50. Accepted

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The distant view of the globe stretched as far as the eyes could see, orchestrating a vista of amazing visuality. Within its majesty, the setting sun made a splendid and magnificent scene in the expanse, painting the western horizon a dusky red.

The honks of wild geese and rustling of bamboo leaves made a naturalistic combination of mundane harmony, as if the world was free of the constant human predation. Tinge of the easing sun filtered through the leaves, dispersing into ethereal rays that shone on the forest paths, its beauty comparable to a rainbow on a cloudy day.

Lores and the elder had just returned from picking herbs in the forest. It had become a routine for Lores to accompany the elder on his habitual excursion of procuring various species of plant. To the disbelief of Lores, he had become a genius in the administration of herbs.

They offloaded the herbs from the donkey-drawn cart and stacked them in the kitchen as per the standard procedure. Lores had been cajoling the elder for a whole week with no achievement. Howbeit, he still held on to his adamancy. So far, the elderly vegan had shown only nonchalance, dismissing all of Lores' advances. That very evening, the elder decided to give Lores a task he had been doing himself. 

"Go and make a fire."

Lores merrily obeyed and went straight away to the kitchen. Afterwards, he noticed that there was no substance to make a fire. He ran headlong to report to the elder.

"Master, we have no flints. Do you make use of a flame stick?"

The elder remained there unflustered, without giving any sign of response, as if Lores just spoke to the wind. He only took his donkey to its stable while feigning deafness.

When Lores saw his words were suspended in the air, his face revealed petulance which later percolated into a calculative expression. He tilted his head two times in a moment of thought. The elder had been the one making fire, therefore if there were no flints, he should be the first person to know of it. But the elder...

"Wait!!! He wants me to make a fire using my gnosis!!!! He has accepted me!!!" Lores squealed in his head, his eyes expanding into saucer eyes. His lips parted into a grin as he rapidly glanced at the elder.

"Yes, master!" His voice emphatic and determined. He raced back to the kitchen, throwing his limbs and arms like a mad person, his long hair undulating from side to side.

The elder looked back at the overjoyed boy and shook his head, his face uncovering a smidgen of amusement. Lores' adamance had won over his intention to forestall.

Lores squatted in front of the fire place and started putting his gnosis to test. He calmed himself and stared at the twigs in thorough concentration, his abyssal eyes piercing the designated spot, as if threatening it to ignite by itself.

Lores felt the heightened state of his will. He felt it was gradually beginning to take effect as his persistence grew. Suddenly, the crackling of fire became audible. The twigs had been engulfed in flames that seemed as though they came from nowhere. Lores smiled in content. He turned to suddenly see the average stature of the enigmatic old man. His arms were folded as he stared casually at the boy with no ounce of impression. To him, what Lores did was a duck soup ability any worthy mage shouldn't boast of.

Lores smiled at the elder. "Why have you suddenly accepted me?"

After a long while of whist, the elder spurted his words, as if he letting out pent-up stress. His face coloured with abject resignation.

"If I don't accept you, you will keep pestering me for the few remaining years of my life."

Lores was exhilarated. He bolted to his knees and kowtowed before his master. "Brenn fully acknowledges this sage as his master."

The sage sealed Lores with a gaze of recognition. "Stand up."

"So, what do you think of my gnosis?" Lores asked in expectancy as he stood up. The sage just raised his brows as if he wasn't interested in Lores' question. He had a way of acting cursorily, each of his movements done with nonchalance, like every other person or thing was too dumb to attract his attention. However, this was only a natural trait that was part and parcel of him.

"It's just so-so." The sage replied bluntly. Lores face paled. He was unsatisfied with the sage's review. His progress was not as palpable as he thought, and he was eager to advance.

"Master, guide me. I want to become stronger." Lores professed resolutely, a solemn expression manifesting on his face. The sage gave Lores that impressive look after which he spoke with a tint of emotion, his eyes seeming to wander off.

"You remind me of someone."

"Is it Shawlunge?"

The sage's eyes shot at Lores, his brows shriveled. How was the boy able to tell it? Not only was he able to discern the identity of the sage, but also a significant person in the sage's life. The sage may be one of the most enigmatic, but Lores did not fall short of that quality. The youth had undaunting adamance, a peerless desire to challenge his fate, and a lionheart to face the turbulent world. He was a living enigma.

Lores was a rare kind of human with an interesting personality. The sage could attest to it. The youth was unbound by conventional standards. He was shrouded in mystery; as mysterious as an endless tower piercing through void.

"How do you know?" The sage asked. Lores smiled and started to explain. "Thank you so much, Idrissa."

"Shawlunge was a great mage who died years ago. According to a book written by him, he met three mysterious people namely; the wanderer, the sage and the ever living bodache. Of course only a mage like him can leave behind a legacy to remember."

The mage narrowed his eyes at Lores. The youth seemed sophisticated in wisdom. He proceeded to reiterate what Lores had said.

"You're talking of the trilogy text written by him. That book is no longer available due to the heavy criticism it received. It faced a permanent embargo. He was one who loved uncovering the mysteries of the world. Though he accumulated some loyal followers, he was hated by many. Shawlunge's followers are still concealing their devotion to him and his precepts."

Lores smiled a little before speaking. "People are funny to the core. When someone does what they're not able to do, they become grumpy. I like that he didn't need to prove his achievements to anybody." He eyes perked up, seeming to recollect something. "Master, you are a great mage. Why do you choose to be a hermit..." His face crinkled, emphasizing the dissatisfaction on his next words. "And a lover of herbs."

The man steadied his sight briefly on Lores, then walked back to a chair at the other edge of the veranda. Just when Lores had given up on getting a reply, his voice rang after sitting comfortably.

"The world is ruled by greed and ambition which is not healthy for me. I have zero interest in the affairs of the world. Trying various kinds of herbs, and living as a hermit appeals more to me. Those who set their minds on the world will be consumed by its deadly vortex. Even though they achieve the substance of their yearnings, it will only be ephemeral. Their calamitous end is inevitable. Mortal desires are the sources of woes." The sage said his words with self-assuredness. Lores absorbed the deep meaning of those words with narrowed eyes. The elder was worth his title as the sage.

"Master, I want to be strong and sensible like you."

"Then you shouldn't jubilate because you ignited a fire using your so-so gnosis." The sage shot immediately, nearly interrupting Lores. His voice was hoarse and full of rebuke. Lores was motivated. He stared resolutely at the sage, his eyes conveying toughness. He was in dire need of advancement.

When the sage saw the steely resolve and doggedness of his student, he kept cool. The boy's eagerness was accentuated by his tenacious non-verbal indications. "Magery is decomposed into two theories; the theory of the mind, and the theory of essence as proposed by the great Shawlunge. The theory of the mind accounts for eighty percent of gnosis and twenty percent of essence while the theory of essence accounts for eighty percent of essence and twenty percent of gnosis." The sage paused briefly. Lores was paying adequate attention, leading him to continue his teaching. "You must have heard of the theory of the mind, no?"

The sage's question evoked the occurrence at the library in Ripplesky Palace. Lores had studied the theory of the mind and practicalized it. He nodded. The sage went ahead.

"Then I'll tell you about the theory of essence. According to Shawlunge, everyone has an aura surrounding them, and this aura is emitted from their sea of essence. The utilization of this arcane concept brings about the discovery of one's self. If mere knights comprehend this theory, they become mage-like knights known as meteor knights. I'm sure you've never come across them. Meteor knights are rare because only a select few can utilize the theory of essence. When a mage utilizes this theory, they focus more on nurturing their essence energy to the maximum, thereby advancing in invincibility."

Lores listened carefully. Before he could utter a word, an uncanny gust swept him out of the veranda and landed him on the frontage unscathed. It all happened with only a wave of the sage's hand.

"Sit down." The sage commanded, standing up to meet Lores.

Author's note:
Sea of essence is a field in humans where life force is situated.

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