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Sitting on a terrace in November is marvellous, the sun is shining bright making me face it and close my eyes toasting our skin. Sipping my ice tea I look over at Hunter that laughs in my direction because the state I'm in. My hair is in a high messy bun, I'm wearing jeans shorts and a black crop strap top. The waves of the sea are crawling gently to the shore and the humming of the wave-song beguiled me.

 "Tell me something I don't know about you." I face Hunter, the question catches him off guard. He puts on his cute thinking face and stares right into my eyes.

"Your family." I insist, his eyes drift into the endless sea and then clears his throat slightly. I don't know much of his family and I'm curious to find out but it looks like I have touched a delicate spot. I reach for his hand and grab in lightly. I'm not sure if he is ready to talk about it and as I'm going to interrupt the silence he finally pronounces the following words,

"I have a little sister." He announces with pride in his voice. I am shocked that he hadn't mentioned it and to be truthful it hurts. I have opened up to him like a baby goat feed for the first time, and it seems like I don't even know him. "She is ten! Her name is Ashley but we all call her Ash." I don't want to keep him from talking so I just sit up straight with all my attention on him. "My mother passed away when I was two. I only remember her because of the photos we have. My dad got remarried when I was five and that's the best thing that ever happened. She became my mother but she always used to keep my mum present in conversations so I would never forget the woman who brought me into this world. The truth is that without Diana I would have never gotten the chance to feel loved by a mum and for that I love her. And then they had Ash when I was eight." 

His voice gets so tender when he starts to talk about his family, I have never seen him this way and to be truthful it makes him more attractive, so vulnerable and sweet. He looks up from the table and I can see that he really cares for his sister and Diana.

"I would love to met them!" I say squeezing his hand with a tiny smile on my face. He doesn't say anything but just shakes his head from side to side discreetly.

"You don't understand... " He says pushing his chair back and tries to walk away. I'm paralyzed, what just happened? I feel my heart slip from my hands, did I push too hard? I ask myself. I push the thoughts to the back of my head and get but rapidly. When I finally reach him we are standing on the streets of Miami. I grab his arm firmly making him stop.

"Of course I don't understand if you don't talk to me!" I spit out angry. I know I shouldn't be annoyed but the fact that he knows nearly everything about me and it looks like I don't even know him it annoys me. He keeps on walking and I give up. Walking behind him makes me want to apologise and just hug him from behind, but it's not my fault that the guy i'm in love with isn't talking to me about important things. And then I decided to speak my mind.

"It's not my fault that I want to know everything about the guy I'm falling in love with. There I said it, I'm in love with you." I yell. He suddenly stops and turns to face me. People look and walk past us mumbling under their breath. He cups my face with his big cold hands and kisses me softly.

"I promise that you will meet them one day. And I love you too." I try not to smile but it cracks out eventually. How can you not smile when the person you love says he loves you. 


Hope you enjoy :)


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