42. Remarkable Outing

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"This one is just a lowly scholar."

Lores carried his face down with a secret smile. Prince Of Nan was apparently deigning himself to the level of a random lowly scholar. However, he was elated with the way Mo freely communed with the common folks.

"Don't be too polite. I'm also a lowly scholar like you. You're knowledgeable with enviable magnanimity."

"The compliment is reciprocal. I wish you a becoming career in officialdom."

"Many thanks."

As they were leaving the teahouse, Lores finished his thought.

"The Prince Of Nan is not only endowed with esteem but also very knowledgeable."

"Do you now idolize me?" Mo teased.

"The only person I idolize is myself." Lores bragged following a wry snort of mockery.

"That's pompous of you." Lores threw Mo a doubtful glance. "Look at the kettle calling a pot black." Meanwhile, Mo was completely oblivious of Lores' attempt to take the huge blow. He continued talking.

"Do you know what it takes to become like me? Becoming like the prince of Nan is not so cheap. It's just that you can't probably afford it yet." Now it was difficult to tell who was really pompous. Lores deduced that Mo's name was lacking completion. It should've been Prince 'Pompous' Mo.

Lores resignedly complied. In the game of pride, he could not be compared to Mo. He responded with complete resignation.

"It is an honour to serve the esteemed Prince Of Nan." Mo just smiled pleasantly.

"Seven, let's retrieve the jade pendant before that criminal runs away with it."

Lores was keen on knowing how Mo would provide the money, for the prince was really unbothered about their penniless state. He followed closely after Mo.

Prince Mo suddenly stopped in his track as if waiting for someone. Lores was lost in confusion.

The waitress who served them earlier walked over. She beamed, preferring a jade pendant.

"Young masters, your snacks have been paid for. Here is the item you used to make a deposit. Thanks for your patronage!"

Mo jerked a hand to adjust his sleeve, then took the jade pendant with a pleasant smile. He gave it to Lores who was still processing his thoughts. Lores had no time to fully understand the occurrence so he took the item without even thinking.

Before their entrance into Three-silver teahouse, Mo had surreptitiously sent a carrier pigeon to Exclusive Tavern without the awareness of Lores. It occurred to him that they might run out of money and hence he chose to have a contingency plan in his mental arsenal. While they were buying things, Mo had used a coded means to convey an order to Exclusive Tavern via a silver ingot. The agent guards around recognized the coded implication of the glyph on the silver ingot. Consequently, they used a carrier pigeon under the name of the third prince to carry out the order.

Hence the explanation of how the tab was taken care of, and the jade pendant was taken back.

Mo walked out of the teahouse donning a smug smile. He took exuberance in how bemused Lores was. Lores paced after the other person.

"How did it happen?" Lores enquired. Mo lingered for some time, then sighed.

"Aren't you smart? Figure it out yourself." Lores shot Mo a frustrated glance.

"Just tell me already. Why being so mysterious about it. Ok... fine! I'll figure it out myself Prince 'pompous' Mo."

Lores hated the fact that he had to stress his brain cells over something he should have easily known. He vocalized the first thought that came to his mind.

"You must have sent a coded order while we were buying things."

"Good. You've proved that that brain of yours isn't for fancy." Mo commented while pointing his folding fan at Lores. Lores raised his eyebrows, pressing his lips together.

"Sure. That's how the esteemed Prince of Nan compliments people."

Apart from figuring out how they got their tea and snacks paid for, Lores also figured out that Mo was being strangely less former today. It all happened like a full-blown mood swing. The simplicity of life could really bring out the hidden carefreeness in people. Knowing that Mo would soon return to his complex life of formalities and flamboyancy, he would rather turn a blind eye to all the novelties exhibited by the prince and go with the flow in the meantime.

The two men stood on a bridge having a good look at the river below, boats drifting slowly on it. They had journeyed far into the day. It was only a matter of hours before sunset.

These remarkable moments will be etched on their minds.

While staring at the lively river in perpetual silence, Lores recalled that he was with someone else's property. Due to the wave of perplexity that recently struck him, he had forgotten to return the property.

"My prince, have your jade pendant." He said, giving Mo the item. Prince Mo glimpsed at the jade pendant, then back at the river. He only spoke after an unclear amount of time.

"You can have it." Lores was short of words due to Mo's capricious act. Mo had given him such an expensive and personal item without even batting an eyelid.

"This jade pendant is too expensive. Moreover, it's your personal property. This one is undeserving of your favour." Lores casually responded. He gave it no thought. He really couldn't tell if it was a good turn out for the both of them. He wondered what he would use Mo's personal item for. He assumed that Mo had probably gotten too excited and had began to harbour funny thoughts. Who knows, Mo in his state of nirvana emanating from his inward novelty might as well give out his palace.

Mo hesitantly gave Lores an unreadable look. Lores was beginning to sound like Hilbwet. He wasn't too happy about it. Actually, he couldn't even tell what prompted his whimsy action, if there was an actual reason as to why he would for free give someone his personal property that had been with him for years. Such splendid pendant! He was a businessman for crying out loud. He knew the significance of profit and loss.

Well, maybe we do not need a reason to give someone a gift...but this wasn't his style.

"You don't want it?"

"It's too precious."

Mo's pride refrained him from taking back the pendant. Deep down, he was hurt that Lores rejected his altruistic intention. But why would he be hurt? He was supposed to be happy for not losing his jade pendant for nothing.

He shifted his eyes to Lores who had a resolute smile of consolation on his face. After a frantic stare at Lores, he brought his eyes back to the river, leaving Lores' hand hanging.

The duo were warring with their unclear thoughts. They paid no mind to the passers-by.

Mo remained static for a long while before sighing quietly. It would be senseless to force his gift on Lores.

"Alright. Since you don't want it, I will pawn it and endow the royal treasury with the money."

Lores' face came back to normal. He slowly dropped his hand. He felt Mo was making a big deal out of it. He started having a rethink.

Mo's full-blooded behavior had seemingly diminished. It was a remarkable day. He agreed to go with the flow. But why was he suddenly contradicting his own initial thoughts? He would do nothing to ruin the day.

"The royal treasury?" Lores folded his arms, facing the river." Then it is better I keep it than taking it to the pawnshop. It would be a pity not to see this jade pendant never again." He let out a jocular sigh and put the item behind the lapel on his chest.

Mo was truly gladdened. However, he didn't fall into a frenzied state. If there was anything Mo liked about himself, it was his temperament. His ability to curtail extreme emotions was commendable.

He swept his eyes to meet Lores', words failing to find their way out of his mouth. He returned his sight to the picturesque river with the hint of a smile.

"Why the sudden change of mind?" He managed to ask.

"The human mind is ever fickle. I've decided to keep it as a momento."

After spending the day on what could be called a memorable outing, night fell without warning. The moon hung like a thin silver gauze over the landscape. It shimmered beautifully, its glory proudly watching over nature.

A silhouette stood watching the big moon.

It was the silhouette of Lores. He was waiting for Mo who left earlier to attend to a transaction concerning their outing.

Soon, the dark void-like sky rumbled. Thunder crackled and a flash of lightning flickered on the sky, without making any noticeable sound. A millisecond later, raindrops plummeted from the sky, pattering the earth, thoroughly soaking anything in sight without restriction or mercy.

People scurried away from the rain, seeking for shelter.

Lores hunched.

He had no where to run to. He was waiting in implacable patience, his eyes sorting for temporary refuge.

Lores suddenly could not feel the cold sensation of the pattering waterdrops anymore. The embarrassment was abruptly terminated.

Lores saw a spreading red parasol above him, the holder wearing a soft expression upon closer inspection. His eyes shone like the shimmering moon.

It was Prince Mo, the person he had been waiting for.

Lores looked at Mo, pausing in surprise. His urgent body movements had made him less attentive to his surrounding.

They stared perpetually at each other.

"You...you're all drenched." Mo suddenly said. His eyes ran over Lores' body.

"I'm fine." Lores smiled.

"Let's head back to the palace."

"Wait a little while." Lores said, gazing at the moon. Mo observed him shortly before joining the moon gazing.

They both gazed silently at the moon, sharing a spectacular feeling of inner tranquility.

"Thank you." A gentle voice sounded. Lores digested those two words before meeting Mo's gaze.

"For what?"

"For...letting me experience a day like this."

Lores smiled.

"Don't mention. I kept my promise to you." He paused, then continued. "The bright moon. The rainfall. The environs. A companion. Though ephemeral, every bit of it is remarkable."

"I wonder what I've been doing those years while exploring. I've never felt like this before. It has never occurred to me that things can be the most interesting in their basic form."

Lores giggled while watching Mo's reminiscent face.

"You know, too much flamboyancy can be very boring. The simple things of life are affordable and very lively. Even if you don't sleep on a bed of roses, look at the bright moon and do not despair. Your highness, I'm glad that you have understood the pulchritude of mundane things."

Mo lips curved when Lores was done talking.

"I hope we can have an outing of this sort again."

"Hopefully...so long as the moon wax and wanes."

The duo stood very close to one another, wishing the night would be long.

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