cake down on a coffee table.

"What did you wish for?"

You hummed, smiling a bit, thinking about your wish. "Probably something that won't come true."

Hoseok pouted. "Hey, don't say that! I'm sure it will. In fact, whatever you wished for, I'll be there with you to make it happen, okay?"

You laughed at his response. "Okay. Maybe that's being too hopeful, though."

He grinned.

"I am hope. Nothing is too hopeful when it's me."

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