~+~ Chappy 10 ~+~

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~~~~~ = Time Skip
'Italics' = thoughts

Bad yawned softly, drifting in and out of sleep. He shifted, smiling as he noticed the warmth coming from under him, realizing that Skeppy had kept his promise of staying there, not like the other male could get out anyways. Bad stood up silently, making sure not to wake up the other as he crept towards the kitchen, cautiously grabbing out a box of pancake mix, setting it on the counter.


Skeppy shifted, waking up quickly after catching the scent of pancakes. He stood up, heading over to the kitchen and leaning on the island that separated the living room and kitchen. He raised his hand, rubbing his palm against his eyes briefly.

"Oh! Good morning sleepy head." Bad set a plate in front of the younger male, who graciously smiled at him then leaned over to counter, pecking his cheek to gain a faint blush in return.


"Anytime." Bad nodded at the other, wide smile crossing his face.

Skeppy quickly ate the pancakes then picked up his plate, walking around the counter to set the dishes he'd used into the dishwasher. He then walked over to the taller male, reaching a hand up to ruffle their hair.

"Have you had any?" Bad nodded again as a response, already setting the dishes he'd used to make the breakfast into the dishwasher or washing them in the sink.

"Good." Skeppy moved over to stand beside the male who was busy washing a bowl. He wrapped his arm around their waist, setting his head on their shoulder.

The older male turned his head, pecking the others forehead then leaning his head on theirs, the sound of rain still filling the air, though it was louder then before. While Bad enjoyed the rain, and mostly everything that it brought, her was terrified of thunder, the rumbling in the clouds usually brought a flash of lightning, not like he was scared of that in general, it was just the loud rumble that filled the sky, it would always send shivers of fear down his spine.

As if fate hated him, a loud rumble filled the sky, followed by a bright flashing of light. Like normal, he shivered, leaning more into the shorter male who wrapped their arm tighter around him.

"You okay?" Skeppy lifted his head, gazing at the older male who took a moment before responding, drying off the bowl he'd been busy washing.

"I'm fine, just scared of the thunder.." Bad felt somewhat ashamed being scared of such a natural thing.

Skeppy pecked their temple then gently took the bowl, setting it away in one of the cupboards where it belonged. He took the others hand, softly pulling them to his room. Skeppy lay down on one side of the bed, making sure there was room for the other male who'd quickly caught on to what was happening and laid down with him, wrapping their arms around their waist.

Skeppy smiled, wrapping his arms around the others shoulders as he was pulled closer. Yet again, they both bathed in each others warmth, enjoying the company, although it was simply quiet, apart from the persistent pattering of the rain. Another rumble of thunder filled the air, the old male jumped slightly, eyes flickering to the closed blinds.

"It's just a bit of thunder, you're okay." Bad nodded at the words spoken, attempting to calm his racing heart.

Bad let out a soft sigh, cuddling closer to the other male, so his body was pressed against theirs. He smiled softly shifted, the younger holding tight onto him as if they didn't want him to move, not like he wanted to move away anyways.

"I love you, little muffin."

"I love you too." Skeppy smiled as Bad pressed a kiss to his forehead.

Bad jumped slightly, a loud rumble of thunder breaking the setting silence. He wrapped his arms tighter around their waist, keeping them close. He could hear the other muttering softly, but it wasn't loud enough for him to hear.

Skeppy exhaled silently, rubbing their shoulder gently as he let his other arm tuck around their chest. He could feel as the other clasped their arms around his waist, refusing to let go.

"You smell weird." Skeppy spoke after a moment, closing his eyes as he relaxed his muscles.

"Good weird, or bad?" Bad glanced at them, smiling softly.

"Good weird." Skeppy  smiled back, exhaling a warm breath into the somewhat chilly air.

The younger male let out a soft yawn, the sound muffled by the others shoulder as he rested his face into their shoulder.

"Tired already?"

"Maayybeee." Skeppy snickered at the answer before speaking up himself.

"Take a nap then."

"Okaayyy. But wake me up before 12, okay?"

"Yeah, alright, got to sleep now."

Soon enough, Skeppy drifted to sleep again, leaving Bad awake, listening to the rain and the others silent breaths. He pulled the other as close as humanly possible. He didn't want to let the other go, he never wanted to. If he could, he would stay here forever, holding the younger male close to himself. But alas, he was a human, and humans have needs.

He'd glance at his phone, which dung with a notification saying something about a stream. 'Right, I have a stream later.' He sighed at the thought, not really wanting to go online or even stream that day. 'I don't wanna do it, but I guess I have to. I already told the viewers I would.' He shut his eyes again, deciding he'd just sleep for now as he had nothing he wanted to do, or could do without waking the other. So, he fell back asleep, not a deep sleep, but it was still sleep.

Haha. I ended it with SlEeP again. You can't stop me. Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapterrrr! And sorry for the late post for the last one it would've been out yesterday, but my internet didn't let me post it. Bye! Have a nice day/night!
Word Count: 1087

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