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Present day, Saturday night.


Hunter leaves us making his way back to his car. I sit down on the bench and so does Hannah, she crosses her legs, leans forward and says.

"Em, I know what I did was really bad, cruel and hurtful, but I want you to know that I would have never done that. I was under the influence of alcohol and I can't blame that. You're my best friend and it kills me knowing that all this is my fault and that you're avoiding me." She says tilting her head back. I look up and see that she means every single word that had just come out of her mouth. Now I'm the guilty one...

"Hannah, I'm not only mad about the party, it's the fact that you told someone, even though it was Hunter. You still told my secret." I say in a calm way. I really don't want to talk about this right now. I'm tired and I want to go home. I stand up and say.

"We'll talk tomorrow, I'm tired." I grab my handbag and start walking to the car park where Hunter is waiting for me, to take me home. I arrive at the car and open the passenger's door and get in. He sits up straight and says.

"Are you two now good?"I look up at him and see his eyes twinkling, the same look he gave me when he was jealous of Dean flirting with me.

"I told her we would talk tomorrow... I'm so tired." He laughs, puts the engine on and says.

"I'll take you home." I lean back onto the cold window. It's just started to rain, I see people running in the street to not get wet, but it's no use. It starts to rain so hard I think that the windshield won't hold.

20 minutes later we arrive at my house, I thank Hunter and grab my jacket and put it over my head and start running to the door. I can't ring the doorbell because it's one O'clock in the morning. I find my keys that are in the bottom of my bag and open the door and then I hear the engine of Hunter's car leave. I take my high heels off and go upstairs trying not to make any noise. I open my bedroom door and close it behind me. I leave my bag on the floor and get undressed, ready to put my pajamas on. I go into the bathroom that is in my bedroom so I won't wake my mum up. I take my makeup off and clean my teeth. I can't be bothered to put my night facial mascara on. I go back to my room and take my phone out of my handbag and put it on charge, in the socket next to the night table. I get in bed and close my eyes... And fall asleep

My phones starts to ring, I open one eye and put the little lamp on the night table on. I look at my phone and see an unknown number. Who is calling me at 2.48 am? I answer the phone call and say with a hoarse voice.

"Hello?" And then this woman starts to talk to me. I have no idea who she is until she says.

"Am I talking to Emma? I'm calling from the UCLA Medical Center." Now she has my attention, why is she calling me?

"Yes this is Emma speaking," I say sitting straight on my bed.

"Hannah Westley has been in a car accident. I can't reach her parents, can you come in?" she asks pleasantly. I jump out of bed and say.

"What has happened to her? Is she okay? I'm on my way now." I can hear noise in the background and then she says.

"I can't give you that kind of information through the phone. Come as soon as you can, we are on the third floor." And then she hangs up. I put the first thing I grab. A pair of jeans and a white top.

I run downstairs, grab my car keys and put on my boots. While I'm driving to the medical center, I try to reach Hunter's phone but it jumps to voicemail. I don't have Garry's or Dean's number so I can't talk to him. He must have no battery. I call Hannah's mum.

1st tone ...

2n tone ...

3rd tone ...

4th tone ...

5th tone ...

6th tone ...

And then it jumps to voicemail. She must be sleeping. I try the dad but no answer. She was having dinner with her dad, so she must have gone with her car and then on her way back she got in an accident, but would her dad not wait up for her? I think to myself. I start to stress out because nobody is picking up the damn phone.

When I arrive at the medical center. I rush to the elevator and click the button to go to the third floor. When I arrive I go to reception and see this woman on the phone. She sees me and hangs up and says.

"Anything I can help you with my darling." She says while looking at the computer.

"Yes I'm looking for Hannah Westley," I say trying to catch my breath from running through the parking lot. She types something on the computer and looks up and says.

"Just wait in that little room there and the doctor will come and talk to you right away." I thank her and go into the white room and sit on a wooden chair. I'm waiting in the room just looking at my phone and then this blonde lady comes up to me, dressed in a white doctor gown.

"Emma Skys?" She says looking at me. I stand up and shake her hand and say.

"Yes, what has happened to Hannah? Is she okay?" I say fidgeting with my car keys.

"She is in a coma, she has a tiny brain damage." Oh my god. My best friend is in a coma and I was so selfish to not even talk to her before because I was tired.

"Will she recover? And how long will she be in a coma?" She opens this little notepad she has and says.

"It's not severe but she will have to do some rehabilitation. I think she will wake up in 48 hours more a less." I'm relieved when she said she will wake up with it 48 hours.

"Can I go and see her." I look at her with pity face and she says.

"Yes, she is unconscious, so talk to her and let her know that you are there. Room 348." I thank her and she says.

"We will talk in the morning." I agree and head over to the long corridors and search for her room.








348. I open the door and there she is lying down on the bed. With a tube in her nose and some tubes on her right arm. I walk over to her and kiss her on the head and say.

"Han, I'm here for you." I know she won't respond but she can hear me. She has some scratches on her forehead. I sit down on the seat next to her and start to tell her stories of our childhood.

" Do you remember the day Kevin said he had a crush on me and we planned an escape plan to never see him in a week." I start to laugh at the old memories we've had. And then it comes to me. I can call her brother, Kevin. I get up and say.

"I've tried to call your parents, but they don't pick up and neither does Hunter. I'm going to try to call Kevin."I go out into the corridor and grab my phone and call Kevin.

After the third tone he answers and I say.

" Kev, it's Emma, can you come down to the medical center?" I say.

"Hey, now? What's happened? I'm in Beverly Hills. It will take me half an hour to get there." I love the fact that he is so caring and has always been like my big brother. He and my brother are best friends so we have always been so close to each other.

"Hannah's been in a car accident, she's in a coma. But she'll be alright. I have tried calling your parents but they don't answer." He sighs and says. " Okay, I'm on my way." Before I hang up I tell him the floor and the room number and then he hangs up.

Half an hour later I'm sitting on the chair next to Hannah's bed just telling her stories of our childhood. When someone knocks on the door. I see this tall, brown hair, good-looking guy and it's Kevin. I get up and hug him, it's been a long time since I've seen him.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?" He asks me and then makes his way to Hannah.

"I'm fine, just tired." He looks at me and says.

"Go home. I'll stay here with her." I shake my head and say.

"No! I'm staying here. The doctor told me she would come to talk to use in the morning. She told me that she is conscious and will probably wake up in the next 48 hours." He grabs Hannah's hand and says.

"She must have hit her head and that's why she is in a coma. I will try to call my parents and if not I'll go in the morning and wake them up." I laugh because I imagine him waking up his mother, that's such a posh lady. She would probably smack him.

"Yes, she told me that she has a tiny brain damage but nothing serious. Okay great. I even called hunter but it just jumped to voicemail." He looks at me with a nice little smile and says.

"Thanks for everything, I know you two are now in a little fight. So thanks for this." I give him a little smile and say.

"After all we are like sisters, even though we fight I will always be there for her." He comes around and says.

"That's nice. If you're not going to go home, you might as well just sleep on the chair." So that's exactly what I do.

I wake up to someone pinching my arm. That's not a very pleasant way to be woken up to. Hunter has arrived.



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