7| I can't

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I can't

"I don't know why I had to fall in love with someone who's more stubborn than I am"

• Viviana •

Today was a new day 
That's all I had to keep telling myself
It was the only thing keeping these haunting thoughts at bay
The thoughts of nearly kissing my own boss
How embarrassing

• Viviana's Outfit •

"You're early" Ellis commented, joining me in the elevator
"As are you" I pointed out
I wanted to be here in order to speak to Lucian
To gage whether he was going to be normal with me or downright dismissive

But if Ellis was also here early then there wasn't much chance of that happening
"Better to be early than late" he said
"You don't have to try so hard Ellis" I chuckled
"You already have the job" I assured him

"Yes, but I want to keep the job" he explained
I smiled at him
"Well then, stay behind at the end of the day, I think it's time I let you in on the secret" I said, as the doors opened
"What secret?" He asked as I walked to the desk
"End of the day Ellis" I said

He followed me, waiting for the instructions of the day
"Here" I said, placing the coffees down
"Me?" He asked
"Well you'll be doing it every morning when I leave Ellis, might as well start now" I chuckled.

He shifted nervously in place for a moment, before he picked the coffees up and headed to Lucian's door
He had Eros in this morning
Casper was due at one to discuss tomorrows court hearing
Other than that it would be a relatively quiet day, hopefully I won't have to have too many interactions with him.

"You fucking idiot" Lucian said loudly
I sighed, heading into his office to see coffee all over the desk
"I'm so sorry sir" Ellis apologised
"No it was my fault" Eros said, who had jumped up to begin saving papers
"Oh god" I let out, rushing back onto the floor to retrieve a towel from the office kitchen

"Just get out!" Lucian shouted at him by the time I got back
Ellis gave me a look on the way out, one that told me he was second guessing this job
I quickly began soaking up the coffee, grabbing papers from the desk

"I'll get these reprinted" I said, trying to find a solution
"Thank you Vivian" Eros said
"Why weren't you doing your job?" Lucian snapped
"Excuse me?" I asked

"It may have escaped your notice Miss Romero but you still work here!" He said angrily
"Yes. And I am training your new employee" I defended with an equal tone
"A fucking incompetent one it seems!" He said loudly

I took a breath, waiting for him to calm down
"I'll go and reprint them, would you like another coffee Mr Hawethorne?" I asked, ignoring Lucian
"No, no it's alright Vivian, thank you" he said
I nodded, heading out of the office

"Is he angry?" Ellis asked
"He's always angry, he just looks for excuses to be" I said, dumping some papers into the bin
I sat down at the desk beside him in defeat, trying to find the files to reprint
"How do you do it?" He asked

"Do what?" I asked, slightly distracted
"Not crumble. Under his anger" he explained
I looked at him, he really didn't understand the man did he?
"Lucian is a highly intelligent businessman. But temper wise he is a child. And he only wants a rise out of his opponent" I said

"If you remain calm and fix the problem, he soon calms down" I went on
"That easy huh?" He smiled sadly
"You'll get used to it Ellis, he's... complicated. And yet so simple" I said.

"He's scary" he chuckled
"And you seem to be the only person he doesn't shout at" he said
"Did you not hear him in there?" I chuckled
He shouted plenty
"Yes but it's different, I can't explain it you just... get him" he said.

I pressed print, giving him my full attention as the printer began to work
"Look just... make it through the day eh? And I'll explain everything after work" I said. He nodded, turning back to the computer
"What can I do then?" He asked
"Arrange a car for Mr Rhodes, book a restaurant for lunch for him and Lucian. I'll take these in" I said, gathering the new papers up.

Guess I'll be seeing Lucian a lot more today than I planned
I think if I sent Ellis back in he really would crumble, or even worse... quit.

"So, what's the secret?" Ellis asked
I glanced into Lucian's office, who was busy talking to Casper, papers scattered over their desk as they prepared for tomorrow.
I didn't need him seeing the binder

I opened the bottom drawer, and pulled out my thick blue blinder, before handing it to Ellis
"What's this?" He asked, opening it
"It's a... guide of sorts. When Lucian asked me to look for the new candidates, I knew it would be a challenge to actually get one to stay, but you seem to be doing alright" I said, receiving a look that made me cave.

"Well you're doing better than most would. So I made this" I said, as he began to read over it
"This is... this is all about Lucian" he said
I nodded
There were so many little things about Lucian that he needed to know
That he needed to remember

So I made the binder
There was preferences, coffee and restaurants, lunches and takeaways for late night working
Occasions such as office events and birthdays, family occasions and gift buying
I wrote down all his contacts and the history between them.

Every court case that was still in progress or set to recommence
I made a section about the office, who he did and didn't want in his room. How things should be laid out and what flowers to buy for his office even thought he insists he hates them. They have to be specific

The cleaning company and liquor he keeps
His address and medical information
Lucian was someone you needed to know down to a tee
He really was like a child in a sense, someone who needed your constant attention. Someone who would ring you in the dead of night or order you to pick someone up

He would throw fits over how things weren't to his liking and how 'it doesn't matter' but would shockingly affect his whole mood for the day.

"This is Lucian's life" he said, reading through
"Yes well... like I've said before, he likes things specific" I said
"I know Viv but... fucking hell" he said
"What are you doing?" Casper asked, standing beside our desk
"Nothing" we both said in unison, Ellis slamming the binder shut.

"Okay, do you have the witness statement from Miss Darcy?" He asked warily
"Yeah" I said, fumbling to find it
That would have been embarrassing

I was finally able to go home after Lucian demanded just about everything else from me through Casper
He barely spoke to me all day after his outburst over the coffee
Which I was grateful for
Because I didn't want to speak to him.

And now, I was able to relax on the sofa
With no one to bother me
Kat and Camilla were away for their anniversary
Archer was on a night shift
So I actually had some space and privacy for the night

For all of about... 4 minutes
"Viv, are you busy?" Archer asked
"Trying to be" I said
"Why?" I asked
He stood looking panicked as Alyssa followed him in with a bag

"Jennifer turned up at the gym, dropped her off and left, I can't call into work now, I'm supposed to be there in twenty minutes" he explained, clearly stressed
I knew what he was asking
He just didn't want to say the words
I smiled at Alyssa
"So I guess it's just you and me tonight kid" I said

Archer blew out a breath, mouthing thank you over her head
"I'll be back around five, maybe six, just put her to bed at eight and I'll get her up for school" he said, grabbing his coat.

"Find a film eh" I suggested, leaving her on the sofa as I followed Archer to the door
"What happened this time?" I asked quietly
He shrugged
"She just turned up, I don't even know how she knew where I was, Alyssa had a bag packed and Jennifer just said she had plans" he explained

Plans? Yeah right. She already swanned off on a trip and dumped Alyssa here
"Honestly Viv, you're a lifesaver, thank you so much" he said, before heading out the door
Yeah... life saver
Spending my evening with a ten year old.

"Good night" I said quietly, closing the door
She mumbled a sleepy goodnight, snuggled up in Archer's bed

I headed back into the living room, ready to relax alone before my phone rang
Can't I catch a break?

"Hello?" I said
"I need you in. Now" Lucian said simply
"What?" I said, before I even thought of what to say
He needs me in the office now?
"How soon can you get here?" He asked
"Uh... I- I can't" I said, glancing at Archer's closed door

"What?" He snapped.

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