2| Loophole

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"And all of a sudden I felt really tired. Like the world had drained me for everything that I had"

• Lucian •

"Viviana" Eros greeted happily, strolling past her desk
I sighed
Not again.
"How have you been beautiful?" He asked
"Inappropriate Mr Hawthorne" she said simply, typing away on her computer.

At least someone here had some dignity
"Eros" I said, sorting my papers out
He tapped on her desk lightly
"Right" he said awkwardly
"Always a pleasure" he said, before entering my office.

"How are you on this fine morning Lucian?" He asked with a smile, sitting down opposite me, chucking his briefcase in the seat beside him.

"Fine" I answered
He sighed
"Great, you're in one of those moods, alright... why am I here then?" He asked
"Contract. I need a loophole" I said, gently throwing Viviana's contract in front of him
"Loophole?" He asked.

"Miss Romero, she's leaving. But I know there is something wrong in the contract. She can't just leave like this" I explained
"Okay... has she given you notice?" He asked, flicking through it as he leant back in his chair
"Yes" I answered.

"Two weeks... three weeks" I grumbled

"Has she given a lawful reason?" He asked
"Does she need one?" I asked
"Not technically, people can leave for any number of reasons" he said, flicking through it
"She's going to live with her dad, something about her grandad being ill" I said.

"Mm" he said, looking over the other pages.
"Well, this all seems legit, I don't know what you want me to do" he said
I sighed
"Right, okay" I said, continuing on with my work
"What? That's it?" He chuckled, chucking it back onto the desk.

"Yes" I said
"You dragged me all the way down here this early in the morning because your secretary is quitting? Are you that hopeless?" He laughed
"It's hard to find competent workers these days. It's all young interns looking for a summer job, or people trying to cheat their way to a higher position" I explained.

"And Viviana isn't that?" He asked
"No. She's a hard worker, she gets things done and she does it on time. The last secretary I had couldn't even make a decent cup of coffee" I said.

"I heard she runs down to the shop for your coffee in the morning" he teased
"Yes, because that is what I like" I dismissed
"Mm, I heard she knows what you like" he teased further
"Seems you hear a lot" I said.

"Well I also observe. What kind of lawyer would I be if I couldn't figure out how much you want to fuck your secretary" he said, smirking
"I do not wish to fuck my secretary. I simply wish for my business to keep running smoothly and I can't do that if some moron takes her place and disrupts everything" I explained.

She was the best I had
I didn't need someone else coming in to 'learn the ropes'
Someone having to learn the whole system and then figure out how to work to our standards.

Then, the intercom beeped
"Yes?" I asked
"Mr Rhodes is here to see you" she said through the machine.

"Send him in" I said, looking up to see him leaning against her desk, flirting
"Started without me?" He asked, closing the door behind him
"Yes. Because you were not apart of this meeting Casper" Eros said.

"Why not? I want to know what we can do to keep Miss Romero sitting pretty out there" he said, sitting down with a smile, throwing Eros' briefcase back at him.
"Nothing" Eros said, blowing out a breath
"Absolutely nothing" he added.

• Viviana •

Today had been busy to say the least. Lucian had back to back meetings all day.
But my work momentarily stopped when I got that one phone call
From his mother
Every year, like clock work
"How have you been Mrs Alderidge?" I asked.

• Viviana's Outfit •

"Stop it Viv, you know to call me Meira" she said
"I was just checking all the flights are booked?" She asked
"Yes, two tickets, Greece to New York, eight tonight" I confirmed, checking the tickets on my computer.

Leaving my work open on my laptop.
"Great. And the reservation?" She asked
"Also booked, nine tomorrow at your favourite" I said.
Tomorrow was Lucian's mother's birthday

Which meant the whole family would go out for dinner, much to Lucian's dismay, he'd need reminding a good five times before he actually retained the information in his head
He told me once that he only remembered things that were of actual importance to him.

Hence why I never received a happy birthday in my time here.

"Perfect, you're coming as well?" She asked
"What? Oh uh... no, no I'll uh- I'll be off work by then Meira" I chuckled awkwardly
"I know that. But you're practically family darling, you really think I think my present actually comes from Lucian?" She laughed.

"I know my son dear, I know how work crazy he is, and I know how involved you are in his day to day, so please, come. As my thank you to you" she asked
"Uh... okay" I said hesitantly
"Great, is he free?" She asked
"He's in a meeting actually" I said.

He wasn't. For once today he actually had a break.
But he told me every time his mother calls, he was 'in a meeting'

"Is he really? Or is he avoiding me again?" She asked
Another fact. Lucian's mother was a smart woman.

Where do you think he got it from?
I internally sighed
"Putting you through, hang on" I said, pressing buttons
"Mr Alderidge?" I asked through the intercom
"Yes?" He asked, he had Casper sat in with him again.

"Your mother is on line one" I said
"Tell her I'm in a meeting" he said simply
"I did. She said she knows you're not" I said
I heard a snicker down the phone, which I could only assume was Casper
"Fine" he said bluntly, cutting the intercom off


• Lucian •

"I didn't lie to you, I'm just very busy" I said.
I didn't have time for her shit
"Well we're getting the flight at eight" she said
"I know" I didn't.
Viviana usually sorted that kind of stuff
"You know?" She asked.

"Then when is the dinner reservation?" She asked
"Look, I've got a lot of work to do" I said
"See! You never organise anything. You leave it all for poor Viviana" she said.

"Oh yes mother, poor Viviana doing her job and organising my schedule. What a horrible boss I am" I rolled my eyes
"Don't get smart with me boy, when's your brother getting to you?" She asked
"He's arriving tonight, staying with me and then leaving the day after you do" I explained.

"Ah, one thing you actually know" she said
Yeah. Because Viviana already filled me in.
"I'll see you tonight then" I said
"Wait, I've invited Viviana to dinner with us tomorrow" she informed
"What, why?" I asked.

She was my assistant. She was not a friend.
"Because she does a lot for you. And I like her" she said
"Besides you're only going to have her on call anyway in case you need anything, so she may as well come with us" she said.

For fuc-
"Okay, is that all?" I asked
"Yes, your father wanted to speak to you but he had to nip into the office before we leave" she said
So no then.
"Okay, see you later then" I said

I hung up.

"Family dinner? Is it that time of year already?" Casper laughed
"Yeah, which means I'm stuck with my brother for a few days" I sighed
"Ah come on, Caelan's a laugh" He smiled
"He's an idiot" I said
"He's a kid" he defended
"He's twenty two, he's an idiot" I reiterated.

"And now I have Viviana coming with us" I said annoyed
"Why?" He laughed
"My mother seems to like her" I said
It doesn't surprise me
She talks to her more than she does me

But I was busy. I didn't have time for family dinners and catch-ups.

"Can I come?" He asked
"It's family only" I said
My mom's stupid rule about her birthday
"Plus Viv?" He asked
"Appears so" I said.

"Well, have fun with that" he chuckled.

"I intend not to" I said
Her birthday was the same every year. They complained that my brother hadn't achieved a good position in his job yet whilst simultaneously babying him.
And they complained about how I hadn't settled down yet.

• Viviana •

"Miss Romero, come in here before you leave please" Lucian said through the intercom
I sighed
I had just put my coat on ready to go
I left it on, logged off my computer and went into his office
"Yes Mr Alderidge?" I asked, stood opposite his desk.

"My mother told me you'd be attending dinner tomorrow" he said
"Uh- yes sir, she asked and I felt obliged, I understand if you don't want me to come-"
"I'll pick you up at 7.30" he said, cutting me off.

"I'm sorry?" I asked
He'd pick me up?

"Seven thirty. Don't make me repeat myself Miss Romero, it's extremely irritating. Your house is on the way and it'd be better to car share. It's her birthday, I don't want you being late" he explained.

"Oh, right. Of course" I said
"That's all" he said
"Okay, have a nice rest of your day Mr Alderidge" I said, dismissing myself
I grabbed my bag from under my desk, and headed towards the elevator
Feeling his eyes on me.

It always felt like they were on me. Like I was constantly under scrutiny to make sure everything was done right.

"I'm home" I said, shutting the door
"In here" I heard Archer call out
I made my way into the living room, taking my coat and bag off
"Oh, hey Alyssa" I greeted
"Hi" she smiled sweetly.

Archer got up, following me over to the kitchen area
"I didn't know it was your week" I said
"Uh, yeah... wasn't supposed to be but Jennifer has been whisked away by Luke to Paris so..." he explained, getting her some juice.

"And Alyssa... wasn't invited to that?" I asked
"Guess not" he sighed
Luke always did this. Arranged holidays and dinners for him and Jennifer. And she'd dump Alyssa on Archer like it was fine.

He loved having her of course. She was his daughter after all.
But it always annoyed me when they'd take liberties and pass Alyssa off like a pet to be taken care of while they were away.

"How was work?" He asked
"Uh- stressful. We've got a bunch of big cases at the minute. Throw in Lucian's mother's birthday dinner with his family tomorrow that I've now been roped into" I sighed

"Family dinner? Sounds fun" he chuckled
"Nope, but what can you do?" I said exhausted
"Have fun with all these building blocks" I said excitedly, turning round to Alyssa
"I'm off for a bath" I said tiredly, heading towards my room.

And before I knew it. I was in my happy place
In steaming hot water, forgetting about all the stress of work and Lucian
And just... relaxing.

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