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It's nice to have lunch out with my brother, Kevin. He is always so busy that he can never be for more than two or three hours with me. And today we have been all day together. I really needed to get up to date with him and spend some hours with him. This morning we went to the centre to walk around and see some shops. He needed a new pair of trainers and some sports clothes. So we did that first and then went for lunch, my legs started to ache a bit so I had to sit down. I have made a full recovery since I was in a wheelchair five weeks ago. Now I only use crutches if I wake up with pain in my legs. Today I used one and that was more than enough. The doctor told me to only use them when necessary and when I'm going to walk a long time because if not my legs will get used to them and that's not good. We get up from the restaurant and walk down to the car park on our way to Kevin's new house he wants to show me. Passing the theatre Kevin looks over and says,

"Isn't that Emma and your boyfriend?" His voice comes out cracked because of the cold air. I look over in their direction all confused.

"Ex Boyfriend." I correct as we both stop to stare from the other side of the street. Looking at them and seeing them laugh and smile together makes my stomach flip in hate. And then I see the next thing, Emma goes up to him and presses her lips to his leaving me speechless. My crutch drops on the floor when I lose balance and luckily Kevin grabs me by my arm as we both continue to stare over at them. They walk into the theatre holding hands, my tears start to roll rapidly down my checks as I lean on Kevin for support. I can't believe my eyes. I want this to just be a dream and wake up. How is it possible that my best friend would do something like that to me. There is a girl code of not dating your ex boyfriend or even your crush. I am so upset and full of anger that I don't even know what to say at this point. Kevin hugs me and whispers in my ear,

"It's not worth getting upset Han." I total agree but I love both of them so much and seeing them together kills me. When we were together they didn't get along much and since I fucked up in the party they became the bestest of friends well now they have passed that stage and jumped to being fuck friends. I doubt that there are feelings but thinking of this at Emma's birthday party, yesterday, when Emma announced that I was pregnant for some random reason, she left quickly and hunter called out her name and ran after her. Just thinking that the tears roll out faster and I start to snob. Kevin still holding me tight in his arms.

"Let's go." I finally say grabbing the crutch again to walk to the car parking. All the way to the car is silent, thank god he knows me because that's the way I want it to be. I need a few minutes to think and understand the things I just saw. I will never understand it but love is like that, you can't choose who you fall in love with so I'm just going to blame love in general. When we get in the car I drop the crutch in the bar seat and we start to make our way to Kevin's new house in Beverly Hills. I take my phone out and text Hunter. If he is with Emma, that's even another reason why I should get an abortion. Better get it over with now before they close for Christmas holidays. 

Looking at all the big houses as we drive into Beverly Hills makes me forget a bit about Emma and Hunter. We arrive at the drive of this huge house. We stop in front of the gate that's closed when Kevin rolls down his window and reaches out to this panel that's there. He presses some keys and then the gates automatically open. I am speechless. He looks over at me and winks ass he adds,

"Welcome to my new house!" He starts to drive up the driveway when we come across to another car parked there, it's black and a very fancy car. In the middle of the driveway, there is a figure of an angle that's a fountain.

"There is someone I want to introduce you to." He says as he turns off the car engine. I can't be bothered to get the crutch. As I get out of the car I step on some fancy pebbles. I look up at the house it's so modern. All the lights are on, the house has big glass windows letting you see inside of the huge rooms. We walk over to the door as a young handsome man comes out of the big wooden door. He walks over to us with the biggest smile on his pretty face.

"You must be Hannah. I have heard so many great things about you." He says hugging me. I have no idea of who he is but he is sure sweet to me. I look at Kevin as the young man lets go of me.

"Han. This is Gerard." He hesitates a second and adds, "My boyfriend." I freeze for a second. I look over at him and he has this shy smile on his face. I turn to look at Gerard again and he just keeps smiling the same way he came to introduce himself.

"Wow, I didn't see that coming!"I go up to him and hug him as tight as I can. I open my arms up making Gerard join in.

"Let's have some biscuits and talk about all of this." I say letting go of them. 



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