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I had to split the chapters :)



I carry Emma until my car and then put her in the passenger's seat. I close the door and go into the driver's seat and put my seatbelt on. I turn the engine on and start driving, it's only midnight, so there are not many cars on the road. I can see Emma leaning on the door crying her eyes out.

"Em, do you want to talk about it?" She turns her head to look at me and says.

"Why did you not stay with Hannah? And why take me to your house?" I actually don't know why I did it.

"Maybe she is my girlfriend, but what she has done, is so wrong." 5 minutes later we arrive at my house. We get out of the car and cross the lawn until we arrive at the front door. I ring the doorbell and one of my roommates open it, Dean.

" You're back early." He says checking Emma out.

"Who's this chick? Is it your side chick?" Emma from behind me laughs and stretches her arm and says.

" Hi, I'm Emma and no I'm not his side chick." Emma steps in the house and Dean walks up to me and whispers.

" Wow that ass, I am going to get in her panties." I laugh and we both look at her perfect body.

"Be a gentleman, she's not like the girls you fuck with, she's not a whore." And with that, he punches my shoulder and walks off into the kitchen.

"Is Garry home?" I yell

"No, he is smoking joints in Ashton's house." I walk into the living room and see Emma lying on the sofa.

"Princess, make yourself at home," I say laughing and in a sarcastic tone. She turns around and sits up.

"Can we order pizza?" I nod and head into the kitchen to grab the pizza place's phone number

"Is Pepperoni okay with you and some beers?" I shout and hear her shout a simple "Fine with me."

Half an hour later we are sitting on the sofa eating pizza and watching American Pie. It's nearly half past one in the morning and that's when Dean comes in and says.

"I'm going to bed, I'm working tomorrow so I have to get up early." I get up and fist bumps him and then he says.

"Good night side chick" He laughs and with that, he walks up to his room but before he can slam the door shut, Emma says.

"He wishes." I look at her and laugh she has got this smirk on her face and says.

"Where does he work?"

"He is the coach for the junior football team."

Two hours later the movie has finished and we are both tired, I get up and say.

"Want to go to bed?" And then her face is so pale and says

"mmm Yes sure but like in the same bed?" And then I realize I will have to be a gentleman and sleep on the sofa.

" I'll sleep on the couch don't you worry." She laughs and says.

"Okay, thanks" I head into my bedroom and change into some joggers and a T-shirt. Emma comes in her lingerie and says.

"Sorry, but could I borrow a T-shirt" I am paralyzed, I can't stop looking at her. She is wearing this black lingerie lance set that makes me so horny.

"Hunter T-shirt please." She says uncomfortably.

"Ohh, yeah sorry, will this one do?" I give her a black V-Neck T-shirt, she puts it on and I can see her cleavage.

"Yes, thanks." I go into the living room and lie down on the couch and then I realize I don't have a blanket so I go up the stairs into my room and go knock on my door.

"Yes...?" I open the door and there she is lying in my bed with my T-shirt. I open the wardrobe and grab a blanket and say.

"Good night, if you need anything you know where I am." She nods and says.

"Thanks for everything." I smile and close the door behind me.

Half an hour later, I switch the TV off and close my eyes and then hear noises coming from my room. So many question pop into my head. - What is she doing? Is she sleep talking? Is she humming? Is she masturbating? The last one is the most pleasant, she is in my bed. I even picture her. And then the noises get louder. I stand up and go up the stairs and stop in front of my door. I stick my ear on the wooden door but I can't figure out what she is doing so I knock on the door, but no answer. I open it a crack and look through but I can't see because it's dark and she has her back to me. I go in and say.

"Emma, what's going on?" I open the little lamp on the right side of the bed and then walk over to where Emma is. She sees me and then I see what's going on. No sleep talking, no humming and definitely not masturbating. She is crying. I go into the bathroom and get some toilet paper and hand it to her.

She sits up and wipes her tears.

"Thank you" She mumbles under her breath. I sit on the edge of the bed and hold her in a tight hug. I don't know what to say so I just keep hugging her until she lets go.

" I knew the day would come that everyone would find out, but I never imagined that it would have been because my best friend was drunk and told everyone." She says crying all over again.

"The effects of alcohol fucking suck," I say wiping her tears.

"The worse thing is that she can blame the alcohol and I will have to forgive her, but I want her to feel the pain I'm feeling." I am a bit shocked at what she just said, but she is pretty upset.

"Don't say that. You know you don't mean it." I say trying to get some sense out of her but its no use.

"I do mean it, she deserves it." I don't answer and then there is a moment of silence. She breaks it and says.

"Can you sleep here with me?"

She is in a vulnerable situation now so I accept and get under the covers. She rolls over and leans on my chest, I can smell her hair and it smells of her. I had never noticed her sweet cinnamon smell before and I could get used to it.

And at that moment we both fall asleep.



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