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It has been about a week and a half since i moved out of my house for college. Different experiences for sure.

Just to sum up things...i went through ups and downs...realizing how a car would be nice...and responsibilities are up and front with you and you have to talk to people. I also learn why people go insane/depress if they dont have people around them and having no human interactions for days...i also learn that landlords can never get your name right unless they like you...

It's life

Then the college kids...some people say it is better than high school...i agree and disagree.

Agree side is because since there are more people you can find your kind of people. So that is nice. I meet some nerds and so cool beans. You also take what you want to take. You can make your own schedule and nobody will judge you.

Disgree is because it is a battle field. Around this age people are searching for the one. I notice this, as a girl, that with girl groups they see you as competition. You are a freshman that is new and young while the other girls been here for a whike and getting older. So they are VERY protective over their male friends. Like as example i looked over at this one boy, thinking he is cute but i didn't say anything. The girls in his group gave me death glares. kidding.

Also everyone has their groups, as always, and they rarely let newbies come in because we are competitions. It is a freaky battle ground.

So going off on how everyone is looking for a mate...they are on the hunt.

Me...i am still 17 and a girl...and not looking for any guy right now. I turn 18 soon but still dont want a guy right now. I mean...LET ME ENJOY LIFE FOR A BIT BEFORE I SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE FOR THE RESTNOF MY LIFE. Plus i want someone cute and my type too and they won't be the first guy i see.

Now...this is a real battle feild...and I am stuck in it. A guy who we will call Bob (not his real name), is...on the hunt and found me. He is about 20 years old maybe 21 and he is on his flirting game. On the first week we meet he tried to take me out to the movies...second week...he tried laying his head on me. Now...there was this fun activity tonight and he asked if i was going. I saidni wasnt because i wasnt feeling well, which is true. Then he keep saying, want me to bring you chicken soup? Anything? Just please let me know if you need anything. Ill be right over.

Oh dear heavens help me....

I keep telling him, uhhhhhh back off...i am 17...not looking for someone now...and he isnt so cute and reminds me of a high school classmate that wasnt the best likeable person.

Yet he thinks he has a shot as he keep complementing me like my coolness bar is always rising. I am like a queen. And so on...

So what i learn with life....

Be responsible, be smart, and be careful...

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