21| Voicemail

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"Her accent made me believe that my parents had been saying my name wrong since birth" - J.S. Uili

• Viviana •

I had taken my box of things down to reception
I had said goodbye to Isla
I had said goodbyes to a few people on my own floor that were actually going to miss me.

Then I had waited for nearly an hour in Lucian's office
And he was no where to be seen
And time was cutting closer to my flight
I can't wait forever

I headed out to my desk
My... my old desk
Ellis' desk
"I think I'm going to go" I smiled sadly
"But... Lucian isn't back yet" he said

"I know but I can't wait all day Ellis. I have to get the rest of my things, pick my dad up, get to the airport" I reeled off
He smiled sadly back at me, standing and hugging me goodbye

"I'll miss you" he said
"I'll miss you too. But you'll be absolutely fine here" I assured him
"I don't know about that. I can't even make him coffee that he likes" he chuckled
"You didn't get very far in the binder then" I said

"No. I got to personal information before I threw it in Lucian's face and now... it's gone" he threw his hands up
I smiled, grabbing a piece of paper and writing down the exact way I make it.

"There. One last gift" I said
"Thanks. I hope you come back to visit. And I hope your grandfather gets better" he said

I nodded, slowly walking to the elevator
Past Lucian's office
Guess I won't get my goodbye.

I mean... what was I expecting?
Last night meant... nothing
As we both knew I was leaving
And yet...

• Lucian •

The meeting finally finished
After hours of Harry going through different paperwork that we were going to look through anyway
But they were big clients
It was a lot of money on the line

Hence why Harry's incessant ramblings were something to sit through
And why Samantha's gaze was something uncomfortable to sit through

I sat down in my office, exhausted
Ellis say contently at his desk
At Viviana's desk
In Viviana's chair

Where is she? Isn't she coming in to get her things?
I need to talk to her
We need to talk.
About her leaving
About last night
About how I can't stop thinking about her

Casper strolled past Ellis as he hurriedly got up
Before Casper threw the door open, soon followed by Eros
"You've been chipper all day" Casper commented
"Can't I be in a good mood?" I asked casually

"No" they both said in unison
I ignored them
"So, what's happened? To cheer you up so much" Casper urged
"Nothing" I dismissed
It isn't their business

It's between me and Viviana
"Oh really? Because I just saw Isla down in accounting" he said
Isla? Isla who?

"And she told me how Viviana told her all about the sleepover she had at your house last night" he grinned
"What?" Eros said surprised, sitting up properly
"Since when?" He asked
"Since last night? Apparently it just... happened" Casper teased

Viviana was here?
She... she told her friend about us?
"Lucian?" Casper called
"What do you want me to say?" I asked irritated by him

"Honestly? I want you to tell me exactly what she's like in bed" he smiled
I glared at him
"I'm joking" he threw his hands up.

"Your coffees" Ellis spoke up, entering the office
Oh god. Coffee from Ellis
"Thanks" Casper said
"Thank you" Eros said

"Has Viviana been up here yet?" I asked instead as he placed my coffee down
"Yes, she gathered her things this morning whilst you were in your meeting" he said as I drank my coffee

Expecting an awful taste
But it was... right. Perfect even
"How did you do this right? You never do it right?" I asked

"Miss Romero taught me" he said professionally
"Is Viviana still here?" I asked unprofessionally

"Uh... no. She said she had to catch her flight" he explained
She's gone?
"She left?" Eros asked

"I'm afraid so. Sorry" he muttered, heading for the door
"But for the record... sir. She waited an hour for you. She really wanted to say goodbye" he said, leaving

She's gone.
"She just left?" Casper asked confused
She's gone.
"Lucian you can't just let her go" Eros spoke up
She's gone.

"Lucian" Eros said louder
I stood up, ignoring them as I left the room.

I left my coat
My friends
My office
My work.

I left it all
And drove to the airport.

• Viviana •

Saying goodbye to my roommates was harder than I thought
I didn't think I'd ever see a man as big and stubborn as Archer cry
But I fully expected the tears from Camilla and Kat as they dramatically bid me goodbye

And now. Now I sat at the airport waiting for my flight
With dad.
And I just felt... empty
Empty and useless

Because I was going home. Where I could do nothing
Where I am nothing.
And leaving without talking to Lucian just felt wrong

Like unfinished business
And Lucian hates unfinished business
"I'm just going to grab a drink" dad said, leaving me in a practically empty waiting area
Empty like my chest
That hurt.

I pulled my phone out, thumbs hovering as I contemplated what I was doing
But what is there left to lose?
I'm leaving
I won't see most of them ever again.

"This is Lucian Aldridge's phone. Please leave a message"
I heard my own voice echo back to me

"Hi... I... I don't know what you're doing that you wouldn't pick up, maybe you're still in a meeting. I just... I need to say goodbye, or else I'll regret it and overthink it and it'll just turn into something... heartbreaking in my head. Because I really wished I could have said goodbye. I... I wish we could have talked" I said, feeling tears prick my eyes

"So... I'm going to talk. And you can listen or delete it, or even forget about me... but... I don't regret last night. And I... I know I'm difficult some times, I know you like things perfect, I know that sometimes you're a total nightmare and I can't stand you. But... you do something to me Lucian. You... you do something to me even when I'm frustrated or angry or hurt or happy. And I don't think I've ever been in love with anyone before, I don't even know what that would begin to feel like but you... the last few years with you have been so good... and at other times so bad" I chuckled sadly

"But that's the point. Working for you makes me feel things, it helped me to live a life far more interesting than I was at home. And I'm so thankful to you for that. I... I think I'll really miss you" I smiled

Before I clocked my dad walking back towards me
"I need to go but... I'm glad we blurred those lines. I'm glad last night happened. And I'll miss you... Mr Alderidge" I smiled, before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Dad asked
"Kat" I brushed off
"Are you alright? You look upset" he asked
"I just hate goodbyes" I dismissed.

• Lucian •

I rushed towards the front desk, frantically looking around at people trying to find her
"Yes sir how can I help?" A lady asked behind the counter
"The flight to Italy" I let out, trying to catch my breath

"Yes the 3.30 flight" she smiled
"Yeah, where is it?" I asked
"I'm afraid it took off ten minutes ago sir" she said

"Fuck" I cursed
Fuck. What do I do?
I pulled my phone out, seeing missed calls and texts
But her name stood out amongst the rest
A voicemail

She left me a voicemail
I sat down on an empty seat. Pressing play.

And I listened to her pour her heart out
And say every thing I was feeling too.
This unexplainable emotion. Never knowing love and yet she had been my life for six years without me ever realising it.

I'm glad last night happened
And I'll miss you... Mr Alderidge

And just like that, her voice was gone.
I rang Ellis
"Yes sir-"
"Call my pilot. Get my plane ready" I ordered instead

• Viviana •

"Happy to be home?" Dad asked, as we stepped off the plane
The heat was definitely a plus
It was heat I hadn't felt in so long
It was so cold in America.

"Yeah" I said simply
To the next few months of... waiting.
For something to happen
"Ecco la mia farfalla" my grandfather called as we came out of the doors

'There's my butterfly'

He was sat in a wheelchair
With my brother stood beside him
I smiled at them.

"Yeah, flying home to the nest" dad joked
"I don't know why. I don't need around the clock care. I'm perfectly able to look after myself. And if I die then I die" grandfather grumbled to himself
"Eh, none of that" dad warned

"Let's get home eh?" My brother said
"It's good to see you" he said simply
"It's good to see you too" I said honestly

I took four steps before that voice stopped me
That voice that had stopped and started me for years
That had commanded me and in the past few weeks... begged me
And once again it stopped me in my tracks

And made my heart drop in shock
I turned around, seeing Lucian Alderidge push his way though a crowd
"What the fuck is he doing here?" My dad said

"Who is that?" My brother asked
I dropped my bag, meeting him halfway
"What are you doing he-"
He cut me off. With a kiss
A hard kiss as he held me close

"I don't want you to leave" he said
"I should have said that sooner. I should have fought your contract harder. I shouldn't have let you get on that fucking plane" he said

"I don't want you to leave me. I need you too much" he said
"I... I've trained Ellis-"
"No. I need you because I feel something for you that I haven't ever felt. Something I can't explain and something I tried to dismiss within myself for... years. I listened to your voicemail" he said

"I... I left that thinking I wouldn't see you again" I muttered embarrassed
He shook his head
"I have to see you again. If you stay here or if you come back, either way I need to see you Viviana. You're too important to me. I... I don't know what it feels like to love someone but you live in my head all the time. And I can't think of anything and I can't do anything. All I think about is you" he admitted

He felt the same way...
I smiled, kissing him back slowly
"It wouldn't work" I whispered against his lips
"I live here now" I said
"I'll make it work. I'll make it work because I can't give this up. I can't give you up" he said

"Vivi! Come on, we're going!" Dad called
"You go... I'll meet you back at the house" I called over my shoulder
"No, come h-"

"Stai zitto ragazzo, lasciala vivere, Dio sa che non me lo permetterai" grandad scolded dad
'Hush boy, let her live, god knows you won't let me'

Lucian looked at me confused
So I leant up, kissing him gently
Before his hands gripped my waist and he kissed me back.

"Come on... you can get me a coffee and tell me this plan" I teased, beginning to walk away
He caught up with me and we fell into step together
"Bossing me around now?" He asked
"Only if you don't impress me" I smiled

Before I felt his hand slowly entwine with mine.

A series two will be coming but for now, that was series one! I hope you all enjoyed and I can't wait to see you all in the next series in a few weeks! I would love to know what you all thought so please leave comments and advice below!
Thank you.

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