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I get up and eat the last piece of the hot dog all in one go. I look over at them one last time and start marching up to them letting out all of my anger. Meghan quickly gets up and pulls my arm making me turn around. I look at her while she swallows harshly. Her eyes are twinkling like very few times. And then I suddenly remember the day my big brother and I with our parents went to visit her family in ... It was valentine's day and my brother had the biggest crush on Meghan. We were only seven years old and Dan was eleven. When we arrived at the house Meghan was in her bedroom and Dan went up to surprise her with a bright red rose. I was obviously peeking behind the door and Meghan's eyes were twinkling as much as they were now. When Dan gave her the rose she blushed and then gave him a soft kiss on the cheek saying, Thank you so much. Meghan brings me back by snapping her fingers in my face and announcing.

    "It's not a good idea you go over there! They are probably friends or just acquaintances," But my self-conscious says differently. I turn around and continue walking to them thinking that Meghan would follow up but she doesn't. I turn around and place one arm on my hip and say,

    "Aren't you coming?" I ask her in a hoarse voice. She blinks three times and adds.

    "I wouldn't miss it for the whole." We both bust out laughing but I still feel the adrenaline building up inside me.

She holds my hand softly and gives it a little squeeze while she strokes in tiny circles giving me strength. As we walk over to the two figures I can feel my heart racing like it was going to fall out at any second now. They were only 50 feet away but I have the sensation that it's miles away. I can see Jennifer still swinging her arms up and down. Now I am only 5 feet away and I can hear them talking but I can't manage to understand the conversation. The tall man wearing the suit sees me and coughs to aware Jennifer of my presence. She turns around and faces me with her bright blue eyes that I had never noticed before until now. Meghan steps closer to me making me feel her presence so I know I'm not alone and I appreciate it.

"Hi, Mr Wilson. Hello Jennifer," I say in a tremulous voice. "I didn't know you knew Jennifer!" I continue saying but now just facing Peter Wilson. He fixes his blue navy tie and looks over to Jennifer that is playing with her hair. She always used to do that when she was nervous or uncomfortable.

"She is one of my clients," He adds and clears his voice. I am confused. What does he mean?

"You are so unbelievable, you have never got over the fact the ballet school chose me and not you, so now you hire a private investigator telling him that I'm adopted or some bullshit and you expect me to believe it!" I burst out.

The way she is looking at me now makes me think how close we used to be, but she definitely crossed the line telling everyone about the rape.

"Emma, you wouldn't understand even if you wanted to." She spits out staring at me straight in the eyes.

"Try me!" I yell in frustration. Meghan that is still there rests her hand on my shoulder.

"It's better that I tell you when you're ready and more settle. This is not the place nor the time." She said with a softly spoken voice. I knew something was wrong because it's been a while she talked that way to me. I step closer to her and place my hand on hers and say.

"Jen, I really want to know. Please tell me." I can't tell if she is sad or worried, however, I knew she had something on her mind. Jennifer looks over to Mr Wilson and nods, he smiles and opens his briefcase and takes out a brown folder and hands it over to Jennifer.

"Emma you and I are half-sisters..." A tear runs down her bright red cheek continued my a tiny smile while she hands me the folder. "It's all in here!" She continues talking but I'm shocked then I zone out. Me and Jennifer Collins are related? How come? Why did nobody tell me? I have so many questions to ask but I can't manage to speak. I open the folder, it is all written and I can't make out anything of what it says.

I am speechless. All my life was a lie which one of my parents are my biological parents and which parent of Jennifer is my real parent? Is it my mum or my dad? Or her dad or her mum? It makes no sense at all. I back away slowly and then I suddenly stop. I turn around in disgust and say.

"If you are my actual sister, why the fucking hell would you tell everyone about my rape and record that video of Hannah at the party and then send it." I spit out taking a big weight off my shoulder. I needed an explanation for this.

"Em, I didn't do any of that, but you all thought I did. I went to tell the headmistress because I was worried about you. And then Dean black made me so I had to go with it. I am sorry that I have acted badly around you for years but I never got over that day in the audition rooms. Do you forgive me?"

"I am sorry too. But I need time to myself now." Mr Wilson looks shocked at our conversation, but who blames him.

I walk away and ask Meghan to take me home.


Hope you liked it. This is the chapter I was waiting to post and write <3


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