Bad Dreams

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~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~
Heya! I normally put this at the end of my stories but.... if you know about my new upcoming story I am working on, and you're waiting for it than, here's something to read in the meantime  because it's gonna take me a bit to finish! Also if there are many or any errors, I did this all from 3-5 am.... so enjoy <3


"Long time no see, Asriel...."  Chara stares at me with red beating eyes with a smile plastered on their face, covered in dust with a knife in their hand. "I missed you."

"Ch-Chara...?" I reach my hand out. "I thought you were...." 

"Dead?" Chara giggles. "I was. But...something, someone...brought me back. Frisk. Frisk and their determination did. They were kind enough to let me take their soul, as if they had a choice, so now, I'll never leave you again." Chara smiles even wider. "Isn't that great? You and I can leave this place, and we together, can destroy the world above..." 

"D-destroy?! I...n-no! I know you have always hated the human world but...n-no!" 

Chara's smile disappears, their stare has gone cold. "I see. Not even my own friend, my own sibling, the person I thought who would always be by my side, is refusing to help me...." Chara looks down, their smile grows wider, their eyes go wide and black and their voice becomes distorted. "Hmmm...." They lift their head and their face becomes distorted, almost as if their face...melted. "I DON'T NEED YOU!" They run up with their knife, stabbing it into my body.


I scream loudly as I feel something on my chest. "PLEASE DON'T!" I open my eyes, to see Frisk staring down at me, blinking a few times with their head tilted, looking kind of concerned. I sigh in relief. "I had a bad dream...." 

"That explains why you were so restless..." Frisk hugs me. "Mom told me to wake you, she made breakfast." 

I hug them back, and then get out of bed. "Did you already eat?" 

Frisk shakes their head. 

I smile. "I'm glad you waited for me." I grab their hand. "Come on then." I start walking quickly out of the room and to the kitchen, Frisk follows closely behind. "Good morning, mom!" 

Mom turns to us, she's smiling. "Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?" She places two pancakes on a plate, and them on the table, next to a glass of milk.

"I had a bad dream." 

She frowns. "Well, after you eat I want to hear about it, okay?" 

I nod, and walk over to the table and sit where she placed the pancakes, Frisk sits next to me. 

Mom places two more pancakes onto another plate and puts it in front of Frisk. "Eat up, darlings." She smiles, pats our heads, and sits down as well, drinking tea. 

Smiling, I begin eating. "It's good, mom! Thank you!" 

She nods, smiling. "You're welcome, sweetie." 

Frisk looks at her with a smile. "Thank you, mom." 

"You're welcome, sweetie!" 

"What are we doing today?" I ask. 

"Well....Since school is starting in a few days, I have to go and get things ready so you two will be staying with Undyne and Alphys." 

"Do you think they are going to make us watch anime with them again?" I giggle. 

Mom laughs. "Probably, dear." 

Frisk and I continue to eat. 

"So, are you two excited for school?" Mom asks. 

Frisk nods with a smile. 

"I'm kinda nervous..." 

"You have nothing to worry about, dear. You and Frisk will have each other. Plus, you will be going with plenty of other kids, so you two will surely make many friends." She sips her tea. 

Frisk puts their hand on my shoulder. "It'll be fun, I promise." 

I smile. "You're right." I finish the last few bites of my pancakes and stand up, putting my plate in the sink, and sit back down. 

Frisk finishes up their food, and gets up going over to the sink putting it in there. "Hey, mom?" They turn to her. 

"Yes, my child?" 

"Can I do the dishes for you? You do so much already and..." 

Mom smiles. "I would be very thankful if you did but, you don't have to!" 

Frisk shakes their head. "I'm gonna do them." They smile and go to get a stepstool. 

Mom turns back to me. "Well...." She stands up and holds her hand out. "I want to hear about that dream of yours, now." 

I grab her hand and pull myself up, and we both go to the living room and sit down on the couch. 

"It was about....Chara. They first looked really happy to see me.....almost too happy....their smile was wide, their eyes were glowing red, the only thing lighting the room. They were covered in dust and had a knife in their hand.....I can't get it out of my head of how slow they talked, how it echoed throughout everything. How at points it went deeper and darker.....They asked me to help them destroy the world above....and when I said no? Their smile faded and their stare went cold. They looked as if they had just been betrayed by the only person they thought WOULD help them but refused.....their smile went wider, their eyes went black, and their voice became so distorted, so raspy, and before I knew it....their face just melted and they attacked me. After all this time...why would I dream something like that? Is Chara really dead? It honestly felt so real to me! What if that's Chara's way of reaching out to me?!" 

Mom looks sad, she places her hand on my cheek and stares at me with her loving big red eyes. "My dear child, please calm down. It was just a dream, a very bad one. Don't get so ahead of yourself, Chara longer with just had a bad dream, we all have them." She pulls her hand away and wraps her arms around me, pulling me into a hug, I bury my face into her neck. 

"This was my first bad dream in a while..." 

"Well, hopefully you don't have another one for a very long time." She kisses my head and pulls away. 

Frisk walks into the room and walks over to me. "Asriel?" 

"Hm?" I turn to Frisk. 

Frisk hugs me. "I love you." They pull away and smile sweetly. "Everything is gonna be okay! You are in a happier place now, where many people love you, and all of us together? We are gonna make sure those bad dreams stay far far away. Okay?" 

I smile, and laugh a bit. "Thank you, Friskie Bits. I love you too!" 

Frisk remains smiling. 

Mom shakes her head, smiling, and pulls us both into a big hug. "My, I love you both so much. You two are just too sweet." 

Frisk giggles. "We love you too mom." 

I nod and giggle. 

She pulls away and takes a deep breath. "Alright! Both of you should get packing, you're gonna be spending the night with Undyne and Alphys!" 

I get up and look at Frisk. Frisk looks back at me. 

"Go on now!" Mom laughs. 

We both laugh and run down the hall to our bedroom. We both grab out bags, and begin packing. 

"What are you going to take, Frisk?" 

"The Mew Mew Kissy Cutie shirt Alphys gave me, along with a few other things. What are you bringing?" 

"The same thing." I laugh. 

"We should probably bring plain black tank tops too...because knowing Undyne she might have us cook." 

"That's true." I nod. 

We both pack up our bags with all the things we need, and carry them downstairs. 

"Mom, we packed!" I say. 

She looks at us and smiles. "Wonderful! Let's get going then sha'll we?" She opens the door. 

Frisk picks up their shoes and puts them on, and we all head out to the car. Frisk and I both get into the back together. 

"Where does Undyne and Alphys live again?" I ask. 

Mom puts on her seat belt. "Not too far. About four blocks from here, actually." 

I nod and put my seat belt on.

About Three Minutes Later

Mom pulls up to Undyne and Alphys' house. "I'll see you tomorrow, you two. Be good, alright?" 

We both nod. "We will!" I open the door, and climb out, Frisk follows. 

"Love you!" She says, blowing a kiss. 

"Love you too, mom!" We both say, and walk up the steps, and as soon as mom drives away, the door opens quickly. Undyne is standing there with a big smile. 

"Hey ya little punks!! Get on in here! I missed you!" 

"You just seen us two days ago at my party..." I say shyly. 

"WHAT'S YOUR POINT?" She grabs us both and pulls us in so roughly we fall onto the floor behind her, as she slams the door shut and looks at us. "We are going to have the greatest time together!" 

Alphys walks out of the bathroom and her eyes widen. "O-oh....y-you two are h-here! I-I wasnt....uhm....ex-expecting you two t-to be he-here so soo-soon!" 

I push myself up, and then help up Frisk. "Yeah, mom has a lot to do at the school." I nod. 

"We-well thats-that's o-okay!" 

Undyne crosses her arms. "So what are we gonna do?!" 

"We-well....we ha-have Me-Mettaton's concert t-tonight...." 

Undyne's eye widen and her smile goes crooked, as she turns to Alphys. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT METTATONS CONCERT!" 

"I-I...Do-dont ye-yell at me, Un-Undyne!" 

Undyne sighs. "He's having a concert tonight?" 

"Ye-yes....and he...he wa-wants all of u-us to co-come..." 

"Isn't it that band he formed with Napstablook, Burgerpants, and Shyren?" 

Alphys nods. "Ye-yes." 

Undyne turns to Frisk and I. "I hope you brought Mettaton Merchandise." 

Frisk and I look at each other and shake our heads. "W-we didn't..." 

Alphys smiles. "Yo-you ca-can wear so-some of mi-mine!" 

I smile. "Thanks, Alphys!" 

"UGH!" Undyne scoffs. "I don't even like Mettaton! Do I have to go?" 

Alphys turns to her. "Pl-please?" 

She sighs. "Only this once...." 

Frisk giggles into their sleeve. 

"What are you giggling at?!" Undyne snaps over at Frisk, frustrated. 

"Huh...? Oh....I just think you two are adorable." 

Alphys blushes deeply, Undyne smiles but rolls her eye. 

"I mean, Frisk isn't wrong. You two are adorable." I chuckle. 

Frisk pokes Undyne's stomach, and Alphys' cheek. "I shipped it the very moment I went on Mettaton's game show." 

"St-stop it, Fr-Frisk!" Alphys' entire face goes red and she runs out of the room, Frisk and I laugh. 

Undyne shakes her head. "You two little punks! Why do you like making her blush all the time?" 

"Because we ship it." I smile. 

"Oh, whatever!" Undyne blushes faintly. "Anyway. Follow me." Undyne walks over to their bedroom, and opens up one of Alphys' drawer. "Okay. Who wants to wear the pink shirt with Mettaton's face on it, sticking his tongue out, and holding up a peace sign?" 

I smile and point to Frisk. "Frisks wearing it!!" 

Frisk turns to me and gently elbows me. "I don't wanna wear the pink shirt!" 

"Well, I don't wanna wear it!" I laugh. 

"Oh just wear the stupid shirt, Frisk!" She hands it to Frisk. "You can also wear the glittery pink beanie too, it'll match.....and to go with that...." She pulls out black leggings, and gives it to Frisk. "Here." 

Frisk holds all of the clothes in their arms. "I'll go change..." Frisk walks out of the room, Undyne looks at me. 

"Now you.....Hm." She looks back in the drawer and grabs a sweater. The sleeves are black and have little pink hearts all over them, but everything else is pink. In glitter on the back of the shirt it says, "Fabulously Beautiful, Darling!" On the front is just a big black heart covered in glitter. 

My eyes widen. "WHO DESIGNS THESE?" 

"He does." Undyne laughs, and throws it at me, along with black pants with pink pockets in the front. 

"Oh gosh..." I walk out of the room, and see Frisk. "OH MY GOSH!" I begin laughing, and drop my clothes. Frisk crosses their arms. 

"St-stop laughing, Asriel!!" 

I crack up. "I'm sorry, Frisk! But you look adorable!"

Frisk takes a deep breath. "Oh hush, Asriel! Go put on your outfit!" 

I pick up my clothes, still kinda laughing, and go to the bathroom and change. "Oh....I....I look....ridiculous!" 

Frisk knocks gently on the door, mocking Mettatons voice. "Ohhh Asriel, daaarrling! Let me see how fabulous you look!" 

I sigh deeply, and open the door slowly, Frisk begins laughing. "Aww you look cute!!" 

Undyne walks up behind Frisk. "Well you both look how Mettaton would dress you...." 

"Don't you have to wear a Mettaton shirt?" I ask, crossing my arms. 

"Eh?! No way! Are you joking?!" 

Alphys walks up. " two lo-look cu-cute...." 

"Really?" I ask. 

Alphys nods. "Ye-yeah!" She turns to Undyne. "Yo-you go pu-put on the ou-outfit Me-Mettaton made spe-specially j-just for you!"

Undyne groans. "Whhyy?! It's hideous! I hate it on me." 


"Ugh." She walks off. 

Alphys smiles, and follows her to change as well. 

I look at Frisk. "But seriously, you at least, look adorable. Heh..." 

"You look cute too, Asriel!" 

I blush faintly. "We-well, I didn't say you looked cute, I said you look adorable so...ha!" 

Frisk smiles and shakes their head, giggling softly. "Whatever you say, Asriel, whatever you say." 

"Hmph...." I look down with my arms crossed. 

Frisk laughs. "Asriel I swear." 

"Huh?" I lift my head. 

"Nothing, you're just funny." 

Voices can be heard from a few rooms over. 


"Pl-please lower y-your vo-voice!" 

"Alphys, I look like a retarded fish! Help me take this off!" 

"We-well...ho-how do y-you thi-think I look...? I....I lo-look....fa-fa-" 

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT! You look beautiful in that dress, Alphys! I look horrible!" 

"Le-lets go as-ask for the-their op-opinion..." Alphys walks out of the room in a little black dress with a light grey ribbon around where her waist is, but in the front middle of the dress on the ribbon is a big hot pink heart with a cute hot pink and grey flower crown on her head. Undyne is wearing a black dress that goes a bit past her knees, and a unzipped pink leather jacket, and short black combat boots with hot pink laces......and a black choker with Mettaton's face on it....

I look over at Frisk, and then back at them. "Alphys you look adorable, and Undyne you look awesome except....that choker. The choker is a little weird." 

"That's what I was thinking." Undyne takes it off and throws it on the ground. "Better?" 

"Much!" I smile. "You both look perfect."

"I...I don't look fa-fat...?" Alphys asks, nervously. 

Frisk shakes their head. "Not at all, Alphys. You look wonderful." 

Alphys smiles. "We-well thank y-you..." She pauses. "We-we..should pr-probably get go-going...I-I be-bet a lot o-of pe-people are go-going to b-be there..." 


Thirty Minutes of driving Later

We all walk in. Nobody's there. Literally the entire place is empty. 

"We-well...I-I pe-people will up la-later..." 


Half Hour Later

Still. Nobody else is there. 



Hour Later

"Alphys....there is literally NOBODY here. Did we leave too early?" Undyne asks. 

"N-no! We-we didn't!" 


Ten Minutes Before The Show

"Pe-people sh-should be sho-showing up so-soon!" 


Nine Minutes Before The Show

"Li-like any mi-minute n-now!" 

Eight Minutes Before The Show

"Re-really mi-nute...."

Seven Minutes Before The Show

"A-any se-second n-now a fl-flood o-of pe-people are go-gonna come i-in!" 

Six Minutes Before The Show

"I-I ca-can fe-feel it!" 

Five Minutes Before The Show


Three Minutes Before The Show



Two Minutes Before The Show


One Minute Before The Show

One person walks in. They are in a dirty blue uniform. 

"H-ha! I-I kn-knew it!!" 

"Alphys, that's a janitor." 


Suddenly the lights on the stage turn on, they are pink, and smoke comes out, the curtain opens, Mettaton looks happy, and so does Blooky and Shyren. Burgerpants looks like he wants to die but, that's beside the point. 


Fourteen Songs And A Lot Of Dancing Later

Mettaton jumps off the stage. "My darlings! Thanks for coming! You all look absolutely gorgeous, ah!" 

Frisk and I are twirling around, not paying attention to anything, laughing. Mettaton stops us. "My, my, you two are very hyper, huh? What's going on in sweetheart land?" He smiles. 

I smile at him and laugh. "We had a lot of fun Mettaton!" I hug his legs. 

He laughs, as Frisk hugs him too. "Well, well, my darlings, I am glad you had a good time!" 

"Ye-yea Me-Mettaton...I-I'm su-surprised mo-more people di-didn't co-come!" 

Mettaton looks at Alphys. "Ah well that is because I forgot to make tickets, darling." 

"Me-Mettaton! H-how?! Tha-that's so im-important!" 

He shrugs. "As long as four of my gorgeous and fabulous friends came and had a good time, I don't mind at all, darling." 

Undyne gives a slight smile. "Ya know, Mettaton, I didn't have a bad time either. was actually pretty okay." 

"That's a shocker, you hate me! Buuttt~" Mettaton holds out his arms. "I'm glad you had a good time, sweetheart!" He wraps his hugs around Undyne, squeezing her. 

"O-OKAY DO-DON'T PUSH IT!!!" She yells, pushing him off. 

Blooky floats off the stage and comes over. "Hey......did you guys enjoy the show...?" 

Frisk nods. "You are an awesome DJ, Blookster!" 


I smile. "Yeah, Blooky. This is my first time hearing your work but, it's awesome! Hopefully one day the whole world will hear it!" 

"Well....I dont know about that......but....thank you....Asriel...." Blooky actually kinda smiles. "I....had a good time...."

Mettaton grabs Blooky, hugging him tightly. "We all did!...Except Burgerpants....he kinda didn't but, that's show business, baby." 

"Stop saying that!" I laugh. 

"Sorry, darlin. It's become a habit." 

"Hey, Blooky! You aren't tired are you?" I ask. 

"Ghosts dont really get tired........why do you ask...?"

"Can you play more of your music for us?" 

Blooky pauses, then smiles. "Yeah.....of course...." He floats onto the stage, and begins playing his own theme, Ghost Fight, along with many other songs he made. 

By the time they all got home, it was almost 1 am

I rub my eyes, walking in the house, after Undyne and Alphys, Frisk stumbles in behind me, yawning. 

"Well, you two are beat!" Undyne closes the door, locking it. "Go get changed in your pajamas, Alphys and I will make the couch for you two." 

We both tiredly nod, I grab my bag and go their bedroom to change, and Frisk goes to the bathroom to change. After a few minutes, we both come out, and get under the covers on the couch, wrapping ourselves in blankets. 

"D-do you tw-two wa-want the t-tv o-on?" Alphys asks. 

"Ye-yes ple-please..." I say, yawning again. 

"O-okay." Alphys turns on the tv, but has it on low. 

"If you two need get thirsty or hungry through the night the kitchen has a ton of stuff so eat and drink whatever you'd like." Undyne says. "Night, little punks." She smiles and walks off to the bedroom, Alphys smiles and follows her. 

The Next Morning

Toriel's P.O.V

"Hmm...I hope Undyne and Alphys are awake by now..." I get out of the car, and walk up to the door, knocking softly. 

Undyne opens the door, she smiles widely. "Hey, Toriel. The kids are knocked out!" 

I smile. "Can I come in?" 

"Yeah! Of course!" She moves aside, and I walk in, seeing both Asriel and Frisk asleep on the couch, one laying on one end, the other laying on the other end, snuggled up in blankets. 

"Aww, how adorable....I could pinch their cheeks!" I say quietly. "About what time did they go to sleep last night?" 

Undyne laughs nervously, and scratches her head. "Well, Tori, you see...."

She gives me the side eye. 

"They went to bed a little after 1 am...." 

"Undyne! Why so late?" 

"Well, we went to Mettaton's concert last night and....well, we just had a lot of fun!" 

I sigh. "It's fine, Undyne. I just don't want their sleeping schedule to get off track before school starts, that's all. Where's Alphys?" 

"She was very tired and wasn't feeling all that well this morning so I am letting her sleep in." 

"How kind of you!" I smile sweetly, and look back at Asriel and Frisk. "Oh, I don't want to wake them...will you help me carry them to the car?" 

Undyne nods. "Of course, Toriel!" She walks over to Frisk, and picks them up like a little baby, and carries them outside, to the car, laying them in the back seat. 

I go out to the car, and put back the passenger seat as she goes back in and gets Asriel, laying him down in the passenger seat and closes the door. 

"Thank you so much for watching them, Undyne. Tell Alphys thank you as well, and also, that I hope she gets well soon." 

"No problem, but I will Tori!" 

"I'll see you sometime soon!" I smile, walking over to the drivers side, getting in. 

She waves, before walking back into her house. 

Driving home, Asriel wakes up, and looks at me. "M-mom?!" I turn to him, and see the fear he has in his eyes. 

I look at him. "What is it, sweetheart?"

"I had another nightmare...." He rubs his eyes. "M-mom they're getting scarier...."

"......Again, my child? Well, when we get home and I lay Frisk down, we can talk about it....okay?" 

He nods and sniffles. 

I frown, pulling up to the house, and take out the keys, getting out of the car, Asriel gets out and follows over to me. 

"Mom...? I'll the door for you so you can take Frisk inside, okay?" 

I nod. "Thank you, sweetheart." I hand him the keys to open the door and he runs up to the house. I open the back door of the car, and pick up Frisk, carrying them inside, Asriel is sitting on the couch, looking down, I take Frisk upstairs, laying them in bed, and tucking them in, and go back downstairs to Asriel, and sit down next to him. 

"For the longest time I wasn't even having bad dreams, mom...why now?" 

I wrap Asriel in my arms, holding him close, resting my head on his. "Tell me all about it, sweetheart." 

Asriel nods slowly. "Everything seemed fine...I woke up in my own bed, and I walked over to Frisk's to wake them up.....but when they rolled over, they were lifeless. Their eyes were stabbed out and it was bleeding down their cheeks and their pillow was covered in blood....MY hands were covered in blood..... When I went to check on you, you were dead were dead in your favorite chair with a book on the floor, there was a knife in your chest....Some part of me, wanted to go I did and, Chara was standing there on top of dad's back holding a blood covered buttercup, with a blood puddle all around dad's body. The only thing Chara said to me was, "Now that everyone you love is dead....I'm all you have left...ha....ha...ha..." and began laughing a lot....but then stopped, gave me an angry look and asked, "Right, Asriel?" Wh-why....?" 

I pull away, and stare at Asriel in fear. "Sweetheart....I'm....I'm worried about these dreams you have been having....I know there has only been two so far but they are so dark...that's not like you..."

Asriel frowns. "I think it's....because I miss Chara but....for some strange reason I...can only remember them as being horrible....evil...and I just can't get why!" 

I rub his head. "Oh, my dear, I am not sure why you would think that of Chara but...if you can, try thinking of all the good times you have had with Chara. Even though, one of those times, you made your father very sick. Try not to think of that, but the other times. You two were really close, there are many wonderful memories to remember, sweetie. And if you can't remember any at all, the best thing to do is to keep your mind busy and try not to think of the past as much or at all." 

Asriel nods. "I know, mom. I just feel like there was a time they killed me but, I can't remember when, why, how or if it really even did happen...or if it is just a false memory..." 

I wrap my arms back around him, giving him a tight hug before pulling away. "You know what, my child? Lets make breakfast, a big yummy breakfast, you and I, and then we can wake up Frisk and even surprise them with a big yummy breakfast. Sound good?" 

I smile and nod. "Can we play board games later?" 

"Absolutely, my child. We can do anything you'd like today." 

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