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I wake up with the annoying buzzing sound, like every morning. I stop the alarm clock and go back to bed until it goes off again. Seven thirty A.M and that's when I finally get out of bed. I put my dressing gown on and head downstairs. I see my big brother sat on the sofa and my mum sat at the table with a cup of coffee in her hands. Today is not a regular Monday. My brother is going back to Miami and Hannah's in hospital. And the fact that I have to face whatever Jennifer has planned for me is even worse.

"Good morning darling. How is Hannah?" says my mum standing up from her chair to walk over to the sink. I sigh and explain how she is and what the doctors said. I am still mad at the fact that she told my secret but I have to put that to side right now and help her with her recovery.

Forty-five minutes later Meghan is parked outside my house. I am wearing my favorite black ripped jeans with a white crop top and a jean denim jacket to finish the look. I go into the living room when I hear Meghan buzz the horn again. My brother sees me and stands up and says.

"Be astrong baby girl, I'll see you soon." I laugh and hug him and that's when the door swings open, followed by Meghan's voice.

"Emma, Come on. We're gonna be late." And then she sees us and her facial expressions turns into a tender smile.

"Dan, I never knew you were here." And comes up to him and gives him a hug and a kiss on the check.

"Looking good Meg. It's been nearly two years." He says looking at her from head to toe. She has changed so much these last two years. I'm not surprised my brother is in shock. She is a fully grown woman now. Megan lived her whole life in Virginia and moved here ten months ago, but we know here since we were born. Our parents know each other and when she moved here she entered my school.

"He came on Friday, but I've not really had time to spend with him. He is leaving today." I say looking at the time on the clock on the kitchen's wall. It's 8.23 A.M and lessons start at 8.45 A.M, it takes us 15 minutes to arrive there.

"We have to be going. I'll be waiting for your phone calls." I say giving him another tight hug. He laughs and says.

"Of course. Love you baby girl. Meghan, it was a delightful surprise, take care of my sister." She pulls me away and says.

"Have I ever let you down? Hope to see you this summer and send my love to Ella." He nods and we close the door and get in the car.

"Is it me or is your brother hotter?" She says with a smirk on the face and reverses and starts to drive. I laugh at the fact that she has noticed because I haven't.

"I have no idea" And with that, she turns on the radio. And we start to sing along to the songs just like every other morning.

First class is Maths. I see Dean at the back so I decide to sit next to him.

"What's up baby doll?" I leave my bag on the floor and I'm about to answer him when Mr. Kendrick comes in and starts the lesson. So I just smile and take out my notebook, pen, and textbook. He leans forward and whispers in my ear.

"Wow, you are prepared" and then laughs and Mr. Kendrick says.

"This class is not mandatory, so you may leave the class if you wish." I sigh under my breath and he stands up and takes me by my hand. I let go and grab my things and put them into my bag. I don't know why I accept to leave the class, everybody is looking and gossiping things. But I don't care.

I close the door and yell at him.

"What the hell?" He laughs and says.

"You could have stayed but you decided to come along." I hate it because he has a point so I don't discuss it further. We go into the cafeteria, there's nobody, only the workers. We order a drink and sit down at my usual table, in the corner. We have fifty minutes until the second period starts so we just stay there chatting and I take the opportunity to call Kevin and ask him how's Hannah doing.

The bell rings, so that means that first period is over. I say goodbye to Dean and make my way to English. The morning is going so slow. I have biology now, but first I make my way to the ladies room. I touch my lipstick and put my hair in a high ponytail. I head into the corridors, with my books in my hand and my handbag on my shoulder. I walk over to my locker and feel all eyes on me. I turn around and I stand corrected they are all looking at me, but I have no idea why. I look at my clothes but no, I look just fine. My make up must be too much today. What the fuck are they looking at? I think to myself.

I see a girl come running up to me, Meghan.

"Babe, let's go outside." I follow her out of the old building and we head over to her car.

"Where are you taking me? Will this have anything to do with everyone looking at me?" She gets in the car and so do I. She stays sitting there in silence for two minutes and when I'm about to break the silence she hands me her mobile phone. I grab the phone and see a video, I press play. Fuck.

I'm going to kill that bitch. I think to myself and continue seeing the video. Today is the day my life changes... Jennifer must have made a video of the party when Hannah was so drunk and told everyone about my dad. So not just the people of the party saw that incident, but so has the whole school for the cursing technology. These are the times I wish mobile phones and the internet hadn't been invented.

I can feel the tears trying to burst out free. Meghan leans over and gives me a warm hug. Now the whole school will never look at me with the same eyes, they will look at me with pity and they will feel sorry for me. That's exactly what I didn't want; because they will all remind me of the day my life changed. It's hard enough that it happened, but now that everyone knows it's harder. Meghan starts to drive. I don't ask her where she is taking me because I can see we are leaving Santa Monica so we are probably driving to Beverly Hills.

One hour later we are still driving and now for a fact I know, we are not going to Beverly Hills because it only takes half an hour to get there. I sit up straight and read a sign that says 'Welcome to Santa Clarita'. I turn to look at Meghan and ask. "Where are you taking me?" She turns the radio down and doesn't turn to face me. "I'm taking you somewhere you should have gone a long time ago." She turns the music up again. I'm confused by her response, it's like she is proud of herself, so I don't hesitate and just trust her on this one. I turn around and lean on the cold window and close my eyes and fall asleep.

I get woken up by Meg stroking my arm and saying.

"Em, we have arrived, wake up." I open my eyes and sit up. I see this big building in front of me and we are in the middle of nowhere. There are fences around the building. That's when I read the words on the building. 'California State Prison, Corcoran' I'm speechless. I look at her and her facial expression is so bright and with a tiny smile. I step out of the car and head into the building, shaking. We walk over to the front desk where there are two officers sat there.

"Good Afternoon, Madam. Who have you come to visit?" I can't manage to pronounce his name so Meghan jumps in and says.

"We are here to see, David Skys." He grabs his walkie-talkie that's on this waist and says in a deep voice.

"David Skys, in visiting room now." And another officer comes in and takes our belongings and searches us.

She takes us to this big white room with tables and chairs. She tells us we have forty-five minutes until visiting hours closed. We sit at the table that's in the corner. I'm so nervous and can't believe that Meghan brought me here. I hear the buzz and then an officer shouting.

"Open the gate." I look up and that's when I see him, standing with his hands cuffed together and wearing an orange robe just like the movies. I think he is surprised to see me. It's been two years and I would have never imagined that I would visit him in prison. He walks over to me with the officer and sits in front of me and Meghan. The officer leaves him and then he says.

"I thought you would never come. What made you change your mind?" I swallow and look at Meghan.

"Meghan made me come because everyone in school found out about it." I can see in his eyes the disappointment. He places one hand on mine and I feel like I'm a little girl feeling loved by my father again.

"Em, I am so sorry for what happened. If I could I would go back in time and undo it. You are my only daughter and I would have never even thought of doing that, but that day was uncontrollable. I am so sorry that I made you go through that. And I hope you forgive me. I will always love you even though you chose to never talk to me again." I start to cry. The words get to me. At the end of the day, my dad and I have always had a strong bond. I was always daddy's girl so I know that he hates himself for hurting me.

My dad stands up and so do I and we hug. He can't hug me because his hands are cuffed together. It feels weird hugging him. I sit back down and Meghan says.

"Was it worth it to come?" I turn around and look at her and don't answer. There are two answers to her question; yes and no. Yes, it was worth it because I now know what my dad thinks and the second answer is no because when I look into his eyes everything comes back to me. So that's why I decided not to answer her.

Finally, the officer shouts. "Visiting time is over. Make your way out." And then another officer grabs my dad's arm to make him get up and my dad says.

"love you, sweetpie." When he says sweetpie it hurts to remember the bound we had before. He used to call me sweet pie because one day we were making a pie and I put the whole packet of sugar, it was too sweet at the end, so he called me from that day on; sweetpie. We make our way out and the officer gives us back our belongs and we leave the horrible building. Three hours of journey to arrive back home.

"Ems, do you want me to stay over at yours?" She says while entering the highway. I lift my chin up and say.

"There's nothing else I would rather want right now." She smiles and turns the radio on and we start screaming to the number one hit of Beyoncé.

"IF YOU LIKE IT THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE PUT A RING ON IT..." After a three hour drive, we decide to buy some frozen pizzas and some beers. My mum is not home tonight, so we can do whatever we want. I go into Walmart and grab everything and then we head home.

Meghan and I are just having a laugh when I notice the porch lights are on. They only go on when there's someone or when we put them on and right now there's a man sitting on the chair and smoking a cigarette. I look at Meg and she just shrugs her shoulders. I walk over to the man. I can't figure out who he is. He's wearing a black elegant suit and glasses.

"Can I help you?" I say trying to let a little distance. He stands up and says.

"Are you Emily Kate Skys?"

It has to be someone important because he called me by my full name. I nod. I can see Meghan with the corner of my eyes and she is just as confused as me.

"We have reason to believe that you are adopted." When he says the word adopted my bags fall to the floor. Meghan grabs my keys that have fallen on the floor and the bags too and says.

"I'll wait for you inside." She unlocks the front door and goes in and closes the door behind her. I walk over to the wooden chair and take a seat. I have to be seated to hear what this man is going to say next.

"What do you mean you have reason to believe? Is it not in my medical records? Or my birth certificate?" I am feeling so many confusing feelings. He walks over to me and brings the chair in front of me and sits.

"I am a private investigator. And I have come across that you may be the daughter of my client." I have so many questions but I can't manage to talk. What do you mean a private investigator? Am I adopted? This is so fucking wrong and the worse thing is that I'm finding out about this through a stranger. My parents would have to tell me this not him. I want to do a DNA test. I don't believe this psychopath.

"Come back when you know for sure and have proof," I say meanwhile I stand up so he can leave my house and leave me alone. He reaches into his wallet and hands we a business card and says.

"I will come back soon, but if you ever have to contact me, give me a call." I look at the business card and there's his name; Peter Wilson.

"Wait! Who are my biological parents?" I say walking over to him. I'm interested to know who my biological parents are. One thing I know for sure is that I already have a family and that won't change even though I could be adopted. He turns around, tilts his head and looks at me from top to bottom and says.

"Goodbye Miss Skys. We'll keep in touch."

I kick off my shoes and enter the kitchen. The smell of pizza surrounds me and there's nothing better than a girls night in and beers and pizzas. I help Meg take out the pizzas and we go into the living room to watch a movie. Ten minutes arguing about what gender and movie we're going to watch, we decide to watch 'Grownups 2'.

When we finish the movie we head out to the porch. Meghan hands me a cigarette. I normally don't smoke often, just occasionally. We're sitting on the chairs facing the street and we see the house in front of my house, that nobody has been living there since I was nine years old. There are people and the lights are on. I get up and start to cross the street and arrive at the gate. I open it and Meghan follows me and asks.

"What are you doing?" I ignore her and ring the doorbell. This young girl opens the door and before she says anything I jump in and say.

"I am your neighbor, I live in front." And point to my house. I left all the lights on and the house is unlocked. Well, we are only 45 feet from my house so I am certain that if anyone tries to get in we will see them. She is very pretty, has long blonde hair and a nice sense of style. She smiles at me and says meanwhile she stretches her hand.

"I'm Samantha Clarke. Nick come down here and meet our neighbor." She yells. I shake her hand and smile.

This tall young guy comes to the door. They must be a couple and just moved in together, they are a bit older than us.

"Meghan Jacobson?" I turn to look at Meg and her face is priceless. He comes out and gives Meghan a big hug and then says.

"It's been so long." The blonde girl jumps into the conversation and says.

"How do you two know each other?" They both look at each other and she says.

"Old friends." I am so amused at the blonde girl's face and just smile at her. I give him my hand and say.

"I'm your neighbor, Emma." And he reaches my hand and says.

"I'm Nick, nice to meet you."

They invite us in but Meghan refuses so I just go with it. We say goodbye and then cross the street and arrive home.



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