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Every day in school there are more prom proposals and today it's Meghan's turn. Hunter and I suggested Dean to take Meghan as they were a fling a while ago. Hunter and I are helping him today with the proposal. The idea was to go on the soccer pitch after school. I was only ordered to take her there so I have no idea what he has planned for her. Knowing Dean it will probably be something to remember.

"Meg, let's go to the field. I want some air." I say as we leave the hallway. She nods in response as we walk outside into the cold. Opening the doors to walk over to the pitch as people walk in the same direction.

"Why are people going to the pitch?" She asks. Meghan is a very observant girl and will be able to tell you every move of someone in seconds. It's kind of creepy but it's like she reads their minds and knows what's gonna be their next move. I shrug my shoulders in response to her as we arrive at the big open gates. We walk in and see people sat on the benches. I know she knows that something is up because it's not very normal that in February you go to sit in the cold on the pitch. We walk over to the bottom benches to not have to walk up the steps as this is all for her. Nobody is on the pitch, I can't see Hunter or Dean so I'm a bit lost. I take my phone out and text Dean telling him that we are already here. Meghan keeps looking over to the people that are just here to watch the show Dean puts on. I'm not sure how the word spread out but knowing Dean it would have run pretty fast. I see Fiona with Chloe and sign them to come down to sit with us as they are sat on the top benches.

"What is everyone doing here?" Meghan asks them as they take a seat next to us.

"There is a prom proposal." Fiona says as I roll my eyes. I was trying to send her signals for her to not talk. I see as Meghan's eyes widened.

"Who from and who for?" She asks looking at the three of us. Fiona answers her once again.

"The only thing we know is that it's from Dean O'Connor. We don't know who it's for. Nobody does." She adds. I'm glad she didn't spill the beans. Well then if it's right that nobody knows who the lucky girl is, that means many people are going to come and see the mystery thing. If only Meghan knew it was for her she would have run out minutes ago as she hates these things. I think she'll enjoy it because Dean will probably make it goofy and sexy. She finds prom proposals a waste of energy as people put a lot of effort into it and it's just a stupid dance to her. I think prom is great. It's the end of our childhood and the begging of our adventure in finding what we really are passionate about.

I see a bunch of guys at the end of the field walk up to us really slowly. People start to cheer at them as they walk in their uniforms just holding their helmets under their arm. Hunter, on the other hand, comes out of the right hand side of the field dressed in black joggers wearing a white cap. The annoying sound of the whistle he begins to blow makes me see what's going on.

"Come on boys. Run! We have games in two weeks." I guess he is imitating their coach as he is adjusting his voice to a higher pitch tone. His coach reminds me of Willy Wonka he has this voice that would make me laugh everytime he would get mad, I just wouldn't be able to take him seriously. He is this really muscular big bad but when he talks you won't be able to think the same way of him. Like in the movie of Grown ups 2 when the women are at the water park and there is this incredibly hot man when he walks up to them his voice is all squeaky and they can't help but burst out laughing with tears. 

The guys put their helmet on as they jog over to Hunter, the coach.

"2 laps around the field. Go go go!" He yells as he continues to blow. He is kind of sexy when is bossy. As the guys begin to run around Dean walks over to the field from the end of the field. I could tell it was him as he was wearing his favourite sunglasses.

"O'Connor! You're late. You will stay after practice to put everything away. You hear me?" He shouts as the guys are back from their first lap. Dean continues to walk over not wearing his equipment. His arms are behind his back as he walks slower up to the coach.

"Go and get change and get your ass on this field. 5 laps and I don't want to hear it." It's quite funny hearing Hunter imitate the coaches voice. If he were here I'd think he wouldn't be amused by this act. He knew he had a high pitch voice but no one would dare to speak of it as he would probably hate you forever. Dean reachers Hunter in the middle of the pit as he says,

"There is just one thing I've been waiting to do all year Coach and this is my moment to do it." I look over to face Meghan as she rolls her eyes at the stupid scene. She won't find it much now but when she finally realizes it's for her she is going to freak out due to the people watching this.

"O'Connor. If you aren't on this field changed in two minutes you are off the team. Did I make myself clear?" People in the crowd begin to laugh as that line is very common from the Coach's mouth. Dean gives him the middle finger and walks off to our direction. He takes his sunglasses off and places them on his head for them to rest there. He walks past the first line of people as everyone is wondering who the lucky girl will be. His footsteps get heavier as they reach the second line of people sitting on the bench, that's us. I look up at him when he stops in front of Meghan, her eyes go up and meet his as her lips part. He gives her his hand as she starts to blush, she reaches for his arm as she stands up. Brad comes running without his helmet holding on to a long paper rolled up as a tube. He unrolls it as Dean grabs one end letting go of Meghan's hand. Will the sexiest girl in this whole fucking building come with the sexiest man to prom? And on the side of the poster is a drawing of a rose.  

Everyone yelling and clapping as Meghan nods in acceptance to his invitation. They hug for a few seconds as Brad rolls it back up.

"I fucking hate you." Meghan adds as she lets go of him. The show is over so people make their way home as school had finished for the day. 



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