~+~ Chappy 2 ~+~

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Italics= Thoughts

Bold= Serious/angry


'Italics'= Single Messages, including time and such

!![WARNING]!!= Something coming up

-A/N- Message= Me saying something, I'm not the biggest fan of A/N pages

Anyways, let's get on with it!

BTW, most characters are kinds out of character and doesn't really base off their real lives.

\\Something// = Time Skip

Skeppy sighed as he glanced up at the door belonging to BBH's house, white car was parked in the driveway. He breathed in, before bringing his hand up and knocking on the door softly. In a matter of seconds, Bad opened the door, to see the short male standing, head facing downwards. "Hi Bad." He then looked up an gave a smile. "Skeppy!" BBH exclaimed with wide eyes and a happy smile. "Call me Skeppy." Skeppy smiled as BBH nodded. "Bad ." BBH said with a wide smile. "It's nice to finallt see you, Skeppy." Bad said as he moved out of the way, so the male could enter. He's cuter then I thought. The thought whirred around BBH's mind, before he shook it it away."Come, I'll show you to your room." BBH said, before leading Skeppy down a hall, opening a door parallel to his own room. "I'm going to let you get unpacked, but I'm right across the hall from you if you need anything." Bad said with a soft smile, before he turned to leave. "Bad?" Skeppy asked, making the male pause and turn around. "Yes?" Bad asked as Skeppy placed his bag on the ground, before moving and hugging him. "Thanks for letting me live here, Bad." He smiled and buried his head in the older's chest. BBH smiled, as he hugged the younger male back tightly "You're welcome." After a minute or two, the two young adults separated, soft blush coating both's faces. "I'll uh- leave you to unpacking!" Bad said as he spun and walked out of the room, leaving Skeppy to his unpacking.\\R/Woosh//Skeppy huffed as he sat on Bad's couch, phone in hand and scrolling through twitter. He hummed softly to a random song that persisted on staying in his mind. Bad walked into the room, glancing at Skeppy who's back was against the couch's arm,his knee up while the other one was flat. The young adult was so short, that he only took up 1 and a half seats of the four seated couch in his partly laying position. BBH stood, watching the male with a soft smile, before he continued to the kitchen. "Hey Bad." Skeppy said as he continued to stare at his phone and scroll through Twitter. "Hey Skeppy, are you hungry?" Bad asked as he glanced in the fridge. "Yep." Skeppy said absentmindedly as he stared at his phone. "What would you like?" Bad asked as he peered over at Skeppy. "Uhm. McDonalds." Skeppy muttered, gaining a soft laugh from BBH. "Alright, lets go before they close." In response, Skeppy shot his head up. "Wait, really?!" He exclaimed , gaining another laugh from BBH. "Yeah, now come on!" He exclaimed back in a happy tone as Skeppy launched up, tossed on his shoes and waited by the door. Bad walked to the door, pulled his shoes on then opened the door. "Who's driving?" He asked with a soft smile as Skeppy hopped to BBH's car. "You~." He said in a singsong voice while standing by the right side of the car, the passenger side. Bad smiled with a soft blush as he then closed and locked the door, before getting into the drivers side.The twenty minuet drive for the amazing McDonalds was worth it. Skeppy laughed a lot, due to trolling BBH with syncing music. But the two decided to stop at a park on the way back. They were done pretty quickly, well, Skeppy threw the rest of his burger into the pond to feed the duck."Skeppy!" Bad exclaimed as he glanced at the ducks swarmed around the burger. "What, the ducks were hungry!" Skeppy exclaimed, gaining a soft look from BBH, followed by a sigh. "It's getting late, we should go." He said while standing up to collect the garbage they left. "Alright, let me jut say by to the ducks!" Skeppy giggled as he ran over to the lake. "I have to go, bye duckies!" BBH stood, bending over to pick up a paper bag, before a loud sound erupted.SPLASH"GAH!" Skeppy slid into the waist deep water and immediately started shivering. "So c-c-cold!" He cried as Bad rushed over. 'What the heck?! What happened Skeppy?!" The young adult exclaimed as Skeppy walked out of the water, shivering harshly. "I-I slipped on the mud and f-fell in." Skeppy shivered as Bad led him to the car, opening the back door to allow Skeppy to lay in it. "Here, get in." BBH said as Skeppy nodded and slid into the back seat. As Bad moved back to close the door, a cold hand tightened around his wrist, goosebumps creeping up his arm. He didn't know if it was because the hand was so cold, or if it was because a hand was on his wrist, either way, he glanced at the hand's owner. "C-can you stay back here?" Skeppy shivered out, hand still on Bad's wrist. "But- Skeppy, I need to drive." BBH said with a soft look on his face. "We d-don't need to go straight away." Skeppy muttered, still shivering violently, before he pulled the other male into the seat beside him. "Fine, 10 minutes." Bad said with a faint blush as he closed and locked the car doors. Skeppy moved over, before cuddling into Bad's side, his shivering slightly disappearing over time as his breathing got slower. Bad glanced down at the male, before wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him closer. After around 5 minuets passed, Bad gently set Skeppy on the seats, before he got into the front.\\Woosh brought to you by A6D's Frenchness//Bad parked the car, before getting out and walking to the back door. The young adult opened the door and slightly shook Skeppy, who stirred awake. "Skeppy, come on, we're home." He said with a smile as the male sat up and rubbed his eyes with a cute yawn, before nodding and getting out of the car. The two walked into the house, took off their shoes and went to their own things, Skeppy went to go take a warm shower whilst BBH sat on the couch, waiting for the smol male to come out. After around 3 minuets, Skeppy walked to the living room, (1111 words :o) dressed in pj's. "Hey Bad?" Skeppy said, voice soft from tiredness. "Yes Skeppy?" BBH asked as he glanced over the couch. "Could I sleep with you tonight?" He asked innocently as Bad struggled with trying to keep a blush off his face, because of how red he would've became. YES! He screeched in his head, but answered differently. "Yeah, sure." He said before leading Skeppy to his own room, blush creeping up onto his face. Skeppy also blushed and smiled to himself as he followed Bad into his (Bad's) room. The two got into the bed and lay side-by-side, before Skeppy shifted over and cuddled into Bad's chest. Bad glanced down to see if Skeppy was asleep and smiled to himself, wrapping his arms around the smaller male's body and connecting his hands, before pecking his head. "Goodnight Skeppy, I love you." He muttered, before falling asleep himself, surrounded by their shared warmth. Let's just say, that was the best sleep the two had, had for a while...

-A/N = Wow, that was a surprisingly long chapter! I'm happy about it though. Hope everyone likes it! :p I don't have a scheduled set up yet, because my life is sorta hectic right now, but I'll figure it out eventually. I haven't reread or edited yet, but I will get to that eventually! I hope you all have a good day/night and enjoyed the chapter! Here comes more. Words in total: 1383! (counting whats's after it too. :p) Wow! Bye ~Vanilla <3


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