Chapter 2 Pt. 1

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Chapter 2 Part 1 ~Making Friends and Enemies~
Y/N's P.O.V
"Are we there yet?" I asked my parents "I told you 100 times already Sweetie. We are not-" Mom was cut off by Papa. "We're here!" He said as Mom sighed and smiled at him while I giggle
~In Le Airport ~
"Where's flight 09?" Mom asked a guard "It's there miss.." He points where flight 09 is "Thank you Sir" I thanked him "You're welcome Ma'am!" He said and smiled at me. "We better go! Our flight is going to go! " Papa said as he grabbed us and ran straight to Flight 09 "Au Revoir (Hometown)!" I said to myself "(Y/N)! We haven't gone to Paris yet and you're speaking French? My baby's grown up now.." Mom said happily as she pats my Head "Mom.. You're embarrassing me." I said
-In The Airplane-
Mom, Papa and I were chewing bubblegum and listening to Music. I was watching Pewdiepie (I'm not sure if cellphones that are on is OK :P. Anyways, back to the story) and laughed when he was jumpscared. It made me jump too..Have I forgot something? Oh shoot. My kwami! She must be here somewhere! I looked at my slingbag and saw her. 'Phew. (K/N)'s here. And asleep' (It's a great day! You have to choose your Kwami's name! Now isn't that fun?) I thought as I continued watching Pewds (BTW you're watching 'Pewdiepie plays Murderrerderrederrr')
-After Flight-
"Paris! A whole new woorrrrllddd" I sang as a run everywhere "Okay (Y/N).. Let's go." Papa laughed and we went in a cab and got to our house
-Home Sweet Home-
I plopped onto my bed in my bedroom which has a balcony (Like Marinette) and sighed "New school, bullies, strict teachers, maybe friends.." I said to myself as (K/N) woke up "(Y/N)! There's a disturbance in the Eiffel Tower!" She said (Imma make this Kwami a girl) "Already?! We just got here!" "Quick! There's no time to lose!" She said "OK.. (K/N)! Paws on!" I said as I transformed to Wolf Hound and went onto the balcony and jumped from house to house
Chat Noir's P.O.V (Finally! The Flirtatious Cat has arrived!)
"Where is Ladybug when you need her?" I asked myself as I fought the villain named 'Stormy Weather.' Who is actually Aurore Beauréal behind the akumatized villain when a wolf came "Oh hello kitty, you must be?" She asked me "I'm Chat Noir, Wolfie" I bowed and she rolled her eyes then dodged the pellets of Stormy Weather "For Your information, I'm Wolf Hound, kitty" She said while dodging the pellets while I dodge them with my staff and M'lady comes in, late -_- "About Time" I said "Sorry! There was a technical difficulty" She plainly said "Who's this?" She points to Wolfie "I'm Wolf Hound. Guessing at your outfit you're.. Ladybug?" "Yup." They talked while dodging the pellets and I, fighting Stormy Weather
-Time skip brought to you by Jacksepticeye-
Y/N- er, Wolf Hound's P.O.V
After Ladybug caught the akuma, we all split ways "Goodbye M'lady, Wolfie" Chat bows before jumping away. Why am I having an urge to blush? Eh.. I'll ignored-
-Another Time skip to tomorrow cause I'm bored-
Still Y/N's P.O.V
Aah.. Relaxation.. Sleeping is fuunnn- "Y/N! IT'S 8:00! WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" (K/N) interrupted my thoughts "Ugh. It's Sunday K/N!" I said to her "Oh.. Yeah. Forgot.. Sorry (Y/N)" She said "Haha.. Very funny (K/N) -_-" I said with a sarcastic tone in it "I said I was sorry." She said "It's ok. You're lucky that you're cute!" I pinched her cheek "C'mon! Let's fix you up and go outside!" She said "Ok"
I lazily stood up on the floor of my bedroom and went to the bathroom
-After Fixing up-
"(K/N)! C'mon." I gestured her to come in my sling bag and she flew in and I went downstairs *sigh* Eggs again..
-After Eating-
"Mom! I'm going out!" I shouted and closed the door and went to the park.
-Almost in Le Parke-
Yas! After HOURS of finding the park it's JUST IN TH- "OOF!" I bumped into someone and he caught me by the hand and I blushed "Oh. Sorry. Didn't see you there. Wait, are you new here?" He asked me "Y-yup! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! I came from (Hometown)! Y-you must be?" I said, still blushing.. And when I looked his gorgeous blonde hai- Wait, WHAT?! Anyways, I looked his blonde hair, green emerald eyes.. Hmm.. Where have I seen that before. My thoughts were interrupted by a hand waving at my face "Huh? Oh sorry.. Heh" I said "I'm Adrien. Adrien Agreste. Nice to meet you (Y/N)" He shook my hand "You too Adrien." I smiled at him and he smiled back "I should be going now. Nice meeting you!" I waved at him and walked to the park
Adrien's P.O.V (Finally!)
I watched as she got to the park *sigh* I watched as her (h/l) (h/c) hair flowing in the wind, her (e/c) eyes were pretty.. And her smile, it's cute! Wait.. What am I saying? "Hey, pretty boy! Over here!" I snap out of my dreams to hear Plagg yelling "Hmm? Plagg! I told you not to go out of my pocket!" I whisper-yelled at him "I'm sorry! I was hungry.. Do you have any Camembert?" He asked and I face palmed "Right after we go home" I said "Ok bud" He said as he flew back to my pocket and I walked home
(Finally! I updated it! Almost 1000 words! Wew. Weeeewww thanks for 25 reads! I'm happy *sheds a tear* I'll be doing part 2 when I have time. OK? OK! Well that's it for this chapter! Hope you enjoy! I will see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER *HIGH FIVES LOUDLY EVERYONE CAN HEAR* BAH BAY GUYS!*

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